Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 128: To Paint Holding Two Brushes

“Young master Su?” Yu Lingxin listened to the servant report. This time, hearing Su aunt-in-law coming together with her daughter, Su Hanwei, and her son, Su Mao, she was actually somewhat surprised.

Shuangye immediately went forward a step, softly explaining in a low voice by Yu Lingxin’s ear. Ever since she married in the sixth month, in these two months, Madam Su has already visited five to six times.

Because Sir Su had gotten implicated under the Xun family’s case with the Zhu family, thus losing his post, their whole family has been very dejected. During the fourth month, when Yu Bocheng was busy preparing Yu Lingxin’s dowry, Sir Su did visit once, but seeing how Yu Bocheng seemingly wasn’t able to help with anything, he just politely took his leave.

All the way until now, the eighth month, Sir Su only managed to hang under an idle post as a seventh rank substitute, but it was also no different from having no post. Su aunt-in-law truly was very vexed. During Yu Lingxin’s wedding preparations, she didn’t dare to come over to disturb, but after Yu Lingxin married, and the Yu manor also settled down, she just came over from time to time to tearfully complain to Su-shi.

Speaking of which, this was already having a good sense of propriety, also not insisting on letting Yu Bocheng, who has now become in-laws with the Wen’an Marquis Manor, help pass on a message or lend a hand. Since it was just coming over as relatives to talk, Yu old madam naturally won’t block. After all, they were all relatives, and their family was currently having difficulties. Even if unable help, still can’t just not have dealings anymore.

And during these visits, Su aunt-in-law naturally brought along her daughter, Su Hanwei, every time. Even the currently just sixteen years old Su Mao had also came over twice, saying that he wanted to ask Yu Zhengshan for guidance about his classwork and such. Su Mao’s learning was pretty okay, previously studying in the Zhu family private school, but at present, he also didn’t want to go anymore, also trying to see if he can enter the Qingyang Academy next year. That’s why, to say that he came over to ask Yu Zhengshan for guidance, it was also perfectly reasonable.

Moreover, the Yu family didn’t have many people to begin with. After Yu Lingxin married, the only unmarried young lady left in the family was just Yu Yunxin. Su-shi herself didn’t mind letting her own children have dealings with their maternal uncle family’s cousins, so Yu old madam didn’t bother with it either.

Yu Lingxin listened to Shuangye mention a few words and just had an understanding inside. The people of the Su family were also flexible with their thoughts. Seeing the wind and setting the helm can also be considered human nature. Just, these reasons seemingly sounded very open and honest, yet she nevertheless felt that it shouldn’t be just this, especially considering that even if Sir Su no longer worked for the Zhu family, Su aunt-in-law was ultimately still a daughter of the Zhu family’s side branch. Who knows whether or not there were some other intentions in this matter?

Hundred-legged bugs die yet do not stiffen[1]. Even though Xun Yan’s case gave the Zhu family a very serious blow, and Noble Consort Zhu, after going through numerous setbacks, have now also laid low as Li Consort, but getting demoted ultimately wasn’t the same as thoroughly getting sentenced and falling from power. Li Consort and the Zhu family lowering their heads at present, it was probably just for concealing their strength and biding their time.

As she was muttering to herself on this side, the servant girl in the outer room had already lifted the curtains. Su-shi and Yu Yunxin went to welcome Su aunt-in-law, Su Hanwei, and Su Mao in through the door.

Yu Lingxin and Yu Zhengshan got up together, also greeting in a simple manner before sitting down to talk.

Su aunt-in-law originally didn’t expect that Yu Lingxin would also be present. However, prior to entering Dongli Residence, she’d already heard Su-shi mention. Seeing her at this time, her face just filled with an affectionate smile, “Ling girl also came back? This is really coming at a good time! I was even saying, it has also been a few days since the first return to the maiden family, yet never caught sight of you. But, the marquis manor is that wealthy and noble, the in-laws also amiable, so the days certainly must be incredibly comfortable. Seeing Ling girl’s complexion, it seems I really hit the bullseye! Old madam, you really are blessed!”

This really was an eloquent and skillful mouth. Yu Lingxin could only vaguely respond with a smile. As for Yu old madam and Yu Bocheng, they were nevertheless very happy. After all, as the grandmother and the father, what they cared about the most was just whether or not Yu Lingxin’s days were comfortable and pleasant after marrying high. As the saying goes, entering a noble house, it’s deep like the seas. Moreover, Yu Lingxin was marrying over as the heir’s wife, and in the future, inevitably will take control of the household affairs, meeting and sending off guests. Even if her relationship with her husband was good, getting angered and going through troubles were still unavoidable.

Of course, every time Yu Lingxin returned to her maiden home, her complexion was always rosy and bright, her spirits high, so Yu old madam and Yu Bocheng also felt a bit more reassured. And now, hearing this kind of words of flattery from Su aunt-in-law, they were just even happier, so naturally even more amiable towards the Su family, repeatedly ordering the servant girls to serve the tea, also asking whether or not the Su family elders were well, how Su Mao’s studies were going, and so on.

Yu Lingxin sat to the side, quietly sizing up the Su family siblings.

The Su family’s facial foundation was still pretty good. From her stepmother Su-shi’s delicate and pretty good looks, one can just tell a little. And Su aunt-in-law’s appearance was also very pretty, so Su Hanwei’s appearance was just very good. Although not as good as Yu Lingxin’s, she was still a bit prettier than Yu Yunxin, especially that pair of big bright eyes. In the womenfolks’ eyes, perhaps it was somewhat overly lively and not steady enough, but in men’s eyes, it was probably considered moving.

Su Mao’s appearance was thirty percent similar to Su Hanwei’s, his figure also very upright, and can be considered a proper and handsome young man. Just, after a moment of sitting and chatting like this, Yu Lingxin was just able to sense that Su Mao’s movements were actually somewhat stiff, or perhaps should say a bit forced, like as if he didn’t really want to come, but had no choice but to come because of his mother.

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

At this time, the greetings and asking about the elders have more or less finished, so Su aunt-in-law just began congratulating Yu Zhengshan, persistently and enthusiastically praising through and through, probably wanting to have all the four-word phrases for praising people all said, starting from scholarly family, talented youth, escalating all the way to having great erudition and scholarship, blessed with great talent, having books to fill a house, and so on, just short of saying that Yu Zhengshan was the incarnation of Wenquxing[2] descending upon the mortal world.

This kind of praising truly was too intense. Even for Yu Zhengshan himself, as he listened, the corner of his mouth also slightly twitched, almost unable to maintain his smile. But, Su-shi repeatedly continued and the old madam was also politely smiling, so as the younger generation, he naturally had to continue enduring.

Yu Lingxin didn’t really pay all that much attention to Su aunt-in-law’s words. Actually, when it comes to congratulating someone for passing the imperial exam, what can be said for the occasion was also nothing more than just those. Su aunt-in-law was merely a bit more enthusiastic. Currently, what she found to be more interesting was actually the subtle expressions between the younger generations as they sat across from one another.

To put it simply, Su Hanwei, for the most part, was sitting together entirely with her mother, staring at Yu Zhengshan with full of admiration in her eyes. Although she didn’t open her mouth to echo a single word, the slightly smiling expression on that pretty face was already equal to eagerly nodding her head a thousand times.

As for Yu Yunxin, her attitude was just different from her own mother Su-shi. She was actually someone that genuinely liked poetry and literature. Even though she wasn’t as talented and renowned as Xun Ying, but compared to Su-shi and Su aunt-in-law who have never really studied before, she was still different. Listening halfway through Su aunt-in-law’s praises, she was just unable to endure.

As for Su Mao, sitting among a bunch of womenfolk, his ability to adhere to situations should be the worst. After listening to Su aunt-in-law say a few words, he clearly was unable to stand his own mother congratulating and praising to the point where it was practically on the verge of fawning, very stiffly turning his head to gaze in the other direction.

Thus, very naturally, as Su aunt-in-law endlessly praised Yu Zhengshan, Yu Yunxin and Su Mao, who both couldn’t stand listening anymore, just met with their eyes.

Reasonably speaking, if at this time, the two of them can softly chat a few words, then as both cousins and also as people who have studied before, their talent and appearance also matching, perhaps this was just the start of that tiny bit of romance.

However, when Yu Yunxin really opened her mouth to ask Su Mao a few words about his studies lately, Su Mao unexpectedly just replied with a short, “Decent.” Afterwards, he simply just lowered his eyes, a look of sitting upright with his eyes to his nose, his nose to his heart, accompanying along yet dreading like death.

That split second of awkwardness on Yu Yunxin’s face almost reached the level of embarrassment. When she forcibly turned her face and just happened to see Yu Lingxin looking straight at her, Yu Yunxin immediately dimly turned away. Although the expression on her face can’t be considered to have any drastic changes, but for Yu Lingxin, who has seen way too many turbulences in the past life and this life, she immediately understood the situation before her.

Su aunt-in-law wanted to paint with two brushes at the same time[3]?

Based on the Su family’s way of doing things in the past, if Sir Su hadn’t lost his post, then Su Hanwei probably would’ve participated in the imperial selection, and moreover, very likely be more than willing to be a liangyuan or liangshi to serve the imperial family.

Just, after Sir Su lost his post, even if Su Hanwei had the intention, the talent, and the looks, she still didn’t have enough qualifications. Moreover, at present, the Yu family’s circumstances were also changing. Then, for Su aunt-in-law to go after Yu Zhengshan for her daughter, it was actually very normal.

But, bringing along Su Mao again and again, what was the meaning of this? If really wanting to ask Yu Zhengshan for guidance, then shouldn’t it be Sir Su directly making time with Yu Bocheng and taking Su Mao to Qingyang Academy? Coming to the residence, clearly it was still wanting to pull in the relationship with the old madam and Su-shi. Perhaps, it was just thinking that if Yu Zhengshan doesn’t take a fancy to Su Hanwei, then Su Mao marrying Yu Yunxin was also not bad.

But, looking at the youngsters’ reactions before her, Su Hanwei probably was a bit interested in Yu Zhengshan, while Su Mao didn’t approve of Su aunt-in-law’s idea. In his young eyes, he still very much had his own pride. But, Yu Yunxin’s expression was nevertheless like as if having thoughts towards Su Mao.

Looking at it from this perspective, afraid, in the future, the elders all may not necessarily be able to have their wish fulfilled……..

After chatting for another quarter of an hour, the servants finally came over to report that the family banquet was ready. As such, everyone all went over to the reception pavilion for the meal. This somewhat overly eager awkward round of endless praising finally ended. Yu Zhengshan and Su Mao practically relaxed a breath at the same time.

Su-shi and Yu Yunxin still led along Su aunt-in-law and them in the front, Yu Zhengshan went to talk with Su Mao, while Yu Lingxin, together with Shuangzhi and the other servant girls, personally supported Yu old madam over.

When leaving Dongli Residence’s courtyard, Yu old madam glanced at the lively crowd in front, and then glanced at her granddaughter’s expression next to her, softly asking, “Ling’er, you still feel this……….isn’t reliable?” A few days ago, heard that Sir Su might rise up again. In the future, he will be working for the Chang’de Count Manor and Yiyang Marquis Manor.”

Hearing this, Yu Lingxin actually wasn’t too surprised. The situation in the inner palace, Li Consort’s attitude, Wu Wang’s and Wei Wang’s consort selection, every one were all pointing towards the Zhu family’s current strategy, and that was just putting on a docile and submissive appearance, yielding at every step. Especially this time, prior to the autumn exam, Li Consort’s older brother, the Anshun Count, already submitted a memorandum, requesting to leave his post. And those that were particularly close with the Zhu family also had the attitude of retreating half a step. As the scales tilt, Qi Pei’s father, the Chang’de Count, as well as Empress Wen’s older brother, the Yiyang Marquis, both further advanced a step.

At this time, if Sir Su doesn’t want to thoroughly fall silent together with the Anshun Count, then the only new power holders that he can adhere to were just the Qi family and Wen family. Of course, if he can make connections with both, then it was also considered having the skills.

Thinking to here, Yu Lingxin just smiled, “That’s a good thing, just wait and see.”

Yu old madam glanced at her again, no longer saying anything, but on the inside, she also had an understanding.

However, the family banquet afterwards was still relatively relaxing. The praises that Su aunt-in-law could say, she’d already all said, so when eating, she just settled down. As for the Yu family, towards Yu Zhengshan passing the imperial exam at a young age, they were still genuinely very happy, full of jubilation.

And once this lively family banquet ended, the servants outside just came to report that the son-in-law, Xun-shizi has personally come to pick up the eldest lady.

[1] This idiom refers to bugs like the centipede and millipede, and how when they are killed their body don’t stiffen and can still move. It’s used to describe how a powerful entity or organization, even if suffering a blow or decline, they still can’t be vanquished, their influence still lingering.

[2] Wenquxing (文曲星) – Literally just Star of Literature, a deity in chinese mythology responsible for overseeing literary pursuits and examinations.

[3] Roughly the title of this chapter, it has two meanings, and given the context of the chapter, it works both ways, either doing two things at once, or to tackle a problem from two different sides.

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