Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 938: Kana And Ceilie Part 1

Chapter 938: Kana And Ceilie Part 1

As Nergal continued to rant, a new document suddenly appeared on her desk. In a different spot. "Hmm? What's this?"

"Isn't that the pile for the Ghost Empress's expenses?" Ceilie looked at the spot the document was in and pursed her lips as she picked it up. "Huh? Fifty soul coins for food at a meat stall!? Is Angelica feeding a bunch of new souls?"

Ceilie knew that Angelica sometimes went out to check the area every so often, but normally she would stop in to let them know but now…. Sighing and not thinking too much more about it, she tallied up the amount that needed to be paid and sent it over to the shop owner. It was quite convenient to use a soul document as it could send payments through the document into the soul account of the person who sent the bill.

As for the person who sent the bill, she was currently stuffing her face. "What is this!? So good! Tastes like ham and bacon!"

Kana's cheeks were puffed out as she stuffed food into them continuously. She had never expected soul food to taste this good it was quite addicting, and the strange thing was that she had eaten so much already yet did not feel full at all. In fact, she felt invigorated and wanted to eat even more! "Master! More of everything!"

"Hiyo!" The stall owner was beaming with happiness as he saw his food stocks dwindling. He usually could only make ends meet, but today he was making enough soul coins to last a year or more in living! So he was putting his all into the food he was cooking.

Kana sat at the table as pile after pile of food kept showing up as she shoved it into her mouth. At this point, Angelica probably never thought the food of the land of the dead would actually become an addiction for Kana.

As Kana ate, the bills being sent to Ceilie and Nergal kept piling up until the stack reached the same height as the other piles they had in front of them. "What is going on!?" Ceilie yelled out.

Ceilie was starting to think something was off, but the seal used to even be able to send a bill to the Ghost Empress's palace was indeed legitimate she had checked it many times. Furrowing her brow, Ceilie looked at Nergal and said: "I'm going out to check. Something is off."

"What!? Why do you get to go!? Why can't I go?" Nergal complained. She wanted to go out and play!

"Because you will go out and play and not find out the reasoning behind the sudden influx of bills!" Ceilie practically read Nergal's mind, causing her two tails to flicker as she humphed and went back to work, not wanting to look at Ceilie anymore. Ceilie shook her head as she said: "Next time there is a lull in the paperwork, I will bring you to a meal, okay?"

Nergal's ear twitched slightly, but she still ignored Ceilie. Ceilie chuckled as she leaned over and whispered into Nergal's ear: "Tonight, we can go for as long as you want."

"Oh! Look at all the paperwork! Need to get it done. Ceilie, you should handle that person who is stealing money. I need to do this paperwork and get it all down today!" Nergal suddenly turned into a machine as she began flipping through documents. Ceilie's words were like caffeine to the cat girl who always struggled to spend more than an hour on work.

Ceilie made her way to the stall where the bills were coming from to see the stall owner closing down shop. "Excuse me."

"Hmmm? Oh! If it is not, Miss Ceilie!" The stall owner smiled brightly as he saw Ceilie. Ceilie and Nergal were well known throughout the entire land of the dead as the Ghost Empress's aides. They were practically celebrities. "What can I do for you, Miss Ceilie?"

"It's about the bills we have been getting nonstop. Is her Highness here?" Ceilie asked.

"Hmmm? Not her highness but someone who looks like her. I think she is a relative. She has Her Majesty's seal. Is there a problem? I only know the young woman can eat. She ate all my goods." The stall owner replied. He was starting to get worried that he would need to return the soul coins.

"No, no…. What you sold, you sold. We will pay for it, but can you tell me which way she went?" Ceilie asked.

"Miss Ceilie, turn around." The stall owner said as he pointed behind Ceilie. She was slightly confused, but as her head turned, her eyes went wide, and tears began to well up in them. She never in her life thought that she would get to see her sister again. "K-K-Ka-Kana!"

"Hmmm?" Kana, who had a big chuck of soul meat hanging out of her mouth, turned towards the voice she had not heard in a long time and gulped the meat in one go before standing up and taking a flying leap! "Big Sister!"

Ceilie was not ready for the sudden attack, so she was quickly knocked over by Kana, but that did not stop the tears from spilling from her eyes. Her ghostly body shook as she hugged the stupid lizard girl in her arms. "Kana!"

Kana began bawling like a little girl as she hugged Ceilie as tightly as she could. She missed Ceilie so much. Just seeing her brought up all the repressed feelings she had pushed to the depths of her heart. "Big Sister…."

Sitting in the sky high above the land of the dead, Angelica wiped the tears in her eyes as she looked at her mother and auntie finally having a reunion after so, so very long. "I wished we could have had this meeting earlier. Mama was really holding back."

Reuniting with loved ones after so long will bring a tear to anyone's eye, but this meeting was one where death should have separated them. Kana had been holding back all this time, wanting to grow stronger so when they did meet again, she would be able to give her and her sister in law new bodies, but this was also not so bad either.

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