Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 863: The Second Face Of Mei Ling Part 1

Chapter 863: The Second Face Of Mei Ling Part 1

Mei Ling was on the defensive. Ako was not letting up on any of her attacks. She wanted Mei Ling to push past her limits and get out of this idea of being too friendly in the face of an enemy. She wanted Mei Ling to realize that even in a duel, one should always take it seriously.

Hundreds of orbs of chaos were flying across the stage. While Mei Ling was easily using her new footwork to dodge them, she was only able to do it by a hair's breadth. She knew with how strong these attacks were, she would be seriously hurt if she got hit even once, but she couldn't figure out how to counterattack.

She was struggling. She was struggling with how she could fight this match. While she had no issues fighting devil cultivators with the idea of either you die or I die mentality, it was different for those she knew and knew she should not hurt. Even earlier, when she killed those disciples, even though she felt nothing afterward, she really did not mean to kill them.

In fact, with her not feeling anything at all about her killing so many so effortlessly actually scared her. While she found no issues with her newfound love for fighting, she still did not wish to kill people who had done nothing wrong.

And now, after all these battles, she was finally slowly gaining control of her powers. In her last battle, she was able to fight with her sword evenly with the young man. She did not exert more power than she needed. But now, she was being forced to push herself to see those in front of her as an enemy, even if the person in front of her was someone from her own family. This…. This just did not sit right with her. But she knows more than anyone here watching except for those in her own family that her Aunty Ako would not stop. She would not stop until she finally retaliated with the intent to kill….

It was this intent that scared her the most…. She just couldn't do it... "Hehe…" A small laugh suddenly escaped from Mei Ling's lips. Her aura had suddenly changed. The orbs of chaos suddenly stopped mid air in front of Mei Ling, not moving an inch. "Hehe…. Aunty Ako wants to play…."

Up in the stands, Kana and Creige suddenly stood up. "Criege!"

"I know I am on it," Creige yelled out as the two suddenly disappeared. Everyone else was confused as to what was going on except for Yana and the other girls, who stared in horror at the stage. "I knew this would happen."

"Huh? Why are you all freaking out?" The sect master of Moon Crest Academy asked. He did not understand why they went from enjoying watching the match to suddenly being wary of something.

"Mama didn't tell you as it is something we do not like to discuss, but Little Ling has a bit of an issue when she feels like her life is threatened or she cant take a situation…." Yana replied with a bit of a shiver in her voice.

"And that is?" The sect master asked. He was still confused as to what was going on.

"And that is, she becomes someone else who is half as powerful as Mama…. And a little bit unstable…." Yana remembered when they were training that Mei Ling had almost lost an arm due to an accident, and that was when she appeared. The second face of Mei Ling. They do not know where she developed this second personality, but it seemed to stem from something from before she was part of their family. It seemed to protect Mei Ling in situations she couldn't mentally handle. It reminded Yana of herself when she was younger before her personalities merged together. It was just that Mei Ling did not know about this other side of her, so they did not talk about it.>

Back on the stage, Ako felt a shiver run down her back as she saw the little girl in front of her. She had forgotten. She had pushed too far. She was not supposed to push until the other Mei Ling appeared! But as she was trying to figure out what to do, the Mei Ling in front of her suddenly disappeared along with the orbs of chaos.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Ako suddenly found herself under a barrage of her own attacks. She quickly began dodging the orbs, but she was less worried about them and more worried about where Mei Ling was.

"Hehe…." A small giggle came from behind Ako, causing her to jump up into the air and do a frontflip just in time for a sword to suddenly appear out of nowhere and slice through the air. "Haha! Aunty Ako is fast!"

The child like laughter quickly faded away, and Ako suddenly felt another shiver run through her body, causing her to spin around to block an attack, but there was nothing there. But she still felt danger was right around the corner. She turned her head to see a young girl smiling away. The little girl's sword was thrust out, aiming straight for Ako's head!

Ako knew it was already too late. She went to turn and try to block, only to feel her body suddenly being pulled back and a figure appearing in front of her.

Kana stood there holding the edge of the sword in her hand, staring at Mei Ling with reprimanding eyes. "What did I tell you?"

"But Mama! Aunty Ako was using too much force. I thought she wanted to play!"

"No playing like that! If you want to play like that, then I will seal you for good. Do you understand Bi Ling?" Bi Ling, the other name for Mei Ling, her second face. The one who loves the thrill of killing.

"No! Don't seal me away, Mama! I don't want to be sealed away! I will be good!" Bi Ling yelled out with tears in her eyes. She dropped her sword and ran forward and pulled on Kana's arm as she pleaded with her.

Kana's eyes softened as she reached out and placed her hand on Bi Ling's head. "Then listen to Mama and do not cause trouble. I know you do not come out often but remember. If you hurt someone dear to Mei Ling, your sister, she will be very sad. You don't want to make her sad right?"

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