Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 209 - Family Meeting (Part Eleven)

Chapter 209: Family Meeting (Part Eleven)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“There is still some more.” Ling Xiaoyi subtly threw a glance a Hong Anbao who was sitting at the side, as she smiled and said, “What I’m going to report shortly is an estate related to the housing estate that Young Master Anbao had mentioned.”

“Oh, okay, say it.” Hong Tu smiled and said, “The current market for housing estate is not very optimistic, will there be a surprise?”

“There should be.” Ling Xiaoyi smiled and said, “Young Master had purchased a total of 24 million worth of estates, which includes a cybercafe, a billiard parlor, three hotels, two motels, as well as 48 residences.

“Currently, the yearly profit of the cybercafe amounts to approximately 420,000. The yearly profit of the billiard parlor amounts to 310,000. Business is currently rather good for the three hotels, and the yearly profit totals to 2.58 million, the motels amounts to 1.23 million, and the yearly profit from the residences are currently unknown.”

Upon hearing Ling Xiaoyi’s words, Hong Tu’s expression was quite complicated. It seemed to be mixed with surprise, happiness, helplessness, and bewilderment. In conclusion, his expression seemed very strange. “Well… 24 million worth of investments, this earning… can only be considered mediocre.” He had originally intended to say that it was “a little low.” However, upon thinking again, it was already rather well done for those projects to earn such profits. Thus, he decisively changed what he originally wanted to say, and only put it across as being mediocre.

Hong Anbao, on the other hand, let out a smirk. Just this project alone already had 30 million worth of capitalized cost, plus that Chenhui Building which cost 50 million, these would instantly pull down the huge profits from those projects. I’ll see what you can still do with that!

The descendants below had also actively engaged in discussions, as they said, “Seems like Dali can only do okay in those frivolous startups, but when it comes to purchasing estates… heh heh.” “How would someone always be so lucky? What happened before this had almost scared me to death.” “But even if there were these two projects at the losing end, his placing still isn’t too low. Seems like Young Master Anbao will be crushed.” “By then, he will only be able to call himself unlucky, what else can he do?”

Upon hearing the discussions around her, Ling Xiaoyi was instead completely unperturbed, as she smiled and spoke again, “At the moment, the earnings from these projects may not seem to be high. However…” She glanced at Hong Anbao again with an amused look. “Before Young Master took over, when those estates were still in Young Master Anbao’s hands, the total yearly profit earned was approximately… one million.”

Upon hearing Ling Xiaoyi’s words, Hong Anbao’s face turned instantly pale.

He had never even imagined that Ling Xiaoyi would actually be able to calculate that.

The same thing, when in Hong Anbao’s hands, achieved a yearly profit of one million.

After it went into Hong Dali’s hands, the yearly profit became 4.5 million. A total increase of 3.5 times the original amount, which could only prove that Hong Dali was more capable that Hong Anbao. And the difference in ability was not a small one.

However, everyone just had to constantly call Hong Dali a prodigal.

By now, all those present had completely been overshadowed by that prodigal Hong Dali, without a chance to even turn things around.

The gap was just too wide.

That was such a loud smack on their faces this time.

Even Hong Tu breathed in deeply. It seemed like Ling Xiaoyi had been quite well prepared today. She lived up to the title as Hong Dali’s Number One lackey. Though as a female she looked small and weak, in actuality, her ability was really horrifying. She could remember all the things Hong Dali started up so clearly without even having to look at her script at all… Just this alone already proved her ability.

This time, it was silent for quite a long while before Hong Anbao jumped up and loudly exclaimed. “Not right! That’s not right!”

“What is not right?” Hong Tu softy sighed, this Hong Anbao had really disappointed him too much. What he was disappointed in was not Hong Anbao’s ability, but rather his character. “Could it be that you actually suspect the accuracy of Miss Xiaoyi’s report?”

“No, Old Elder.” This time, Hong Jianye, who had been sitting at a corner below, finally stood up and solemnly said, “I’d agree with its accuracy if it were solely based on the money earned by these projects. However, Old Elder, I urge you not to forget that because of him, Weiguo bought a huge amount of land and estates at the West Fourth Loop almost without even thinking twice, and it cost him a full 950 million! 950 million! How generous an amount is that?!”

Afterward, Hong Jianye walked up and, staring at Ling Xiaoyi from afar, solemnly continued, “Miss Xiaoyi, would you dare talk about the profits earned from these estates that cost 950 million?”

“I’m not sure as well about the exact amount of earnings.” Ling Xiaoyi maintained a polite smile. “You’re referring to those pieces of land at Fengyuan Lake, Tianjing Mountain, and the West Fourth Loop, right?”

“That’s right, seems like you know very well about them.” Hong Jianye gleefully said.

Hong Jianye was obviously acting in the way of the big bullying the small. Even the Second Elder couldn’t stand it anymore, as he berated. “Jianye, those can be seen as investments by Weiguo, how can you pin them onto Dali?!”

“But Second Elder,” Hong Jianye slowly replied. “The problem lies in how Dali was the reason for this portion of Weiguo’s investment, am I right?” He gleefully opened his arms as he smiled and said, “If my Anbao was the reason that caused me to fork out money for investments, Anbao should be responsible for it too. After all, it can’t be said that everything that brings in money belongs to Dali, while everything that suffers losses is that of Weiguo’s, right?”

“The exact transaction of the purchase of that portion of land was done by Old Master’s side, I’m not sure about that.” Ling Xiaoyi didn’t give in as she stared into Hong Jianye’s eyes, smiled, and said, “However, what Sir has just mentioned is also reasonable. Since the whole thing started because of Young Master, naturally, it should be counted as his responsibility as well. However…” Ling Xiaoyi paused for a while and then continued, “perhaps there are other areas that can offset this portion of the investment.”

“What?” Hong Jianye roared with laughter. “950 million worth of investments, what can Dali depend on to offset such a huge amount? Why don’t you explain that to me?”

Upon hearing what Hong Jianye had said, everyone present started to listen intently. They wanted very much to know, too, what was it exactly that could offset such an astronomical amount of investment.

“It’s very simple, actually.” Ling Xiaoyi smiled and said, “The concert held by Young Master made Miss Li Nianwei famous, and afterward, she quickly shot to fame. The number of people searching for her information also increased. Additionally, the explosive fame enjoyed by Unexpectedly! and I Am a Singer resulted in an increase in the online usage of Sangle’s search engines by eight percentage points, and Sangle’s shares have increased by 7% in value as a result too.

“The current estimated market value of Sangle’s search engine is approximately 20 billion and above, which increased by seven percentage points. Thus, the total estate value can be said to have increased by 1.4 billion almost overnight.”

Ling Xiaoyi was smiling like a demon at this point. “Can this portion, then, offset that 950 million worth of investment now?”

“That…” Hong Jianye was tongue-tied. Hong Anbao sat heavily onto his seat like a defeated rooster.

Upon finishing everything she had to say, Ling Xiaoyi bowed slowly towards the platform, smiled and said, “I have finished my report.”

Soon after, she turned and left.

When she had reached the door, Ling Xiaoyi turned her head back and looked at those descendants around her, as she gently left a sentence behind.

“Not everyone has the right to be Young Master’s lackey.”

Right after that, she strode away with her head held high.

Everyone present was suffocated by what she said and was completely silent.

All those people who had previously mocked Ling Xiaoyi literally had their faces smacked till they were swollen.

Hong Dali, who lay at the extreme corner, turned his body around and continued sleeping. “Hu… Hu….”

At this point, the descendants below were already too shocked to even know what to say.

Mightily and easily making Sangle’s shares increase by seven percentage points, that was something they didn’t even dare to dream of.

However, it had really happened in front of their eyes now.

It was strange yet reasonable at the same time.

Hong Jianye’s face turned white, while Hong Anbao’s face was as pale as dying embers.

Now, even if they plotted something else, it was already impossible to change the big picture.

Mu Yuxi gently sighed. Seems her first place was lost. However, she didn’t really feel depressed. After all, she had quite a bit of emotional ties with Hong Dali, and moreover, there was not much difference between the 100 million capital for first place and 80 million for second place.

Hong Anjin, who was supposed to be second place, couldn’t help but shake his head. Now that Hong Dali had attained such clout, he had no way to turn things around.

The most tragic of all was Hong Anbao.

He saw 30 million worth of startup funds just fly away before his eyes, and he was powerless to even grab it back.

Moreover, he had no choice now too.

That feeling of defeat almost made him crazy yet helpless at the same time.

The three elders on the platform, Hong Tu, Hong Wei and Hong Ying, too, did not know what to say. Today, Hong Dali had given them too big a surprise. Previously, they had always thought that Hong Dali was no more than a small prodigal who knew how to waste money. However, looking at it now, perhaps this title should be slightly changed.

Hong Tu felt that it was more appropriate to call him a “big prodigal who was extremely adept at wasting money.”

Of course, this time it was probably not in a bad way.

There was dead silence for quite some time in the entire conference room before someone finally entered and gently reminded Hong Tu. Hong Tu then coughed heavily to gather everyone’s thoughts back to the business at hand. “Alright, everyone, gather back your emotions, it’s time to watch the news broadcast.”

Upon hearing Hong Tu’s words, everyone present violently shook their heads to keep all the raging emotions away.

In the Hong Family, there was an unwritten rule that it was compulsory to watch the news broadcast every evening at 7:00 PM in order to grasp information on the new policies.

Outside of the Hong Family state, this rule may not be so effective. However, in the Hong Family estate, it was definitely unacceptable for any mistakes to happen.

The liquid crystal television that occupied the whole side of the wall in the big conference room was switched on, and the screen immediately showed two news presenters.

Then, shortly after the introductory message was broadcasted, everyone present broke down entirely.

“Today’s date is June 16, 2014, Wednesday. We will be introducing the main contents of today’s program. The main content of this program are, first, the development plans regarding the West Fourth Loop in Tianjing City by the country. Second, the grand hosting of the national big conference in Tianjing City…”

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