Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 18: Bai Guo

Yu Zhengshan continued sitting in Lianyi Residence for half the afternoon. Aside from eating two trays of pastries personally made by Yu Lingxin, he also explained his dealings with Xun Che this time.

Overall, it was more or less the same as what Yu Lingxin had guessed. Xun Che never studied at Qingyang Academy before, but he once practiced calligraphy for a few months under Qingyang Academy’s Scholar Zhou, so he can somewhat be addressed as a senior brother.

A few days ago, Scholar Zhou took Yu Zhengshan, as well as his other students, to participate in a poetry gathering. Xun Che just happened to be present as well, thus they just started chatting, critiquing a few words. Xun Che hit it off particularly well with Yu Zhengshan, and afterwards learned that their two families were even somewhat indirectly related and so on.

Xun Che although was Wen’an Marquis Manor’s first branch’s di son, but in the Xun family’s family ranking, he nevertheless ranked second. Above him, there was still an older tang brother from the second branch. That’s why, Yu Zhengshan just called him Xun second brother.

As for afterwards, going out together to buy books, buy medicine, incidentally visiting Huichun Hall, and such, in Yu Zhengshan’s eyes, it all couldn’t be more natural, just happening to coincidentally discover Su-shi’s schemes, that’s all.

Yu Lingxin listened one by one, not knowing what to say. This many coincidences placed together, how can it happen naturally? Just, the reason why she was able to see through them, she was unable to tell Yu Zhengshan. Thus, she just simply responded a few words, and then started asking about Yu Zhengshan’s lessons and studies.

The two of them talked for half a day, while also using the evening meal in Lianyi Residence. Afterwards, Yu Zhengshan went to bid the old madam farewell, and then looked for the steward to arrange a horse carriage to return to the academy.

And at this time, Wen mama finally returned to Lianyi Residence from Dongli Residence, bringing back the conclusion of today’s matter, “Eldest miss, the old madam has ordered this old servant to come report. In regards to your grievances in the past, the old madam and the eldest master have both taken it to heart. At present, they’ve properly explained to the madam. The madam is also aware now, knowing that previously she wasn’t very considerate. Eldest miss has always been sensible, so hoping that you don’t mind too much.”

As she spoke, she brought out two plaques to present to Yu Lingxin, “The old madam said, from now on, all the matters on this side, from the food, clothing, housing, and transport, to the allocation of servants in Lianyi Residence, all can be decided by eldest miss on your own. Zhao Liang’s entire family in the future will specifically be in charge of looking after your horse carriage. All matters, the madam all won’t interfere in.”

This outcome was actually already within Yu Lingxin’s expectations.

Su-shi was her father, Yu Bocheng’s main wife after all, and also the mother of her second younger brother, Yu Zhenghua, and second younger sister, Yu Yunxin. If the punishment is too severe, on one hand, it won’t look good for her younger brother and sister, and on the other hand, it will inevitably leave behind resentment in those two children’s heart.

In the end, the one that insisted on wanting to kidnap her from the capital was still Qi-shi, her birth mother. Su-shi, this stepmother, was merely just giving a helping hand, and didn’t really try to poison or drug her. Although angry, based on the severity of this matter at present, they probably can only handle to this degree.

“Many thanks to grandmother.” Yu Lingxin smiled, “And also thanks to Wen mama for taking the trip to come here. The madam probably listened to don’t know whose incitement and was just momentarily muddled. All in all, at present, I didn’t get kidnapped, so seeing on Yun’er and Ye’er’s behalf, I also won’t bear grudges against the madam.”

These words really were said quite transparently. Wen mama increasingly felt that the eldest miss not only was more open and optimistic than before, she seemingly was like as if changing into a different person completely. Wen mama hurriedly exclaimed with a smile, “Eldest miss is right. You truly understand the old madam’s thoughts too well. Isn’t it precisely because of the second miss and second young master. Ultimately still one family, if the family lives in harmony, then all will prosper. As for those servants that incited the madam into doing muddled things, including Steward Qiao that went to Huichun Hall to deliver money, all have gotten sent away already.”

She paused for a moment before continuing, “The old madam also said, seeing that the madam this time was overly muddled, tomorrow, the master will invite Imperial Physician Zhang over to examine the madam and also prescribe some medicine for the body, letting her recuperate for a few days. The second miss and second young master will just separate out their courtyard, with the old madam personally educating. As for the household affairs, while the madam is sick, she won’t need to look after, temporarily leaving it to Dongli Residence.”

Yu Lingxin this time was actually somewhat surprised. The old madam’s punishment towards Su-shi was actually even more severe than she’d imagined. Aside from stripping her of the rights to the household affairs, she also took over Su-shi’s children’s upbringing. Recuperating the body and whatnot, it was nothing more than just the most common way of confining the main wife in large manors.

Although this matter perhaps also had the factor of preventing Su-shi from continuing to make moves at home, or lead astray her children by having this kind of mindset, but considering how grandmother was someone that liked peace and tranquility, to suddenly take over the household affairs and education of her grandchildren, Yu Lingxin was still concerned for her, “Will this tire the old madam? At present, second aunt and fourth aunt all aren’t in the capital. How can everything all return to the old madam’s hands? This won’t work, I need to go see grandmother.”

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

It naturally wasn’t good for Wen mama to stop her, so could only let Shuangye and Ganlu quickly serve Yu Lingxin in changing before returning to Dongli Residence.

“Grandmother.” Yu Lingxin quickly entered the warm room, directly going to Yu old madam’s side and hugging her arm, “The management of the household affairs, it’s best to return to the madam, don’t tire yourself out.”

Yu old madam felt comforted inside, lightly sighing, “Good girl, grandmother still isn’t old yet, this isn’t anything. You already heard from Wen mama?”

“Already heard everything.” Yu Lingxin gaze towards her grandmother’s gray hair, softly responding, “The madam having some muddled thoughts, it’s ultimately still because of my mother coming up with the idea first. You don’t need to also take back the management of the household to manage yourself. That many miscellaneous matters is too taxing. You properly taking care of your own body, that is the most important.”

Yu old madam shook her head, sighing again, yet didn’t say anything. After all, at this time, her sons and daughter-in-laws from the second branch and fourth branch all weren’t in the capital, and Su-shi, as the eldest daughter-in-law, even did this kind of thing.

To just let Su-shi continue be in charge of the household and educating the children like this, it certainly won’t be appropriate, but to take away her power and education of her children, yet not have anyone to entrust to, the old madam had no choice but to personally get involved in these matters.

Thinking to here, Yu Lingxin felt increasingly sad, voluntarily suggesting, “Grandmother, how about you let me help you handle some of the household affairs? Actually, I’ve wanted to learn how to read account books and how to manage the shops for a very long time already.”

Yu old madam caressed Yu Lingxin’s hand, “Ling girl sure enough has grown up, really sensible now. If you want to learn how to read account books, later, I’ll let Wen mama take your own dowry list and account books over to teach you. Heard that last time, you even visited Linglong Pavilion for a look. Just start from there then. It’s also time to tell you about some things.”

Yu Lingxin knew that her grandmother wanted to bring up that enormous sum of dowry specially allocated for her back when her parents divorced. Although she indeed had the intention to start managing it, but at this time, she still further cared about the old madam’s health.

Yu old madam saw her worried expression, affectionately smiling, “The household affairs, grandmother is just looking after for a few months. Later, when your madam think things through, it will eventually return to her. Grandmother can’t live for a hundred years, yet continue to take control of this family.”

Hearing these words, Yu Lingxin felt even worse inside, directly grabbing her grandmother’s hand, “Who says you can’t, grandmother certainly will live well over a hundred! However, the household affairs and whatnot, no need to overly worry about. There isn’t that many matters in the manor, so can just throw to the people below. My own Lianyi Residence, I can handle well on my own.”

“En, grandmother believes, our Ling girl is the most capable.” Yu old madam smilingly consoled Yu Lingxin a few words, telling her to rest assured and so on. The two of them talked for another good while.

Yu Lingxin knew that Yu old madam, at this time, will inevitably be exhausted for a period of time. She could only endlessly ask her grandmother not to overly strain herself. Afterwards, she finally returned to her own Lianyi Residence.

The next morning, Wen mama just sent over an entire half trunk of thick account books, and explained to Yu Lingxin one by one which were for the estates and properties, which ones were for the furniture and articles, and which ones were for the accessories and fabric.

Wen mama explained very meticulously, and also very slowly. However, she just gave a general idea. Mainly, it was fearing that Yu Lingxin, who didn’t have any experience managing account books, won’t understand.

Yu Lingxin could only pretend that she didn’t understand too well, doing her best to appear like a beginner that just learned very quickly. Actually, in the last lifetime, when managing the Wen’an Marquis Manor’s assets and properties, the assets that went through her hands weren’t just millions of taels. These account books before her really can’t be considered anything.

At the same time, Lianyi Residence’s courtyard also gradually began livening up, because Wen mama came over to deliver word, saying that Yu Lingxin will be organizing her own courtyard. The most important was actually just adjusting the servants.

In the many years in the past, this eldest miss has always been weak and soft. Towards the servants, she naturally just blindly lenient. In addition to Su-shi’s vague intentions, although the courtyard can’t be considered to have a foul atmosphere, it still can’t avoid there being some laziness and neglect.

A few days ago, Yu Lingxin suddenly punished Caixia. Although it shocked everyone, but afterwards, seeing the eldest miss still that gentle and soft look, they didn’t take it seriously either.

But, this time, Wen mama not only said that the eldest miss will be managing the courtyard on her own, she even explicitly mentioned changing the people. Lianyi Residence that actually just had in total of five to six servant girls unexpectedly became bustling with noise. Practically everyone aside from Ganlu was all somewhat anxious and on edge, both openly and secretly passing word to Ganlu and even Gancao and Shuangye one after another, wanting to hold on to this opportunity to serve the eldest miss.

Yu Lingxin naturally wasn’t willing to pay attention to this kind of trivial matter. At present, just having Shuangye, Ganlu, and Gancao, these reliable people, by her side was enough. As for the ranks below, as well as the servant girls in the courtyard, as long as they get rid of those that were secretly delivering information to Su-shi, then it was enough. At present, it was just ordering Shuangye and Ganlu to go investigate, and afterwards, have the names given to Wen mama. Later, they can just fill in the vacancies.

Unknown as to whether it was because this time the madam Su-shi got ‘forced to recuperate’, and two of Su-shi’s accompanying mamas and a steward got sent away, causing the servants in the Yu Manor to all be very nervous, the things Yu Lingxin ordered this time actually carried out particularly quick.

On the first night, she just let Ganlu send over the list of names of the people to be replaced, and then immediately, in the afternoon of the next day, the servant woman in charge, Yu Fu’s wife, just personally brought over a few little servant girls to Lianyi Residence for Yu Lingxin to look over, “Eldest miss, these were all sent over from the slave broker that our manor usually use, letting eldest miss personally pick two that you like to fill in.”

Yu Lingxin just happened to be somewhat tired from looking at the account books all day, so just randomly responded.

Walking to the courtyard and sweeping a glance over, there were six thirteen to fourteen year old little servant girls standing in a line, all dressed in a brand new plain blue cotton garment, their hair combed into two knots.

“Auntie really is swift in handling matters.” Yu Lingxin stretched her somewhat sore neck again, casually saying with a smile. She looked over these little servant girls one by one, her gaze landing on the last one. Her neck that had just relaxed a little just stiffened again————-How come this girl was just that familiar looking?

Yu Fu’s wife also looked over following Yu Lingxin’s gaze, promptly saying with a smile, “Eldest miss took a fancy to this one? You sure enough have good eyesight. This one is the most skillful one among these servant girls this time. Although young, but still considered obedient, also knowing how to braid nets[1].” She called out to that servant girl, “Bai Guo, quickly greet the eldest miss.”

“Greetings eldest miss.” This little servant girl called Bai Guo orderly curtsied and called out.

Yu Lingxin this time finally remembered. What Bai Guo, wasn’t this that medicine maid, Yinxing, that was by Xun Che’s side in the last life time!

[1] Type of traditional chinese craft, see below.

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