Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 – How to Avoid the Wind (1)

Hwang Cheong[1], the leader of the Western Blade Sect[2], was more tense than ever as he entered the corridor leading to the guest room.

The person he was scheduled to meet today in this guest room of the Yang Minor Faction was none other than Ma Jeongsu. Ma Jeongsu had sent someone to secretly request a meeting.

The Western Blade Sect ranked sixth in Shandong. Of course, Hwang Cheong had attended the previous gathering. He was also one of the leaders who were quite displeased with Ma Jeongsu’s recent behavior.

This was how he viewed Ma Jeongsu:

A brat trying to borrow the tiger’s might[3] by riding on his father’s influence.

‘Such a green youngster!’

But he couldn’t show such feelings at all. The Heavenly Blade Sect alone was an entity he couldn’t handle, and now Ma Jeongsu had even become the bloodline of the Martial Righteous Alliance Leader.

Guided by a servant, he entered the appointed guest room.

Ma Jeongsu was waiting alone, drinking alcohol. He stood up to greet Hwang Cheong.

“Oh! Welcome, Sect Leader Hwang.”

“Master Ma, I’m glad you called for me.”

Although Ma Jeongsu was far too young and lacking in fame to be called ‘Master’, it couldn’t be helped.

Unexpectedly, Ma Jeongsu waved his hand and said, “Master? That’s too much. Please treat me as your junior.”

“Haha, that’s not possible.”

“No, when you killed the Red-haired Demon, I wasn’t even born yet. Please feel free to treat me casually.”

Hwang Cheong was surprised by those words.

“You know about me killing the Red-haired Demon[4]?”

It was an incident from thirty years ago, during his youth. At that time, an evil sect master with red hair was causing trouble around Shandong. In his youthful vigor, he had boldly stepped forward and killed the man after a thousand exchanges.

“Yes, I know about it.”

Ma Jeongsu knew the details about it.

“I heard the story from my uncle long ago and have held you in high esteem since then.”

“When you say uncle…”

“He’s known as the Thunder Striker[5] in the martial world.”

“Oh! You mean Master Ma Chunghyeon[6], the Thunder Striker? I’m well aware of Master Ma’s great reputation.”

The Thunder Striker, Ma Chunghyeon, was a very famous expert in the Heavenly Blade Sect. He was undoubtedly one of the top five experts within the Heavenly Blade Sect.

“Did he know about me?”

“Yes, he definitely knew about you, and he even taught me that I should become an excellent person like Sect Leader Hwang.”


Hwang Cheong was secretly pleased. Although it was impossible to verify whether it was true or not, Ma Jeongsu knew about an incident that had occurred before he was even born. Moreover, given the mention of the Thunder Striker, it didn’t seem like a made-up story. While half in doubt, he wanted to believe it.

“Among all the people I wanted to meet personally when I came down to Shandong this time, Sect Leader Hwang was at the top of my list.”

“Ah, is that so?”

Although he felt these words might be intentional, they were too sweet. Wouldn’t this soft approach be better than a stiff and arrogant attitude anyway?

It didn’t seem like he was just trying to make a good impression by saying nice things. There was no reason for him to do so, and could Ma Jeongsu, who was barely twenty-five, act so naturally?

“Here, please accept my drink.”

Ma Jeongsu poured the drink with a respectful attitude. The bad first impression from the other day had already changed for the better.

“Thank you for the money you sent last time.”

“It was only right to help you. Rather, I received the precious gift you sent well.”

“Of course, I should return it. If my father finds out, I’ll be in big trouble.”

After Ma Chunghyeon, this time Ma Bonggi was mentioned. Although it came out naturally, Hwang Cheong felt inwardly intimidated and couldn’t help but be influenced by it.

“I’m planning to do several things in the future. Please help me a bit.”

“Our sect will help with all sincerity.”

“To be honest, I’m thinking of joining hands with only a few sects in Shandong. If too many sects get involved, it will only lead to gossip.”

Hwang Cheong could tell that he was one of those sects.

“Thank you for taking care of me to this extent.”

Because the first impression had been so bad, this kindness felt even greater.

“Please don’t forget. You are the person I respect the most, Sect Leader Hwang.”

“You’re too kind.”

The two clinked their cups.

After half an hour of drinking, Hwang Cheong left. His feelings were quite different when he left compared to when he entered.

Ma Jeongsu, who was left alone finishing the alcohol, had also changed. That cold, settled face was completely different from when Hwang Cheong was present.

The door opened, and Flower Fan Elder and Si Gon entered.

Flower Fan Elder smiled and said, “You did well.”

Ma Jeongsu twisted his lips in a mocking smile.

“Dealing with these country bumpkins is as easy as eating cold porridge.”

“Still, you shouldn’t let your guard down.”

“Don’t worry. I never let my guard down.”

Flower Fan Elder was about to say something but stopped. A person who truly never lets their guard down would never use the phrase ‘let my guard down’.

But he thought there was no need to nag when things were going well.

“Everything is progressing smoothly, so it’s time to move on to the next stage.”

At that, Ma Jeongsu’s eyes sparkled.

“I’ll finally be able to see her. I hear she’s called the most beautiful woman in Shandong.”

Flower Fan Elder made a slightly uncomfortable expression.

“You could ruin everything because of a mere woman.”

Blood doesn’t lie; Ma Jeongsu, like his father, was a man of great lust.

“It’s not just any woman, but the most beautiful one in Shandong, isn’t it?”

“Please don’t take my words lightly.”

Flower Fan Elder glanced at Si Gon. It was a look asking him to add a word, but Si Gon stood silently, pretending not to see or hear.

“Leave the woman issue to me, and just send out the invitations to each faction.”


“By the way, where is our mysterious woman?”

“I saw her outside earlier.”

Ma Jeongsu walked to the window. The woman visible in the distance was the same one who had entered the main hall with Ma Jeongsu at the previous gathering.

She was standing in the back garden, looking down at the pond.

“Have you found out anything about that woman?”

“Not yet.”

“Damn it.”

She was a woman his father had sent along when he came down this time. He didn’t even explain whether she was sent to monitor him or to help him.

He had tried to find out about her secretly on his own, but it wasn’t easy.

Ma Jeongsu muttered while looking at her.

“Where the hell did you come from, woman?”


I returned home for now.

There was no point in wandering around the Yang Minor Faction and potentially running into them without a plan in place.

Moreover, I was wearing the human skin mask. Although it was a high-grade mask and they probably wouldn’t recognize me, it was still better to be cautious.

I participated in the training of the Sword Division members, and I also devoted myself to practice. The more troubled you are, the more you need to focus and work hard.

What any situation demands is not worry, but a solution.

Because I acted as usual, no one noticed, but there was one exception.

“Young Master, do you have something on your mind?”

Gwangdu sensed my psychological state like a ghost.

“I’ve found someone I want to kill.”


Startled, Gwangdu cautiously asked.

“Who is this poor fellow?”

“He’s about twenty-five years old, and he’s protected by some formidable experts.”

At that, Gwangdu flinched in surprise.

“Could it be… me?”

I chuckled, and Gwangdu laughed along. His effort to lighten my mood even for a moment was admirable.

“How are things going with Do Soon?”


Gwangdu sighed. It seemed things weren’t going well.

“I mustered up the courage to ask her out for tea at Daru establishment on her day off.”


“She said she’s too busy these days.”

“I see.”

“Actually, no matter how busy she is, if she liked me, she could make time for a cup of tea, right? Right?”

I nodded firmly, and Gwangdu pouted.

“Aren’t you agreeing too easily? At times like this, you should say something like ‘She might really be busy’ or ‘Maybe she was too shy and that’s why she refused.’”

“No. Whether it’s a man or a woman, if they like someone, they always make time. You wouldn’t see her if you were busy?”

Gwangdu’s face fell.

“That’s how it is, right?”

“I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.”

“Hmph! I’ll get my revenge. I’ll improve my martial arts, make a lot of money. I’ll become so successful that she’ll kneel before me and beg for forgiveness. She’ll say, ‘Please forgive me.’ And I’ll snort and say, ‘It’s too late, get lost!’”

When I didn’t react, Gwangdu asked.

“Why aren’t you saying anything? Don’t you find it satisfying?”

After a moment, I said.

“It would be satisfying… to see the woman you truly loved crying and regretting.”

Gwangdu quietly imagined the scene, then lowered his head.

“Sob! It’s sad and pitiful just thinking about it.”

“Yes, not everyone can take revenge. Gwangdu, they say first loves often don’t work out, right? Cheer up.”

I patted Gwangdu’s shoulder and turned away.

Belatedly, Gwangdu shouted.

“Ah, I told you this isn’t my first love! Really, it’s not! I’m a well-worn guy, you know!”


The next day, unexpected news arrived.

“Ma Jeongsu is hosting a banquet and inviting the young masters of the later generations. An invitation has come for you too.”

This bastard, he’s really pushing things relentlessly.

I could immediately grasp his intention.

What’s the biggest weakness of not only the leaders of various sects in Shandong but also people in general? It’s their children.

He’s also around the same age. If he can naturally mingle with the young masters of the later generations and win them over, it will be easier for him to manipulate Shandong in the future.

Now I could be certain. He didn’t come down here just to extort some money.

He came down to properly feast on Shandong.

The next moment, one person’s face came to mind.


Song Hwa-rin.

Would he not have heard the rumor that Song Hwa-rin had returned and was being called the most beautiful woman in Shandong?

Even if he hasn’t seen her yet, would he just let it be when he does?

Blood doesn’t lie, and there was a possibility that he might be a womanizer like his father. If he grew up following what he saw, it was more than likely.

Even if that’s not the case, he might have the audacious thought of offering Song Hwa-rin to his father.

Because he’s been pushed aside in the succession line, he might try anything to become the successor.

The guy I saw that day was capable of both possibilities.

Considering my relationship with Song Woo-gyeong and his daughter, I absolutely couldn’t let Song Hwa-rin fall into such a dirty situation.

How do I handle this?


Song Hwa-rin was dreaming of that day.

The day when Byeok Ri-dan came drunk and caused trouble.

“Hah! You think that pretty face will last forever? You’ll get all wrinkled when you get old too. So stop acting so high and mighty.”

“Just go back!”

“No. I can’t leave like this.”

Byeok Ri-dan rushed towards her. As he tried to forcibly embrace her, Song Hwa-rin pushed him back. Staggering from the alcohol, he fell backwards.

“I said go back! Come back when you’re sober!”

“You pushed me? Fuck! You just pushed me?”

Byeok Ri-dan got up abruptly and charged again. This time, Song Hwa-rin didn’t push him but grabbed his collar. The smell of alcohol was terrible, and madness created by the alcohol flowed from his bloodshot eyes.

“Do you want those guys lurking outside to see you? Is that why you’re trying to send me away?”

“Nonsense! What do you take me for?”

Her grip on his collar tightened.

Byeok Ri-dan sneered and said.

“You think you can look down on me just because you learned some martial arts?”

She sighed and released his collar.

Byeok Ri-dan shouted again.

“You’re mine, you’ve been mine since you were in the womb!”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not yours!”

Byeok Ri-dan said with a suspicious look.

“Did you find someone else? Is that it? You bitch…”

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Unable to hold back, Song Hwa-rin’s fists flew in succession.

They were punches without inner force, but the drunk Byeok Ri-dan lost his balance and fell backwards.

This was where the events of that day ended.

Originally, Gwangdu would have rushed in and carried Byeok Ri-dan home on his back.

But today’s dream progressed differently from that day.

Byeok Ri-dan, lying on the floor, said.

“You think people never change?”

It was an incredibly calm voice.

Slowly rising to his feet, Byeok Ri-dan was no longer the Byeok Ri-dan from moments ago. With a composed gaze and calm tone, it was the recent Byeok Ri-dan.

“No, there’s nothing that changes as easily as people.”

The moment their eyes met with Byeok Ri-dan’s calm gaze.


With a short scream, Song Hwa-rin woke up from her sleep.

Her body was drenched in sweat.

From outside, the voice of her guard, Su-ran, was heard.

“Miss! Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

She got up from the bed and walked to a side table. She poured cold tea from the teapot and drank it.


She sighed and looked out the window. The day had already dawned.

“Um, I’m coming in.”

Without waiting for a response, Su-ran entered.


Su-ran asked with a worried expression.

“Did you have the same dream again today?”

Song Hwa-rin had been having recurring nightmares since she first returned.

“No, today was a different dream.”

“What kind of dream was it?”

Just like with the previous nightmares, Song Hwa-rin didn’t tell her about this one either.

“Don’t worry too much. It’s because I’ve relaxed after coming home after a long time.”

Song Hwa-rin always said the same thing.

Su-ran looked at Song Hwa-rin with concern. It didn’t make sense to have nightmares because of relaxation. Moreover, it had been almost six months since she returned home.

“Miss, why don’t we see a doctor?”

“I said I’m fine.”

Just then, a maid came to report.

“Young Master Byeok has come to visit.”

Song Hwa-rin was surprised.

“Young Master Byeok at this early hour? Has he come to see father?”

Then the maid conveyed unexpected words.

“No. He says he wants to see you quietly, Miss.”

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