Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 119: Outside Training

Chapter 119: Outside Training

The gossip was cooling down after her confrontation between Bai Feng Jiu. Others knew that she did not have an interest in Bai Shu Jin. However, some of them might think it was a technique to make Bai Shu Jin interested in her and confused others.

Yu Qi cared less about people's thought. They could think about whatever they want. She was on her way to shooting ground club. Today the shooting club turn. She made some arrangement to attend both of the clubs, shooting club and martial arts club. On her way, Yu Qi met some of their seniors of the shooting club.

She greeted them. " Hi, Seniors."

"Oh, Yu Qi is here. Our turn finally arrives. Yeah, ~~~" Vice-captain, Jung Xi Wan said loudly. This was always their reaction when Yu Qi showed up at the shooting club after finishing her week with a martial arts club.

"A week without our queen is bored." Shi Man Xie, another senior joined them.

Yu Qi laughed. The shooting club only had male members in the clubs. At first, there were a lot of girls that wanted to join the club. Because there was a lot of people that wanted to join so, Captain of the shooting club, Hang Ru Yen made a test for everyone as a condition to join the club.

The funny part was when Captain Hang Ru Yen announced what kind of test they were doing to do, everyone ran away except those who really want to join. Of course, they would run away. Who wants to endure 2kg of water on the both of hands and not moving around for 1 hour?

So, only about twelve people that left. They really wanted to enter the club. When they wanted to start the test, Captain Hang Ru Yen clapped his hand together with old members.

"Congratulation. Welcome to our shooting club." Captain Hang Ru Yen said with a big smile.

"But we don't even start the test yet." One of them felt weird throw the question.

"The test was a lie. We just want to welcome those who really really interested in shooting. So the test was a trap." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan told the truth.

"So, welcome our new members." Captain Hang Ru Yen said once again.

"Why there is no girl interest with our club?" An old member said faking his crying.

"Don't worry my friend. I already recruit one. Queen of shooting." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan said proudly.

"Wait! Are you talking about that Tang Yu Qi? Really?"

"I think she entered the martial arts club. I heard some of their members talking about that."

"Yeah, I heard about that too."

"I saw when she first touch the gun. She was very familiar with them. Then when she shot, feel like she was shooting at me. I already fall in love with her."

"The girl that I recruit is her. She also entered our club along with the martial arts club." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan announced it once again.


"We got a girl in our club. It was a blessing."

The boy members of the shooting club acted like an idiot after hearing their club got a girl as their member club. The new members of the shooting club gave a weird look at their seniors that already acting like that.

Back to present

They all arrived at the shooting club's training ground. Captain Hang Ru Yen already here together with a few members who were getting ready for shooting training.

"Hi, everyone." Yu Qi greeted everyone.

"Honey, our daughter finally come back." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan started his acting.

He always acted like this with Captain Hang Ru Yen. 'Her daughter'? Of course Yu Qi. 'Honey' was Captain Hang Ru Yen. And he was a 'mother and wife'.

"I'm so happy about seeing our daughter. Are you?" Vice-captain held Captain Hang Ru Yen's hand.

Everyone was holding their laugh. Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan always liked teasing Captain Jung Xi Wan and asking for a beat.

Captain Hang Ru Yen kicked his ass. Even though he managed to avoid a little bit but it also hurt.

"Get ready. We going to start training." Captain Hang Ru Ye ordered all of them.

They had a manual for their training. Warming up, running, and lifted some weight to exercise their hand. Shooting required the strength of hands. So, lifting some weight help them to develop their hand's muscle.

Yu Qi did not exclude from this manual. She also followed them. Even though she was a girl, she did not want to use them as an excuse for not following the manual.

They finished the manual. Then they would start the shooting training. There were twenty shooting boards. The members were about forty-three people. So they would take turns for shooting. Yu Qi waiting for her turn together with the members.

"Yu Qi, I heard about Bai Shu Jin confess to You. So, how is that?"

Yu Qi smiled and sighed. 'Not this topic again. Do men also like gossip?'


"What? That bastard dared to lay his eyes on my daughter." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan joined the conversation.

"Yes, I also saw that day. She had been confessed by him in the public."

"How brave."

"But our queen rejected them. She said she already has a boyfriend."

"What? My daughter, when did you start having a boyfriend? Remember all men are a wolf." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan advised her like a true mother.

Yu Qi's lips were itching wanted to tell him that don't forget he was also a man. Saying like that, just admitting that he was also a wolf. Other members also thought the same way as Yu Qi. Finally, their turn to practice shooting.

The club activities were over two hours later. Everyone started to pack to go back. Same as Yu Qi. Yu Qi wanted to go to the cafe to buy some dinner for three. Other two were her little cuties, Bo Ya and Aoi.

"Wait, everyone. I have an announcement to make." Captain Hang Ru Yen made everyone stopped doing what they doing just now.

"Honey, just don't announce it here. I'm shy." Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan made a joke.

Everyone laughed except Captain Hang Ru Yen. He ignored Vice-captain Jung Xi Wan and went straight to the point.

"We will be going to have outside training during this mid-break for about one week. Make sure to participate in it. You will not regret. I will give you the detail another time." Captain Hang Ru Yen said.

The first-year student began to ask about it to their seniors. The seniors did not give any information to them. Yu Qi just let the flow be. She guesses it might fun having outside training.

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