Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 16: Lotus Heart Soothing Pill

“What?” Practically everyone present was all shocked. Even Yu Lingxin looked towards Yu Zhengshan in surprise————–How did this matter get passed on to him?

In this very moment, afraid even her grandmother and father all didn’t see clearly Qi-shi and Su-shi’s calculations in this matter.

And the person that asked this out loud naturally was Yu Bocheng. His expression that had just eased a little once again congealed. Yu Zhengshan although was still young, but he has always been smart. Sometimes, even if a little mischievous, he still won’t make this kind of joke.

“Shan’er, what are you talking about?” Yu old madam finally reacted, especially since compared to Yu Bocheng, she was even more clear of the things Qi-shi has done these last few days. “Who told you these?”

Seeing the elders’ reaction, Yu Zhengshan was even more baffled, “It’s precisely because no one told me, I thus asked the teacher for a leave to return home for a look. Exactly why does eldest sister need to go with the Kou family?”

“Where do these words come from?” Yu Bocheng furrowed his brows even more. Seeing Yu Zhengshan actually full of certainty like this, his doubts inside just grew even deeper.

In this moment, even Su-shi who was washing her face in the inner room all had her heart raised to her throat.

Yu Zhengshan looked around at everyone present, his gaze also turning serious, “Yesterday, I followed my senior schoolmate to Huichun Hall to buy medicine. The shopkeeper said that our family had ordered an entire four boxes of Lotus Heart Soothing Pill to send to the Kou Manor. That medicine, wasn’t it said that eldest sister just needs to take once every two days? Four large boxes, at the very least, will need to eat for a year and a half. I had heard that the Kou family master will be assigned to a post outside of the capital. Considering it like this, isn’t it precisely wanting to have elder sister sent over to leave together?”

Lotus Heart Soothing Pill!

Yu old madam and Yu Bocheng’s expression practically changed at the same time, both turning towards Su-shi.

As for Yu Lingxin, her entire back ridge all stiffened, her gaze instead fixed on Yu Zhengshan even more tightly.

That medicine pill, she indeed just took for about a year in the Jiang province before stopping in the last lifetime. Just, at the time, she didn’t feel it was anything strange. Lotus Heart Soothing Pill was Huichun Hall’s best secret recipe. One pill just cost one tael of silver, and this was even because the Yu family was Huichun Hall’s old patron.

Based on Qi-shi’s stingy temper, for her to not be willing to buy the medicine from the capital thousands of miles away the next year, instead finding a local doctor to prescribe an ordinary prescription to help adjust her blood flow, that also wasn’t anything surprising.

Just, even if adding together the past life and this life, Yu Lingxin still never once considered that the medicine actually wasn’t prepared by Qi-shi for the sake of taking her away, but rather, it was Su-shi secretly letting someone prepare and send to the Kou family. Probably, it was fearing that suddenly getting taken to the Jiang province might cause her to have some unknown heart problems. If she were to also lose her usual medicine, really having some mishap, then her father certainly will fight with the Kou family, forcibly having her taken back.

But, if she can take the medicine for a year, and steadily live in Jiang province for a year or so, then she’ll just get used to it. And later, it’ll also be easier for Qi-shi to grasp her.

This layer of relations, in this moment, she finally understood.

Just, how come Yu Zhengshan just happened to go to Huichun Hall at this time, even learning of this matter?

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

He normally has always stayed in Qingyang Academy studying, so how did he learn about the Kou family leaving the capital?

However, before Yu Lingxin even had the opportunity to ask these questions, Yu Bocheng already flew into a thundering rage, “What’s with this? You helping Ling’er meet with her mother, need to send over a year worth of medicine?!”

“No, no, master, Shan boy must have misheard!” Ever since Su-shi married into the Yu family, she has never seen Yu Bocheng’s expression this scary before. And on the old madam’s side, her complexion was similarly stern, making Su-shi tremble in fear, practically instinctively grabbing onto the door frame. After gasping for a few breaths, like as if finally thinking of something, “That, that Lotus Heart Soothing Pill is Huichun Hall’s readily available medicine. It’s not like only our family can buy. Perhaps, the Kou family want it for themselves, taking some more with them before leaving the capital. A-a f-few days ago, I had let someone go check whether or not the eldest miss still had enough, thinking that if not enough, can go order some more. Perhaps Huichun Hall got the order mixed up……….”

“This can’t be likely…..right?” Yu Zhengshan although didn’t have any bad impressions towards this eldest aunt, but towards what he saw with his own eyes, he was still very certain. “At the time, I’d also thought this, so carefully asked the shopkeeper. They even brought out the receipt book for me to look at. It’s precisely our family. Steward Qiao went and paid the two hundred taels of silver, and because it was a rush order, it was even more expensive than usual. The slip for picking up the order was said to have been given to a Kou family mama at the time. And because that mama had never picked up medicine from Huichun Hall before, they even went and asked several questions regarding the medicine.”

Halfway through Yu Zhengshan’s explanation, Su-shi was already like as if about to slide down onto the ground. Fortunately, Shuangye was able to catch her from the side.

Yu Bocheng finished listening to Yu Zhengshan’s words with a dark expression, and immediately said with a heavy voice, “Enough, Ling’er, Shan’er, you two go out first. The adults have matters to discuss.”

Yu Zhengshan originally still had other matters inside, but at this time, he also could tell that something was wrong, so naturally just agreed in response and retreated out.

Yu Lingxin also didn’t look at Su-shi anymore. Right now, she had a stomach full of questions wanting to ask Yu Zhengshan, so just followed out after him.

Just, unexpectedly, in the courtyard, Yu Zhengshan’s steps were very quick, not even having the intention of saying anything to Yu Lingxin, instead just heading in the direction of the gardens.

Yu Lingxin hurriedly stopped him, “Zhengshan, why are you walking this fast? I have something to ask you.”

Yu Zhengshan could only stop in his tracks, “Sis, if there’s something, can you ask a little later? I still have a guest waiting for me.”

“What guest?” Yu Lingxin’s heart immediately jumped, “The senior schoolmate that you didn’t come home for and went to see yesterday, also going together with to Huichun Hall?”

“Sis, how did you know?” Yu Zhengshan said in astonishment, “Coming back today, I even borrowed Xun second brother’s horse carriage, so naturally need to invite him in for a sit. Just, my study is truly too small, not enough to entertain guests, so just invited him to the orchid pavilion for a sit first. Sis, is there any good desserts in the main kitchen for guests?”

Hearing how incomparably natural Yu Zhengshan’s words were, Yu Lingxin was also unclear as to whether that breath in her heart had relaxed or tightened in this moment.

Once the matter of the Lotus Heart Soothing Pill was exposed, Qi-shi and Su-shi’s schemes for the most part will have no way of covering up again. No matter what was said, there was no excuse to justify keeping both family’s head as well as the elders in the dark and just privately have an unmarried young lady directly taken out of the capital like this.

In the last lifetime, this matter was able to succeed mainly because Yu Lingxin’s own personality was too weak, and after getting intimidated by Qi-shi, she just got forced to express that she ‘didn’t oppose’. On the Kou family’s side, they’d obtained money and tangible benefits, so naturally didn’t make a sound. And as for Yu Bocheng, he was made to believe that this was his daughter’s own wish, so even though heartbroken, he still let her go. In addition to the unrest in the capital afterwards, this absurd matter just succeeded.

This time, Yu Lingxin was practically prepared to resist with the stance of sinking the boats. No matter what Qi-shi and Su-shi say, it was all lies. And that medicine was just the most fatal evidence.

Just like with the broken horse carriage, it all soundlessly overturned, letting the situation collapse on itself, unable to hold up anymore, but at the same time, it seemingly appeared as if it had nothing to do with him.

Aside from Yu Zhengshan mentioning “Xun second brother”…….

Yu Lingxin’s feelings became increasingly peculiar, yet at this time, it wasn’t good to continue pondering, so could only casually reproach Yu Zhengshan, “Since it’s a guest from the outside, even if welcoming in, still need to let the elders know. How can you just directly send to the gardens, really too careless.”

“Xun second brother, that kind of well-mannered and steady person, how can there be any problems, and there aren’t others at home either.” Yu Zhengshan was unconcerned, “Besides, we’re also considered relatives with the Wen’an Marquis Manor.”

Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but feel stifled, but it wasn’t good to say anything else, so could only go with him, and at the same time, instructed Ganlu, “Deliver word to the mama in charge today, say that the eldest young master has a guest, so prepare a few trays of delicate pastries and fruits for the orchid pavilion. Also, restrict the servants in the manor to slightly avoid a little, don’t let them disturb the eldest young master and the guest. Additionally, outside the second gate, there should be the guest’s horse carriage and attendant. Send a tray of pastries and a pot of good tea over to that side too.”

As she spoke, from the path coming out from Dongli Residence, they can already see the garden’s south moon gate[1]. After passing through the lush and dazzling flowers and trees, a few feet away was just the path leading to the orchid pavilion.

Yu Lingxin swept a glance in that direction and just stopped in her tracks, softly instructing Yu Zhengshan, “Next time, if there’s something, first send someone to inform the family. Inviting the guest in like this truly isn’t appropriate. Moreover, asking for a leave from the academy, you can’t just act on your own like this, understand?”

Yu Zhengshan laughed in embarrassment and was just about to respond, when he heard a gentle voice coming from the gardens behind him.

“Today, it was I that was rude.”

As the voice dropped, the person also walked out from behind the trees and flowers. He was dressed in an extremely ordinary moon white wide-sleeve long gown, his black hair held up by a crown. At a glance, it was just the attire of an ordinary official. Just, that easy-going expression that forever contained a light smile on that handsome face of his let him be able to naturally appear carefree and elegant no matter how he dressed.

“Xun second brother, how come you came over?” Yu Zhengshan was a bit surprised.

“Today’s visit was sudden. To not inform and not pay respect to the elders, this foolish[2] older brother still feels it is somewhat lacking in manners.” Xun Che said with a smile. Shortly after, he openly turned towards Yu Lingxin, “Younger cousin, this time, it was I that was thoughtless, so hoping that you don’t blame brother Shan too much.”

Yu Lingxin’s entire person was practically about to crack——W-what younger cousin, what brother Shan?

Xun-shizi, are we that familiar?!

[1] Rounded entrances commonly used in traditional chinese architecture.

[2] This is a form of a humble self-address.

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