Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 11: How Much Real

This news was personally passed on to Yu Lingxin by Shuangye. She was somewhat hesitant, but also very careful, “Eldest miss, the old madam let someone go check up twice. The Kou family has consecutively invited doctors for three to four days now, heard that yesterday, they even went to the Chang’de Count Manor to ask the count to request an imperial physician.”

“Imperial physician?” Yu Lingxin slightly furrowed her brows, “Did you hear specifically which imperial physician it was?”

Shuangye couldn’t help but blank. She didn’t expect that Yu Lingxin would ask this, pondering for a moment, “The specifics, this servant didn’t hear, but it’s neither Imperial Physician Zhang that our manor is familiar with, nor the most renowned Imperial Physician Chi. If eldest miss wants to know more, this servant will go inform the old madam right away, sending someone to go inquire.”

Yu Lingxin lightly waved her hand, “No hurry, let me think.”

After saying this, she slightly lowered her eyes again.

Qi-shi’s illness, exactly how much of it was real?

In the last lifetime, she lived with Qi-shi in the Jiang province Kou family residence for an entire five years. In her impression, Qi-shi’s body was very healthy, even very rarely having headaches. At most, it was just coughing a little. Yu Lingxin would also suspect whether or not quarreling and yelling would damage the throat.

At the time, it was instead the youthful and young her that needed to continuously take medicine pills to regulate her deficient qi and blood. That was originally something that she had started taking at ten. After arriving in Jiang province, she also took for about a year before stopping.

Afterwards, Yu Lingxin also figured, her being young, yet having weak blood, it was probably because of having pent-up depression, always not optimistic enough. And although Qi-shi was indeed irritable and very easily angered, but perhaps frequently making a racket like this, having the anger inside immediately vented out at all times, it thus won’t leave behind any ailments, not having pent-up anger damaging the body and such.

And that big ruckus at the Chang’de Count Manor the day before yesterday, perhaps can be considered Qi-shi’s rare defeat in recent years after causing a large-scale disturbance. Yu Lingxin was all too lazy to even imagine, that day, after returning to the Kou Manor alone with Kou Yuluo in the end, how furious she will be towards Lu mama and them, and how many plates and cups she will smash.

In terms of accumulated anger harming the body, that matter perhaps really can make Qi-shi be sullen for a few days.

But seeing how the news of Kou Xian’s assignment outside of the capital still hasn’t come down, it was also very possible that Qi-shi still hasn’t thoroughly given up yet, still wanting to kidnap her from the capital.

Suppose that this really is the case, then this illness perhaps was just a trap, baiting her to come visit.

“Eldest miss, don’t worry too much.” Seeing that Yu Lingxin was very quiet, not saying a word, Shuangye softly consoled, “Seeing how that time at Chang’de Count Manor, Madam Kou was very agile, her foundation should be fit. The old madam said, you also need to take care of your own body. If still a bit unwell after getting frightened a few days ago, the old madam will just order someone to send some supplements over, while informing the Kou family in passing, saying that you are also ill.”

Yu Lingxin pondered for a moment, “No worries. Since Madam Kou is sick, if I don’t go visit, it won’t be appropriate. Besides, I’m also really worried. Go reply to the old madam, this afternoon, I will just go over for a visit, asking whether or not the old madam can lend Wen mama to come with us. This way, if there’s any place that’s inattentive, Wen mama, who is experienced in handling affairs, presumably can help make up a little.”

Shuangye immediately understood Yu Lingxin’s meaning. That day, at Chang’de Count Manor, both Ganlu and her had a taste of the Kou family’s ‘battle power’. At the time, if not for the Wen’an Marquis heir passing by, asking a few words, resolving the situation, instead really continuing to wrangle with them for a while longer, then they certainly will suffer greatly.

Those first few slaps in the beginning ultimately was still because of catching them off guard, because not long after Qi-shi gave the order to grab them, Yu Lingxin had already softly instructed: “In a bit, if it gets physical, go for the face!”

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

Shuangye and Ganlu were both the type where their bodies were still considered pretty good normally, but they didn’t have any areas that really exceeded the strength of a normal person. It was merely when the other party wanted to push them aside, they immediately rushed to strike first.

Afterwards, when recalling, it was both absurd and funny, yet also having a bit of lingering fear. Now, to be visiting the Kou Manor, who knows whether Madam Kou, while bedridden, will be weak and gentle, or even more willful.

If they were to go for another round, then this time, then there won’t be anyone passing by that can help them. Eldest miss most likely also thought of this. Specially having Wen mama who was from the old madam’s side taken with them, presumably, it will be much more steady.

In just a cup of tea’s time after these words were passed back to Dongli Residence, not only was Wen mama prepared to come serve by Yu Lingxin’s side, she even brought along a little servant girl, Gancao, who appeared very healthy and lively, “Eldest miss, the old madam said that before, you very rarely went out, so the people by your side, when serving at home, it’s still appropriate. In the future, if you go out more, Gancao will be given to you to help run errands.”

Just looking at Gancao’s appearance, her face still carried a bit of baby fat, but her height was already almost the same as Shuangye. Her little face was rosy, her shoulders and wrists smooth and round, appearing to have power.

“Many thanks to grandmother.” Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but smile. She actually still remember Gancao. She was Wen mama’s adopted[1] daughter. Her father seemingly was a blacksmith. Just based on this appearance, she seemed like the type that won’t lose out when fighting with the women in the back manor. As such, this trip to the Kou Manor can also be considered thoroughly prepared.

Very soon, Yu Lingxin tidied herself up again before taking Wen mama, Shuangye, and the others onto the horse carriage, heading to the Kou Manor.

After entering the gate, they immediately saw Qi-shi’s other close serving servant, Li mama, coming out to welcome, “Eldest miss has finally come! These days, while sick, the madam has been constantly thinking of you!”

Compared to Lu mama, who had a stomach full of bad ideas, towards this Li mama, who was just a bit greedy for money, Yu Lingxin’s impression was a bit better. As they walked inward, Yu Lingxin asked about Qi-shi’s situation, how did she fall ill, what medicines she’s taking, what’s her situation like now, and so on.

Li mama answered one after another, seemingly sounding very normal.

To put it simply, it was just after returning from Chang’de Count Manor, she just started having a headache, and that night, she was just somewhat feverish. After resting for two days, it didn’t improve, and at present, her headache was increasingly severe, already resting in bed, the domestic affairs temporarily letting Lu mama and the concubine, Cuiju, help handle.

These things all sounded fine, not having any problems, but along the way, the servants were actually running back and forth, packing the luggage, as if about to move.

Wen mama and Shuangye both took note of it, while Yu Lingxin felt even more puzzled inside. Could it be that Qi-shi really was just sick and wanted to see her?

This clearly was packing things and preparing to leave the capital with Kou Xian. Since she didn’t hide from her, then perhaps Qi-shi really has given up on that thought?

However, these thoughts merely just flashed through her mind.

The Kou family’s manor was also small, so they very quickly just reached the main building of the rear court. Before even entering, they were just able to smell that strong and concentrated scent of bitter medicine. Outside the side wing of the courtyard, there were three stoves, one cooking porridge, two cooking medicine, with two little servant girls watching by the side.

Entering the room, the smell of medicine instead slightly diluted a little. Qi-shi was leaning against a pillow on the bed. Serving by her side was Lu mama, as well as the concubine, Cuiju, who after giving birth to a son, had her son recorded under Qi-shi’s name.

Seeing Yu Lingxin come in with Wen mama and Shuangye, Qi-shi strugglingly called someone to support her up, “Ling’er, just sit over there, don’t come over and get infected by mother’s illness.”

Her voice sure enough was much weaker than before, her two cheeks also somewhat thin, her face not wearing makeup, her temples pasted with herbal plaster, her entire person really appearing very wan and sallow.

Yu Lingxin complied and just sat down after greeting. Seeing Qi-shi like this, she still somewhat sympathized with her.

In this lifetime, she absolutely won’t leave the capital with Qi-shi, and also won’t use all her dowry and her life for the Kou family, but this didn’t mean that she just wished for Qi-shi to suffer more hardships, or actually fall ill from anger.

After all, Qi-shi was still her mother.

“Did the imperial physician come examine? Was any medicine prescribed?” Wen mama was someone by the old madam’s side. Coming over this time, although it was said as serving Yu Lingxin while out, she also represented the old madam in delivering gifts and sending a greeting. Qi-shi naturally ordered someone to prepare a seat.

Wen mama voluntarily gave her greeting and exchanged a few words.

“Sigh, it’s just the head aching, the chest also aching, all just some old ailments from the early years.” Qi-shi weakly said, turning her head, “No need to mention…….”

“This has been our madam’s ailment since childhood.” Lu mama quickly followed-up, “Normally, it doesn’t come up frequently, but when it acts up, it’s just a bit severe. The imperial physician came this morning, already prescribing the medicine. Said to wait a few days and see, but the madam’s heart sigh……….”

“Don’t mention it.” Qi-shi didn’t turn back, still facing the inside of the bed, her voice somewhat sorrowful, “Ling’er doesn’t understand my feelings.”

These words weren’t good to answer. Wen mama glanced at Yu Lingxin who was still calm and quiet, responding with a smile, “What are you saying, the eldest miss is the most sensible——–”

Qi-shi sighed again, “Ling’er naturally is sensible, just no matter how sensible, how can she completely understand what it’s like to be a mother. To not experience hardships, how can one speak of how high the heavens are? To not raise children, how can one know how deep the favor of parents?”

Speaking to this degree, it wasn’t good for Wen mama to say more, subconsciously looking to Yu Lingxin who hasn’t said a single word after greeting.

Yu Lingxin’s thoughts quickly spun, but on the surface, her delicate brows slightly lowered, her eyes also blinking, seemingly somewhat red, as if feeling emotionally moved.

“Madam, why don’t you talk with the eldest miss, didn’t eldest miss come already?” Cuiju urged as she went to support Qi-shi.

Qi-shi turned back around and slowly sat up a little, her eye sockets already red, “Ling’er, mother will be leaving the capital soon.”

Although along the way, she’d already seen the servants packing things, Yu Lingxin was still somewhat surprised that Qi-shi would directly say it, so her expression naturally just had a bit of genuine surprise.

Qi-shi continued, “Next month, my lord will be sent back to the Jiang province. I inevitably will have to follow along, and thus from here on, be separated from my child, oh the tall mountains and distant waters, not knowing when to meet again. Ling’er, stay with mother for a while longer and nicely talk, alright?”

That strange feeling in her heart once again bubbled up. There seemingly was something weird about how Qi-shi was speaking today. How come her wording and phrases feel so out of place, even having a strange antithesis[2] and rhyme.

What woes, what high heavens and deep favor, especially these last few words, although linking up, every word actually all had a rhyme?

How was this anything like how Qi-shi speaks normally! This was practically just a line from a play!

Thinking to here, Yu Lingxin suddenly came to realization. That Cuiju that has always been fawning by Qi-shi’s side, didn’t she precisely come from singing plays!

[1] In the sense of traditional adoption without the legalities and formalities. And usually said person will still have their own actual parents as well. In a way, Wen mama is sort of like her godmother.

[2] Two lines of poetry matching in sense and sound

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