Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 125: Waist Not Good

In terms of status and family background, the Chang’de Count Manor’s eldest di daughter, Qi Pei, and Yiyang Marquis Manor’s eldest di daughter, Wen Ruoqiong, their status was completely enough to become a prince’s main consort. Just, the Qi family and Wen family’s relationship with the Zhu family, in addition to these two families’ marriage ties with the Ming family and Xun family, it just made the results of the imperial selection this time appear particularly interesting. In fact, it can even be said as somewhat strange.

Especially Wen Ruoqiong becoming Wei Wangfei, this marriage bestowment really was completely outside of everyone’s expectations.

From all the signs and indications previously, regardless whether it’s the Wen family young ladies being close with Qi Pei, or the qingyun brocade that the empress bestowed down, it was all hinting at the empress trying to rope in the Qi family. But, since Qi Pei fell into the water, even extremely close to Wu Wang in the water, then this marriage bestowment was still somewhat reasonable.

But, Wen Ruoqiong didn’t fall into the water, then selecting her as Wei Wangfei, it can’t just be with the excuse that the amount of young ladies that fell into the water was an odd number, so added one more in order to divide evenly between the brothers?

Even though this kind of mocking explanation that took pleasure at another’s misfortune also existed, but after laughing, those that understood still understood. Li Consort was completely putting on the stance of lowering her head towards the empress, using her own son’s marriage to prove her submission. Although this marriage, in reality, was merely just a temporary ruse, but in Xuan Emperor’s eyes, it was just full of sincerity.

“Just let them mess around however they want. There will be much more excitement later.” Cheng Yanling unconcernedly smiled, her eyes sweeping towards Ming Yunji and Ming Jincheng’s side in the distance again. Shortly after, she turned back towards Yu Lingxin and Ming Jinrou again, saying with a sigh, “In the past, when I was in the Chen province, I’d also heard quite a bit about the matters in the capital. Just, this time, to actually witness marriage through falling in the water, it still feels very absurd. It’s merely just falling into the water together.”

“Probably just trying to save the trouble.” The expression on Ming Jinrou’s face was even more indifferent, and after saying this, she just lowered her eyes.

Because Qin Wang was the eldest son, his wedding date should just be in front of Wu Wang’s and Wei Wang’s, especially given the fact that Wu Wang’s and Wei Wang’s marriage arrangements this time have become such a mess. From the emperor, empress, and the six palaces of the imperial harem, down to the Ministry of Rites and Zongjing Bureau, everyone was all headaching over it. Towards Qin Wang’s marriage arrangement that was much more normal in comparison, they just hope to quickly handle, and afterwards, free their hands to deal with the other two below.

Thus, three days after the marriage decree was issued, Qin Wang’s wedding date was just set on the fifteenth of the ninth month. In other words, after a month and a half of preparing, Ming Jinrou will go from the current soon-to-be Qin Wangfei to becoming the official Qin Wangfei.

As oppose to Ming Yunji’s hot-temper, Ming Jinrou’s composure was actually even more worrying.

Ever since coming back from that chaotic imperial selection banquet, Ming Jinrou just had this very calm and indifferent attitude the whole time. Towards this marriage, she seemingly had neither sorrow nor joy, just like as if it was completely unrelated to her, not even having any nervousness, and further didn’t, because of the two side consorts marrying into Qin Wang Manor at the same time, feel troubled. Even her words were more brief than usual.

“Jinrou.” Yu Lingxin stared at Ming Jinrou’s expression. Then, recalling what Xun Che hinted previously at home, she deliberated for a moment, softly consoling, “Actually, you really don’t need to worry. His Highness Qin Wang’s temperament and character can still be trusted. Qin Wang Manor also won’t be that chaotic like other people’s.”

“He naturally has a very ‘upright and honest character’, also swift and decisive when encountering matters, what’s there to worry about?” Ming Jinrou mockingly smiled, lifting her eyes to look at Yu Lingxin. Seeing her pretty and gentle face full of worries, she laughed again, “Qin Wang Manor certainly won’t be lively like other people’s. Second cousin-in-law, you all must of heard about Wu Wang’s and Wei Wang’s side consort arrangements this time, right?”

Yu Lingxin’s information network was naturally even more quick and effective than other people’s, but she knew that Ming Jinrou’s feelings right now were actually complicated. Rather than being stuffy, it was better to talk more to relieve the mood. As such, she deliberately asked, “How are the side consorts arranged? At present, there still isn’t an official decree. However, they ultimately have a lot of good fortune to be able to obtain this many beauties at once.”

“Haha, the two princes are indeed very fortunate. Just, unfortunately, for those young ladies, it may not necessarily be the case.” Ming Jinrou’s lips were full of mockery, “Based on the regulations for a junwang, there’s just those few positions. No family is willing to let their own young lady be a liangyuan, but right now, with this many people, if still according to the old rules, then never mind the liangyuan position, even the liangshi position will all fill up. That’s why, heard that his Majesty will make a special case. This time, for Wu Wang and Wei Wang, aside from the main consort’s marriage arrangements following the same standards as mine, the remaining six young ladies’ bestowments and marriage will all be according to the standards of a side consort, but when Zongjing Bureau make the documents, it will all be according to the liangyuan status, all the same for everyone. In the future, whoever can give birth first, whoever will be promoted to a side consort first.”

Yu Lingxin although already knew, she still couldn’t help but shake her head and sigh, “This big of a matter, yet in the end, turn out like this, it really is too child’s play.”

“What else can be more child’s play than pheasants fluttering and cats leaping, while also catching on fire at a banquet?” Cheng Yanling didn’t enter the palace that day and attend that banquet, but after hearing about the situation at the time, she was very much in contempt. Mainly, it was looking down on the empress’s ability to adapt to change, actually letting the scene go out of control to that degree, “The security in the palace really isn’t that great.”

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

Since the beginning of time, towards extinguishing fire, the army has always frequently practiced. Especially when it comes to guarding the provisions and supplies, there was a further emphasis on the strategies for fighting fire and dealing with fire. Cheng Yanling has been in the Chen province army for many year, also having experienced many battles, so naturally has a lot of insight.

“Then, how does the army prevent fire?” Towards this topic, Ming Jinrou was actually somewhat interested in, thus just asked along her words.

Cheng Yanling simply explained a few words, explaining the overall arrangements and drills. Ming Jinrou was just about to ask for more details, when they heard Ming Yunji’s side finally getting pardoned, “Alright, that’s enough for now.”

Yu Lingxin practically stood up immediately and was practically about to move a step in Xun Che’s direction when she realized that just now, she was still ‘pretending to listen to Cheng Yanling and Ming Jinrou discuss about the eighteen ways to prevent fire and deal with emergencies’. She immediately felt a bit awkward, “About that, they seemingly have finished talking…….”

Ming Jinrou let out a ‘pfft’, “Aiyoo, second cousin-in-law, what are you still pretending with me for? If you want to go over, then just go over.” As she said this, she also glanced at Cheng Yanling, “Older sister Cheng, do you want to also go over and see my older brother that’s currently still half crippled?”

Cheng Yanling’s conduct has always been calm and confident, also getting up with a smile, “Let’s go over together. For them to get scolded, isn’t it still because of your big matter?”

Ming Jinrou’s eyes couldn’t help but slightly dim, having her face turned away, “What big matter do I have, merely just going through the motions. Everyone all have no other choice, thus need to work together like this.”

However, she also wasn’t the emotional and fussy type. After casually saying this, she just got up, voluntarily going to coil around Cheng Yanling’s arm, heading over towards the winding corridor, “However, if insisting on saying it’s a big matter, it’s also fine. Older sister, what will you be adding to my dowry? My marriage procession can’t be too small. If it gets compared down by the Wen family and the Deng family, then I will be angered to death.”

“What do you want?” Cheng Yanling smiled, “How about I give you a few female soldiers? In the future, if there’s something troublesome in the back manor, then just directly sort out.”

“Okay!” Ming Jinrou immediately was full of smiles again, “Then, when I’m bored, I can even have someone to practice martial arts with me!”

At this time, Xun Che and Ming Jincheng also headed over towards them. Yu Lingxin went forward first to meet Xun Che. Seeing the movement of his knees, she couldn’t help but furrow her brows. Just, with Ming Jincheng next to them, who clearly still haven’t fully recovered from his injuries, his walking posture even more stiff, it wasn’t good for her to say anything, just sweeping her eyes around her own husband’s body again and again.

In front of the Ming family siblings, Xun Che has long been thoroughly shameless, reaching out and directly holding Yu Lingxin’s hand, “I’m fine, it’s just letting maternal uncle vent his anger.”

Yu Lingxin gently pressed the back of his hand, more or less trying to console him. At the same time, she also habitually smoothed out the wrinkles on his outer robe.

At present, seeing this scene, Ming Jincheng no longer had that nefarious flame inside like in the past, especially seeing how Cheng Yanling also came over together with Ming Jinrou. He subconsciously had his back straightened a little more, the expression on his face also very calm, forcibly having the pain in his legs pressed down.

When Ming Jinrou saw her own older brother’s complexion, she nearly laughed out loud, while Cheng Yanling softly asked with a smile, “Does your leg still hurt?”

Just these light five words, landing in Ming Jincheng’s ears, was also like a cup of sweet spring water. He finally knew, prior to marrying, those times when Xun Che was lost in thought and staring blankly, those times when he was thick-skinned and shameless, as well as those times when he was completely out of character, exactly what he was thinking about back then.

Cheng Yanling’s voice really was too pleasant to hear, especially in this kind of cool and bright early autumn. Ming Jincheng simply felt that seeing her smile, his mood can just completely soar. He practically had to clench his teeth in secret in order to not let himself be distracted. At the same time, he also replied very calmly, “Just a little, nothing serious.”

Cheng Yanling smiled, “For it to still hurt these days to the point where your movements are this stiff, it’s probably because your waist isn’t good. Even if having sturdy muscles and bones, if the waist doesn’t have strength, then when moving, one will just lack flexibility. If the body doesn’t loosen up enough, the injury will recover too slowly. Later, practice on the stone locks and plank more. Once the waist is stronger, it’ll get better.”


Waist no strength……….


For a moment, Jin Duke Manor’s originally still considered elegant and quiet Feiyun Eastern Garden seemingly froze in time.

Xun Che, who’d just been married for not even two months, having deeply understood through experience the importance of waist strength, out of the virtues of a gentleman, as blood-related kin, as close relatives, as brothers, all in all, used up all his self-restraint and willpower to let that ‘normally, even if calm and silent, all like as mocking the world with a smile’ handsome face be calm like water, not revealing the slightest intention to laugh.

Just, there was ultimately a moment of instinct. He still turned to glance at Ming Jincheng. And Yu Lingxin, who was next to him, also didn’t reveal any intentions of making fun of him. In that pair for gentle and soft eyes, there was just extremely sincere and heartfelt sympathy, practically turning her head at the same time and in the same angle as Xun Che, gazing towards Ming Jincheng together.

Ming Jincheng was very calm, a hundred times more calm than just now when forcibly pretending to be calm.

A few breaths later, seeing that Ming Jincheng didn’t respond, not even nodding his head, Cheng Yanling laughed again, “If the injury on your leg truly is recovering too slowly, then it’s better to let it recover before training. Else, if there’s more injuries on top of the injury, then it’ll be even worse for the waist.”

“Okay.” Ming Jincheng finally responded.

A cool breeze swept over. The branches of the osmanthus tree by the winding corridor lightly swayed in the wind. A few fine and fragile leaves unexpectedly floated down as it swirled. This early autumn afternoon really wasn’t too wonderful.

Of course, Xun Che wasn’t thinking this.

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