Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam

Chapter 30: Wangchuan Pavilion

Seeing Wen mama agree, Yu Lingxin didn’t say anything else to Xun Che and Yu Zhengshan, directly climbing onto the carriage.

That deep weariness and listlessness that was like seeping into her bones right now, everyone present, from top to bottom, all sensed it, but they could also understand.

After all, she will soon be separated from her mother by thousands of miles, and moreover, it was even that kind of a hard to describe mother. The complicated feelings within, outsiders truly were unable to imagine.

As such, they silently reached the docks outside the city without a word along the way. Just as the horse carriage steadily stopped, they just saw the Kou family busily having the last luggage trunks loaded onto the boat.

Lu mama and Cuiju were going back and forth directing the other servants, so it wasn’t considered too chaotic. As for Qi-shi, she was dressed in a half-new, not old, deep blue soft satin long dress embroidered with a hundred good fortune(福) characters, holding the young Kou Yuluo’s hand, standing to the side. The expression on her face was also exhausted and waning, both overlapping.

Yu Lingxin climbed down from the carriage, and then let Ganlu and Bai Guo have the previously prepared four bolts of fabric, two root of ginseng, the stack of banknotes, and other gifts all brought over one by one. Slowly relaxing a breath, she headed towards Qi-shi.

Yu Zhengshan thought for a moment, and in the end, quickly followed after her, “Eldest sis, I’ll go with you.”

Yu Lingxin nodded. She actually didn’t have anything she wanted to say to Qi-shi. At this time, bringing gifts, as well as personally coming to see her one last time, it was already the last thing she can do for their relationship as mother and daughter.

From hereon, whether or not Kou Xian still has the opportunity to return to the capital again, and what Qi-shi’s days in the Jiang province will be like, she doesn’t want to know.

Seeing Yu Lingxin and Yu Zhengshan come over together, Qi-shi’s eyes immediately reddened. The changes in regards to Kou Xian’s assignment outside of the capital this time, from beginning to end, dragged on for more than a month and a half. The great majority of the time in between, it was all leaning towards the Quan province.

That path, for Kou Xian, wasn’t necessarily the worst, but for Qi-shi, it was nevertheless like a death sentence. In the forty some days, she visited her maiden family, the Chang’de Count Manor, at least fifteen times, also finally thoroughly realizing that her name being recorded as a so-called di daughter in the ancestral records really was just a record. If not for marrying into the Yu family back than, her name might not even be able to be recorded as one.

And now, when there really was trouble, the Qi old madam that loved her had long passed away for many years already, and her di-born older brother and sister-in-law merely just brushed her off with a few words. She didn’t have much money left in hand to begin with, but after the fifth visit, no matter how unwilling, she still had no choice but to purchase gifts.

The only thing to rejoice was that after running around for more than a month, Kou Xian’s assignment finally was set back to the Jiang province. But, Qi-shi’s beauty that was usually maintained quite well instead declined by countless times. Now, she even had white hairs by her temples.

At this time, seeing Yu Lingxin come see her off and bid farewell, Qi-shi finally no longer have the energy and aspirations to yell and scream, just having a stomach full of grievances and sorrow. Slightly saying a few words, her cheeks just streamed with tears.

And the young Kou Yuluo further just directly hugged onto Yu Lingxin’s leg, loudly crying. Her young and tender voice just calling out older sister.

Under this kind of circumstance, never mind Yu Lingxin, even Yu Zhengshan, who was completely indifferent and on-guard towards this former aunt-in-law, was also somewhat emotionally moved, also recalling his deceased parents inside, for a moment, silent without a word, feeling very sad.

Xun Che, as an outsider, although descended the carriage along with Yu Zhengshan, he ultimately didn’t go forward with them. After sending the servants to park the carriages, he just stood a few feet away with his hands behind his back, quietly watching.

TN: All translations outside of are stolen and reposted without permission!

Gazing over from where he was standing, he actually wasn’t able to see too clearly Yu Lingxin’s expression, but Xun Che was able to see Yu Lingxin’s left hand continuously stroking Kou Yuluo’s hair slowly. Her back was very upright and straight, seemingly still very calm. Just, very occasionally, she would slightly lower her head, her right hand swiftly pressing the corner of her eyes.

In this moment, Xun Che’s heart also pierced with pain following her movement.

He very rarely saw her cry. In the last lifetime, their days were that difficult, yet he had only ever seen her tears a few times.

Only in that last half year prior to his death, when the pain on his body was truly too heavy, the pain often times lasting for several hours, the medicine and acupuncture all not having anymore effect, would he finally see his wife’s eyes increasingly redden. But, usually at that time, Yu Lingxin would very quickly get up to go call the servant girls or doctor over, and after standing a while outside, her tears were already completely wiped away, just leaving behind her warm and caring encouragement, letting him know, she was with him.

Now, he finally can also accompany her.

Finally, the servants on the boat began talking to Qi-shi. It was more or less about time. Qi-shi seemingly wanted to reach out to stroke Yu Lingxin’s hair, but Yu Lingxin instead leaned down, having the topaz rose jinbu[1] at her waist taken down, placing it in Kou Yuluo’s hand.

Qi-shi’s hand awkwardly froze in midair, and in the end, could only turn to go hold Kou Yuluo’s hand, turning back three times at every step as she left.

Yu Lingxin didn’t continue forward, and didn’t say anything either, just deeply curtsying. It can be considered the final parting salute.

Yu Zhengshan stayed by her side the entire time, and at this time, also bowed along with as a nephew, giving Qi-shi all the face and dignity in the last moments as she boarded the boat.

The Kou family’s boat already raised the anchor, very quickly disappearing along the waters. Yu Zhengshan hurriedly went to personally support Yu Lingxin whose knees were still bent. And at this time, Xun Che also quickly walked over, his voice as gentle as usual, “Younger cousin, are you okay?”

Yu Lingxin slowly exhaled a breath, taking Yu Zhengshan’s hand to stand up. After a moment of silence, she slowly gazed towards Xun Che, “Many thanks.”

Yu Zhengshan just assumed that Yu Lingxin was just politely responding to Xun Che’s words, so didn’t think too much of it, just carefully supporting Yu Lingxin as they slowly walked back.

Xun Che naturally knew Yu Lingxin’s true meaning. It was thinking him for his involvement in Kou Xian’s assignment outside of the capital. But, right now, his entire heart was aching. Seeing Yu Lingxin’s somewhat pale complexion, and her still slightly red eyes, his heart was like as if getting pricked with a needle. He wanted to reach out to hug her, or even just supporting her back to the carriage to rest.

But looking at their current surroundings and the people by their side, Xun Che ultimately still knew that it absolutely wasn’t appropriate for him to do anything. He could only forcibly clench his teeth and endure, in the end, softly responding, “Younger cousin is too polite.”

Returning to the horse carriage, the soreness on her knees already dissipated. Just, the expression on her face still carried a bit of gloominess. Everyone by her side, regardless whether it’s Ganlu and Bai Guo, or Xun Che and Yu Zhengshan, not a single one said a single word. Practically everyone was all holding their breath, quietly waiting for her to recover her mood.

Seeing them like this, Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but bitterly laugh, “It’s nothing, no need to worry about me.”

“Eldest sis, how about going to Wangchuan Pavilion for a stroll and relax your mind?” Yu Zhengshan carefully asked, “I originally invited Xun second brother over precisely for the sake of going there to look at the scenery and prepare for the practice painting for the academy in a few days. Why don’t you also come along, Wangchuan Pavilion’s scenery is really nice!”

Wangchuan Pavilion wasn’t just an individual pavilion, but rather a simple waterside pavilion made up of three pavilions and a few winding corridors. Inside all three pavilions displayed a wide stone table and stone stools. It was built under Qingyang Academy’s funding during the previous dynasty, for the sake of letting the officials be able to come here to view the scenery, composing poetry and painting.

Because Wangchuan Pavilion’s location was near the docks and official road outside of the capital, Qingyang Academy didn’t have it completely sealed off, just periodically letting someone come clean and maintain. Usually, the people of the capital will often come to Wangchuan Pavilion to chat and send off friends and family. It can be considered a landscape outside of the capital.

“En.” Yu Lingxin nodded, turning and climbing onto the carriage.

From the docks to Wangchuan Pavilion, it was just a cup of tea’s time. Inside the carriage, before Yu Lingxin could completely calm her mind, they’d already arrived.

Yu Zhengshan was very excited, hurriedly ordering someone to have the brush, ink, paper, ink stone, paper weight, and such items they’d brought along all taken out, setting up in the left pavilion that had the best view.

Xun Che instead waited by Yu Lingxin’s carriage. Seeing her no longer shedding tears after climbing down from the carriage, he slightly relaxed a little inside. In the few steps going over to the left pavilion together with her, he randomly asked, “Does younger cousin normally practice calligraphy and painting?”

Yu Lingxin actually already couldn’t bear him repeatedly calling her younger cousin like this. Just, the complicated feelings from that parting with Qi-shi was still lingering in her heart, so she didn’t even have the energy to roll her eyes. She could only respond following Xun Che’s words, “I don’t understand painting too well. As for calligraphy, recently been practicing the Liu style.”

“Then, has younger cousin practiced the Zhao style before?” Xun Che continued asking. At this time, Yu Zhengshan has already spread out the painting paper, beginning to grind the ink.

Yu Lingxin didn’t lift her eyes, still lacking in spirit, “In the past, copied a few books.”

Xun Che made a sound in response, and shortly after, arrived before the stone table. After briefly looking around at the surrounding river’s scenery, he just picked up the brush, sketching a rough outline of the mountains and waters, before having the brush handed back to Yu Zhengshan, explaining a few words for him, “Younger brother Shan, start applying color on this draft of mine first, using the lighting and reflection in this direction as reference………..”

Yu Lingxin also looked over in the direction Xun Che pointed out for Yu Zhengshan. Sure enough, deep skies, blue water, green hills, and city walls, the scenery very rich.

Xun Che thought for a moment and added, “Once you finish this first one, you can then sketch your own composition, painting a new one according to the scenery you like. As for the caption, don’t think of it separately, and further don’t pad out. When viewing the scenery and painting, slowly mull over it inside. The so called ‘sudden inspiration of a master’, what one should abstain from the most is deliberateness.”

Listening to Xun Che explain a lot, Yu Zhengshan was long itching inside, hurriedly responding and beginning to paint.

Seeing him focused on the painting, Xun Che’s gaze turned towards Yu Lingxin again, putting on a look of ‘conveniently taking the opportunity’ to explain about calligraphy and painting to Yu Lingxin, endlessly chattering next to the stone table.

Yu Lingxin was actually completely distracted, just occasionally making a sound in response to Xun Che’s words. However, Yu Zhengshan couldn’t bear it anymore, “About that, Xun second brother, can you accompany my older sister to the middle pavilion, no, right pavilion for a sit? I really need the tranquility in order to paint.”

Xun Che immediately smiled, “It’s this foolish older brother that was muddled. Then, younger cousin, how about we go sit in the right pavilion?”

[1] An accessory hung at the waist to act as a weight to hold down the dress.

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