Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 2: Wenhua Academy

From Yu Lingxin’s Lianyi Residence, heading north along the winding corridor, passing through the gardens, and then taking a turn, it was the old madam’s Dongli(Eastern Fence) Residence.

This courtyard’s name was personally chosen by Yu old master back when he was still alive, even planting various kinds of flowers in the yard, saying it was for the serene implication of ‘picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence[1]‘. After the old master passed away from illness, Yu old madam further loved tranquility, even changing the previously daily greetings from her descendants to once every five days. The household management and such domestic affairs were further thoroughly given to her eldest daughter-in-law Su-shi. On normal days, it was mostly just looking after plants and flowers to pass the time.

Entering the courtyard, she saw the first rank servant girl Shuangye coming out to welcome, “This really is a coincidence, the old madam was just thinking of eldest miss.” Carrying a smile, she looked to Yu Lingxin’s attire, saying with a laugh, “This attire of yours today is really nice. The old madam certainly will be happy.” As she said this, she lifted the soft bamboo beaded curtains[2], having Yu Lingxin’s party all invited in.

Entering the central hall, one was directly faced with an enormous ink painting of mountains and rivers. On the two tall tables to the side, in the colored glass bowl were six different kinds of fresh fruits, the clean scent delightful.

Turning into the east warm room, the large heatable brick bed[3] facing the window was spread with an autumn colored thick brocade rug embroidered with countless ‘万(ten thousand)’ characters. Displayed on the two sides were embroidered chrysanthemum pillows[4], and erected between them was a small red sandalwood table carved with flowers. The old madam was currently sitting before the pear blossom window flipping through the account books. Seeing Yu Lingxin come, she was immediately delighted, casually having the account book placed down, “Ling’er came? You’ve gotten better? Quickly come over and let grandmother have a look!”

This was even Yu Lingxin’s first time seeing her grandmother ever since her rebirth. Seeing the old madam’s fair and amiable face blooming with a gentle smile, her heart suddenly overflowed with sourness, going forward to curtsy, calling out: “Grandmother……..” Her tears then uncontrollably poured out.

Yu old madam was startled, hurriedly having Yu Lingxin pulled into her arms, lightly patting her back. “Ling’er, what’s wrong? What grievances did you suffer, tell grandmother, don’t cry, don’t cry.”

Getting held by her grandmother like this, Yu Lingxin just felt both unaccustomed, yet also incomparably close and warm. In her previous life, her every step was all difficult. Her cautiousness and nervousness in front of her stepmother Su-shi, and her fear and grievances living under someone else’s roof in the Kou family, there was no need to run through in detail. Even afterwards marrying into the Wen’an Marquis Manor, it seemingly appeared to be the end of bitterness and the beginning of sweetness, yet in reality, the soul-shaking fright under the layer upon layers of crisis, and the endless hardships, only she herself knew.

However, at this time, in her grandmother’s warm embrace, Yu Lingxin just felt as if suddenly becoming a child again. She had people to rely on and was cherished. Between her breaths, her tears tumbled down even more.

Yu old madam was increasingly bewildered. The eldest girl has always been soft and kindhearted, the most gentle and agreeable temperament. Exactly what grievance did she suffer for her to cry like this? Hesitating for a moment, she finally softly asked, “Is it your madam……..”

(T/N: Yu Lingxin addresses her stepmother as madam.)

When Yu Lingxin heard this, she instead came to her senses, hurriedly sitting up, wiping her tears, “Grandmother, I’m fine.”

“If you’re fine, would you cry like this? What is it that you can’t tell your grandmother?” Yu old madam heartachingly wiped her face for her, also ordering Shuangye and them, “Quickly go draw water, and bring the scented ointment.”

Yu Lingxin shook her head,” Grandmother, I just missed you.” Getting up, she went to the side room to quickly wash up, and then returned again to sit down by her grandmother’s side. Looking at the refreshments on the table, “Grandmother, I want to eat some warm pastries.”

Yu old madam couldn’t help but carefully glance at her granddaughter again. Today’s Yu Lingxin truly was very different from usual. This while, although she’d cried, her eyes nevertheless had light, her spirit also seemingly even more brisk. Moreover, it was obvious she had private words she wanted to say, thus Yu old madam nodded, “Shuangye, go make a bowl of fresh almond cream for the eldest miss.”

Shuangye immediately comprehended, and when going out, even took away the other two servant girls serving in the room and Ganlu, just leaving Yu old madam and Yu Lingxin in the main room.

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

“If you have something to say, just say it.” Yu old madam reached out and stroked Yu Lingxin’s hair by her temples, “What’s wrong? Did your madam wrong you?”

Yu Lingxin shook her head, thinking for a moment. Although there was no one else in the room at this time, she still had the following words spoken very softly, “Grandmother, I really have something to ask of you. As you know, my mother………..”

Through the long explanation, Yu old madam’s expression slightly congealed twice, but in the end, still returned to tranquility. She was very much speechless for a moment, before finally letting out a long sigh, “If your parents were half as understanding as you, then how would the home be like this, rather wronging you……….”

Halfway through her words, Shuangye’s smiling voice sounded outside, “Eldest madam, second miss, be careful of the steps.”

Lifting her eyes and seeing the white sandalwood in the auspicious gold incense burner still having more than half left, Yu Lingxin just knew that Su-shi bringing her daughter Yu Yunxin over to pay respect today was half a quarter earlier than usual. On the inside, she slightly sneered, but on the surface, she didn’t reveal anything. The important words, she’d already said to the old madam.

“Grandmother!” The servant girls outside lifted open the curtain. The second miss Yu Yunxin immediately ran in, just about to pounce onto Yu old madam when she finally saw that Yu Lingxin was also sitting to the side, “Eldest sister?”



Su-shi was half a step behind Yu Yunxin. At this time, she also turned into the warm room to pay respect to the old madam. Yu Lingxin naturally needed to get up to greet. Between the movement, the two sides both soundlessly sized up the other party.

Yu Lingxin didn’t have any special feelings. Su-shi was completely the same as her memories, still liking to wear lotus purple brocade clothes, setting off her fair white skin and graceful features. Lucid and elegant like a lotus flower, completely unable to tell that she was a mother that had given birth to two children.

Su-shi’s perception however were very different. Yu Lingxin has been raised before her ever since she was little. Exactly how soft and weak this eldest miss was, there was no one more clear than her.

However, today’s Yu Lingxin, it was just changing into brightly colored soft satin clothes, yet unexpectedly appeared this dazzlingly pretty. Her delicate and elegant features were like the first blossoming of a rose, bright and moving.

Seemingly, it really was as Caixia had said, there was something a bit different about her.

At this time, Shuangye had the tea and desserts all sent over. Su-shi shifted her gaze, habitually sitting down at the other side of the small table on the bed, chatting with the old madam. Just, Yu Lingxin sat back down by her grandmother’s side, yet that was the second miss Yu Yunxin’s usual place.

Yu Yunxin’s delicate little face was somewhat awkward, directly calling out, “Eldest sister~~” The young girl’s tender voice was drawn out, seemingly cutely pleading.

Yu Lingxin lightly smiled, directly ordering Shuangye, “Bring an embroidered stool over for the second miss.”

Shuangye immediately responded and went out. Yu Yunxin was somewhat unhappy, but seeing that Yu old madam seemingly also didn’t have any objections, even handing Yu Lingxin a piece of red bean cake, she could only unwillingly sit on the embroidered stool with a pout.

Su-shi couldn’t help but glance at Yu Lingxin. This time her astonishment was much more obvious.

However, Yu old madam already started asking about the various household affairs. Su-shi naturally can’t ignore, so could only once again shift her gaze, returning to her usual gentle and virtuous look, softly replying to the old madam’s words.

Yu old madam listened one by one, drinking another cup of tea before saying, “These things, you have always been meticulous, so I’m also reassured. Just, there’s something I need to ask again. The day before yesterday, you mentioned that you want to send Yun’er to the Zhu family’s manor school[5]?”

Su-shi silently swept a glance at Yu Lingxin, and afterwards, softly said, “This daughter-in-law indeed has this intention. Yun’er has been fond of books since young, and that private school is Cheng’en Duke Manor Zhu family’s, so also dependable. Thus, this daughter-in-law was thinking of letting Yun’er go try. That way, she can study some more books and can also meet some friends.”

Previously those random bits of household affairs, Yu Lingxin was already somewhat bored from listening, and just as she was pondering whether or not she should leave early, she heard Su-shi’s words, her heart immediately stirring——–Turns out, it was like this!

What Su-shi truly cared about was Wenhua Academy!

Wenhua Academy was an academy started half a year ago under the current emperor, Xuan Emperor’s decree, both taking in noble sons that will mainly inherit the noble title and not take the imperial exam, and also specially setting up a private school for noble family young ladies.

Because it was the academy personally established by Xuan Emperor, naturally no one dared to discuss whether or not it was appropriate for girls to attend. On the contrary, those that were a bit perceptive towards politics all were able to understand, as long as one was able to set foot in Wenhua Academy, then that was just equal to entering the capital’s most important noble circle.

For the Yu family, this kind of marginal family clan that once had cabinet ministers and chancellors among their ancestors, but nowadays, already not that grand, Wenhua Academy truly was an extremely valuable opportunity. As long as any one of their sons or daughters can enter and study for a year or so, their future prospects certainly will be greatly different.

Yu Lingxin recalled, for noble young ladies that wanted to enter Wenhua Academy’s private school for girls, there was only two paths. The first path, for every fourth rank or higher officials in the capital, each family can recommend one daughter, writing a poetry essay to send to the academy for the head of the academy to assess and determine. The other path was to participate in the poetry gathering held by Wenhua Academy once or twice every year. If able to take first place in the poetry gathering, then one can also enter Wenhua Academy.

The latter path was truly extremely difficult. There were numerous high officials and nobles families in the capital, so there were even more meticulously raised daughters of high-ranking noble families. To want to take first place in the poetry gathering, it was easier said than done. Yu Yunxin although indeed had a bit of talent, but she was still light years away from her talents suppressing the mass, overshadowing the flowers of the capital.

It can be said that if Yu Yunxin wants to enter Wenhua Academy, then she must obtain the Yu family’s only recommendation opportunity.

And in the past life, she indeed received it.

Yu Lingxin tightly pursed her lips, suppressing the gradually rising anger in her heart. The messy memories of her past life endlessly stirring in her mind. For a moment, even the old madam and Su-shi’s following conversation, she was also completely unable to take in.

There was just one clear thought left in her mind——–Indeed, precisely for the sake of this Wenhua Academy opportunity, Su-shi would thus that eagerly cooperate with Qi-shi, and even if taking a risk, still need to have her sent out of the capital. Su-shi’s older brother precisely held a post in the Ministry of Appointments, so Su-shi must have known that Qi-shi’s husband, Kou Xian, will soon be transferred out of the capital. That’s why, she cooperated. In fact, it was possible that she was the one that instigated this matter!

[1] 采菊东篱下 – ‘Picking chrysanthemum under the eastern fence’, this is a line from the poem 饮酒 (Drinking Wine) by Tao Yuanming, a Jin dynasty poet and writer. The poem is roughly about the poet’s enjoyment of life living out in seclusion, having a peace of mind.

A bit of background about Tao Yuanming, he was born into a declining official family, once serving as the Head Academician of Jiangzhou, and also once serving in the army under Liu Yu (founder of Song of the Southern dynasties that broke away from Eastern Jin in 420). Eventually he became extremely displeased with reality, due to the political unrest at the time, as well as with the political corruption in officialdom. As a result, he resolutely resigned from his post and went to live in seclusion.

[2] Beaded curtains made from bamboo, see pic below.

[3] Also known as a kang, pictured below. It works similarly like a stove furnace where a fire is started underneath for warmth. There’s also tunnels and pathways underneath that leads to the outside to filter out the smoke. Nowadays these beds are mostly common out in the countryside and rural areas.

[4] Chrysanthemum pillows – Pillows stuffed with dried chrysanthemum flowers, said to be good for the health.

[5] Manor school – Technically home school or residence school would be a more accurate translation, but manor school sounds better. Basically a wealthy family will hire teachers for their children and set up a place in the residence for their classes. For large wealthy families, they might also let the children within their clan or even relatives attend the classes as well. For the branch families or relatives that aren’t well off, this is usually a good opportunity, because they may not necessarily have the resources to invite a good teacher.

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