Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 20: Pine Needles and Gingko Leaves

Thinking of these, Yu Lingxin just somewhat couldn’t sit still. A few days later, hearing that Yu Bocheng returned a little early, she just took the pastries and herbal soup that she personally made to the study to see her father.

Seeing Yu Lingxin, Yu Bocheng’s expression still softened a little, and hearing that his daughter personally cooked for him, his face filled with a smile, “Ling’er sure enough has grown up, your hands this skillful. Have you been well these days? Is there anything you’re lacking?”

Seeing her father somewhat waning these days, she couldn’t help but heartache, “With the old madam and daddy here, everything is naturally all well for me. Daddy doesn’t need to worry. Just, I heard the servants say that you’ve been particularly busy these days in the ministry, and after returning to the manor, your intake and appetite also lessened compared to normal. This way, won’t it damage your body?”

Speaking of the ministry, Yu Bocheng just subconsciously frowned again, “It’s nothing really, just busy lately. In another few days, no, in another half month, it will probably be better.”

“Is it his Majesty wanting to build or renovate something again?” At present, Yu Lingxin was probably even more sensitive towards the stakes and interest of the imperial court and the imperial palace than her father, directly taking the opportunity to ask, “Is it the inner palace?”

Yu Bocheng was very astonished, “This kind of thing, how were you able to know?”

Towards this, Yu Lingxin already had a mental outline, casually answering, “Last time, when visiting the Chang’de Count Manor to congratulate maternal aunt-in-law on her birthday, by chance heard the elders there chatting, roughly hearing a few words. Since daddy is the chief administrator of the Ministry of Works, then presumably these construction projects will be related to you.”

Yu Bocheng nodded, “There is indeed this matter, but it isn’t the top priority at the moment. At present, what’s currently a mess is actually this year’s mid-year evaluations.” He hesitated for a moment, but still decided to explain to his daughter, “The evaluations refers to the imperial court’s evaluation of the court officials’ political achievements and official reputation, afterwards deciding whether it’s getting promoted, demoted, or getting transferred to the outer regions.”

“Daddy’s evaluation results aren’t good?” Yu Lingxin naturally knew what the evaluations were, just the hesitation and difficulty in her father’s tone at this time made her somewhat worried.

“No, your father is still fine.” Yu Bocheng paused for a moment, but still continued, “It’s just that Sir Kou’s dossier in the Ministry of Revenue got picked for a random inspection, afraid it won’t be good.”

In an instant, Yu Lingxin’s thoughts spun rapidly. Kou Xian was Qi-shi’s current husband, coming from a Jiang province large clan, and also a high scoring candidate of the imperial exam. His temper although wasn’t too good, but in terms of abilities, he was still passing. Just, in the capital, he didn’t have any connections. Despite serving as an official for more than ten years, he still just revolved around the sixth rank. The transfer this time was actually a good opportunity. Going to the outer regions to gain experience and then returning to the capital, he will be able to nicely get promoted a step higher.

However, from her father’s tone, it seemingly wasn’t good. No wonder the announcement for the transfer that should’ve long came down still didn’t have any news.

But, how come there was suddenly this kind of unforeseen change? Could it be———Xun Che made a move again?

“All in all, the evaluations for the six ministries this year will all be thoroughly investigated again. If Sir Kou doesn’t get demoted in the capital, then it’ll just be getting appointed to a post in the Quan province.” How would Yu Bocheng know that Yu Lingxin in this moment had a million thoughts flying through her mind, still continuing, “If really going to the Quan province thousands of miles away, it will at least be for two-three terms. In the future, whether or not he can return to the capital, it’s hard to say.”

After Yu Bocheng said this, he also somewhat took note of Yu Lingxin’s expression.

Regardless of what Qi-shi was like, she was ultimately still Yu Lingxin’s birth mother. Moreover, aside from these last few ruckus recently that were relatively serious, in the previous few years, Yu Lingxin still very much cared for her mother.

If this time Qi-shi really were to go with the Kou Xian to the Quan province, optimistically speaking, perhaps can still meet again in ten or so years, but on the other end, perhaps they will never meet again.

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

However, on Yu Lingxin’s delicate and pretty little face, there wasn’t the look of worry and concern that Yu Bocheng thought that there would be. Instead, her expression was a bit strange, seemingly a bit surprised, while also having a bit of a ‘as expected’ look.

“Ling’er…” Yu Bocheng deliberated for a moment, “You don’t need to worry about your mother too much. This matter isn’t completely decided yet. Perhaps, if the Cheng’de Count Manor help mediate, then there’s still leeway to turn things around.”

Meeting her father’s solemn gaze, Yu Lingxin thought for a moment before finally realizing that her father was worried that she would be heartbroken over her mother leaving the capital. However, in reality, right now, she actually wasn’t thinking about the Kou family’s future, but rather, the re-examination of the six ministries’ evaluation results this time, what exactly did it mean.

Over the years, the six ministries’ evaluations although were carried out respectively on their own, but the arrangements for the appointments outside of the capital were ultimately still under the Ministry of Appointments’ jurisdiction. Ever since his Majesty Xuan Emperor ascended the throne, Changchun Palace’s Noble Consort Zhu has always had never-ending imperial favor. And the noble consort’s maiden family, the Cheng’en Duke Manor, also had glory upon glory. In the six ministries, the Zhu family had the strongest influence in the Ministry of Appointments and the Ministry of Revenue, the most important ministries, controlling human resources and money.

In the past life, the Zhu family’s limitless glory continued all the way until Tianxu year 16 before it finally faltered. That year, Xun Che’s sole younger sister, that gentle and kind, filled with a scholarly air, Wen’an Marquis Manor’s di daughter, Xun Ying, tragically died in the palace.

When the incident occurred, Yu Lingxin was still in the Jiang province, not having any connections with the Wen’an Marquis Manor, but in the following few months, she nevertheless vaguely heard that Noble Consort Zhu seemingly got demoted, the atmosphere in the palace for a time very tense, and Cheng’en Duke Manor’s noble title had also somewhat swayed, and so on.

At present, according to her father’s words, stirring up the six ministries’ evaluations, that was precisely Xun Che wanting to make a move first. As for Kou Xian’s appointment getting changed from returning to his own hometown the Jiang province to the Quan province thousands of miles away, that was probably just done in passing.

But, this was too convenient for him, exactly how much does he want to interfere in her matters!

Thinking for a moment, Yu Lingxin still didn’t know exactly how she felt, casually responding, “If Sir Kou really get sent to the Quan province, my mother may not necessarily follow along. On the contrary, father, how’s your evaluation?”

Yu Bocheng’s gaze somewhat flickered, unnaturally letting out a dry cough, yet unwilling to say more, “Your father naturally doesn’t have any problems, no need to worry. Speaking of which, did you go see your grandmother these days?”

Seeing her father change the subject, Yu Lingxin didn’t pursue either. Compared to her father’s official evaluation at this time, she actually wanted to know more about the imperial court’s overall changes and direction.

In the end, what the current her cared about the most at this time wasn’t really whether or not her father’s official career was successful or not, because in the following battle for the throne, the higher her father rose, the more attention he will attract, and might inevitably get involved with or attacked by Noble Consort Zhu and the second prince’s faction once again.

If her father’s evaluation really wasn’t good, or even get slightly demoted, perhaps it would instead help him avoid trouble in the next few years.

As such, the father-daughter pair started chatting about the matters at home.

Yu Lingxin tightly urged her father to pay attention to his body before finally retreating out.

Because the time she spent chatting with her father in the study was a bit long, when returning to Lianyi Residence, the sky had already somewhat darkened. Before Yu Lingxin even set foot into the courtyard, she just saw from afar a little servant girl holding a lantern, coming to greet, her figure very familiar.

Ganlu who was serving by her side had sharp eyes, “Miss, it’s Bai Guo. Probably sister Shuangye sent her out to greet you.”

Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but slant her mouth, was it really Shuangye?

Very soon, she appeared before them. Bai Guo obediently bowed, and then just attentively led the way with the lantern in hand. On the way back, she actually didn’t say a single word. Yu Lingxin was just someone that can keep her composure to begin with, so even though she had some guesses inside, she wasn’t in a hurry either.

The master and servants just this calmly walked like normal, all the way until they reached the doorway of the central room. Bai Guo, as a little servant girl, without orders, cannot enter the room, thus she stopped in her steps, deferentially opening her mouth, “Sister Ganlu, because the weather has been hot lately, this servant made a few embroidered pouches for repelling mosquitoes for older sister. This embroidered pouch used Cangcui Mountain’s pine needles and gingko leaves, while also adding a few simple medicinal ingredients, hoping that older sister doesn’t disdain.”

At this time, Yu Lingxin had just entered the door to go change. The courtyard was still very quiet. Bai Guo’s voice, although not loud, she still let Yu Lingxin who was in the inner room hear clearly. Yu Lingxin’s brows just lifted again.

Cangcui Mountain was west of the capital. On the mountain, the most famous was just Jingfu Temple that had several hundred years of history and occupied several square kilometers of area. Jingfu Temple also had several courtyards, each having different sacred scriptures enshrined, also having different ceremonial rites. For many years, their incense fire has always been prosperous. Every two months, Yu old madam would all go visit once, lighting lamps and offering sacrifices for the already deceased Yu old master, and her deceased third son.

As for pine needles, gingko leaves, and whatnot, the meaning was just even more obvious.

Yu Lingxin was increasingly stifled, angrily having the handkerchief in hand scrunched into a ball.

Xun-shizi, why don’t you just directly say, let’s meet in three days at Cangcui Mountain’s Jingfu Temple, under the gingko trees in Songbai (pine and cypress) Courtyard!

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