Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 3381 - Chapter 455 - Goddess's Legacy

Chapter 3381 - Chapter 455 - Goddess's Legacy

Chapter 455 – Goddess’s Legacy

“Are you certain, Leroja?!” Cross asked as he looked at Leroja with fervent eyes. At the same time, though, he couldn’t help but feel a little skeptical of Leroja’s evaluation.

Leroja might hold a significant position in Heavenly Boa, a pseudo-upper-ranking hegemonic power, but to say that she had access to information pertaining to Gold Combat Techniques was still hard to believe.

Even if one considered the entire Greater God’s Domain, there were only a very limited number of Gold Combat Techniques in existence. Meanwhile, every Gold Combat Technique’s Legacy was more than enough to cause upper-ranking hegemonic powers to lose their minds and tempt even apex powers into action. Gold Combat Techniques simply weren’t things that ordinary hegemonic powers could think of having access to.

Usually, the best combat techniques ordinary hegemonic powers had access to were the 99 Absolute Techniques, Advanced Silver Combat Techniques that were close to rivaling Gold Combat Techniques.


Even then, few players among ordinary hegemonic powers would have the opportunity to learn the 99 Absolute Techniques. Typically, players belonging to ordinary hegemonic powers would need to be extremely lucky to receive an opportunity to learn an Absolute Technique. Either that or they needed to be valuable enough for their respective powers to pay an exorbitant price for them to learn an Absolute Technique from an upper-ranking hegemonic power.

So, Cross found it hard to believe that the Courtyard of Space’s hostile environment was actually the Legacy for a Gold Body Technique. Moreover, this Legacy was even of the simulation training type.

There were three different types of Combat Technique Legacies. Or, more specifically, there were three different levels.

Level 1 Combat Technique Legacies conveyed information to players via a demonstration. Level 2 Combat Technique Legacies conveyed information via simulation training, where players would be put in a special space to comprehend the combat technique. Level 3 Combat Technique Legacies conveyed information via experience, where players would get to experience executing the complete combat technique once.

From Level 1 to Level 3, each subsequent level made it easier for players to learn a combat technique. Meanwhile, it was simply unthinkable that the Courtyard of Space would offer players the opportunity to learn a Gold Combat Technique via a Level 2 Combat Technique Legacy.

“Of course!” Leroja said definitely.

Hearing Leroja’s words, even Shi Feng couldn’t help but look at her in surprise. He didn’t think she would be so knowledgeable.

The Courtyard of Space’s Blade Field was indeed a Legacy for a Gold Combat Technique. Moreover, it wasn’t just any ordinary Gold Combat Technique.

Flowing Space!

It was a top-tier Gold Body Technique created by the Goddess of Space. The technique was split into four levels: Stepping Space, Phantom Body, Flowing Light, and Instant Space.

Flowing Space as a whole was vastly superior to the average Gold Combat Technique. Even the technique’s first level, Stepping Space, was already close to matching the potency of Basic Gold Body Techniques, while the second level, Phantom Body, could rank number one out of all Basic Gold Body Techniques.

If players could master Flowing Space to the fourth level, Instant Space, they’d have themselves one of the top three Gold Body Techniques in existence.

Meanwhile, Gold Combat Techniques were rarer than even Legendary Weapons. Even Frey, who was now a Vice Guild Leader of the Red Dragon Nation, probably hadn’t seen more than a handful of Gold Combat Techniques. She might never have even seen a Gold Body Technique before, considering that body techniques were much rarer than offensive and defensive combat techniques.

The reason Shi Feng knew the Courtyard of Space’s Blade Field was a Legacy for Flowing Space was that the team that secured the Courtyard of Space’s First Clear in Shi Feng’s previous life had been fortunate enough to obtain Flowing Space’s Legacy Tablet, which allowed them to watch the complete demonstration of Flowing Space.

It was also after obtaining the Legacy Tablet for Flowing Space did the team realize that the Courtyard of Space’s hostile environment was actually a simulation training left behind by the Goddess of Space. Unfortunately, as the team had already conquered the Courtyard of Space at the time, they couldn’t return to make use of the simulation training even if they wanted to. They had no choice but to learn the Gold Body Technique via the Legacy Tablet, which significantly increased the learning difficulty.

“If that’s the case, doesn’t this mean we’ve struck gold?” Desolate Fury said, excitement coloring his face as he turned to look at the countless spatial blades flying around the garden. “It might be challenging to learn a Gold Combat Technique, but if we have a simulation training legacy, even we can have a chance at learning it.”

Shi Feng nodded.

Gold Combat Techniques, even Basic ones, were incredibly hard to learn. It was especially so if players were learning a Gold Combat Technique via watching demonstrations. Even for geniuses like Desolate Fury, Leroja, and Cross, their chances of successfully learning a Gold Combat Technique through this method were less than 5%.

Even a peerless paragon like Frey wouldn’t have more than a 20% chance of successfully learning a Basic Gold Combat Technique.

Meanwhile, the complexity of Gold Combat Techniques was also why any player who had successfully mastered one could stand at the Greater God’s Domain’s apex.

However, if the learning process was done via simulation training, Desolate Fury, Cross, and Leroja’s chances of success would reach 20%. Although it was still a very low success rate, it was still better than nothing.

Moreover, Flowing Space was a special Gold Combat Technique in that its four segments were completely independent of each other. It was different from other Gold Combat Techniques that required players to fully master them to properly use. And as luck would have it, Stepping Space, the first level of Flowing Space, was much easier to learn than Basic Gold Combat Techniques. So, the chances of the trio successfully learning it were very high.

Once the trio learned Stepping Space, their combat power would skyrocket. At that time, they might even be able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with pseudo-fifth-floor experts. Meanwhile, if they had the strength to rival pseudo-fifth-floor experts, they should have no trouble holding their ground against the Holy Race’s Tier 5 players and securing an entry token in the Blood Hell Mountain Range.

Seeing the excited looks on the trio, Shi Feng chuckled and quietly said to them, “We can train using the spatial blades when we are fighting monsters later, but be sure not to make it too obvious to the others.”

“Rest assured, Brother Black Flame. We won’t let the others discover what we are doing,” Desolate Fury said, nodding.

Cross and Leroja also nodded their heads. They were very grateful to Shi Feng for sharing the Courtyard of Space’s hidden benefit with them. After all, if he didn’t do so, they would probably never notice it. So, now that Shi Feng was asking them not to spread this information, they naturally wouldn’t act recklessly and arouse suspicion from the others.

After everyone rested in the starting plaza for half an hour, the team resumed its advance and exploration of the Courtyard of Space.

The entire Courtyard of Space was split into three areas: the outer garden, inner courtyard, and core castle.

The garden area was occupied by numerous Devouring Earth Dragons, while Combat Puppets with incredibly high combat standards occupied the courtyard area. Every Combat Puppet was at the Tier 5 Legendary rank and possessed combat standards rivaling third-floor experts. In addition, these Combat Puppets usually appeared in groups of 30 or more. As for the castle area, it was occupied by Great Wind Spirits, Level 147 Higher Legendary monsters that were known for being incredibly swift.

Even with the Compounding Potion’s effects and Shi Feng’s leadership, the team could only progress at a snail’s pace due to the presence of these powerful monsters and the constant harassment of countless spatial blades.

However, while everyone else was having a headache dealing with the Courtyard of Space’s monsters and environment, Shi Feng, Desolate Fury, Cross, and Leroja enjoyed the entire process as they used the monsters to experiment with and learn the Flowing Space technique.

Initially, the four focused 99% of their attention on dodging spatial blades because they tried to learn the evasive body technique imparted by the spatial blades. As a result, they did hardly any damage to the monsters they faced.

After the team defeated a couple of dozen Devouring Earth Dragons, another Secret Treasure dropped. This time, it was a Common-ranked Secret Treasure meant for cloth armor headgear.

While Frey and the others were feeling overjoyed by this harvest, Shi Feng’s group of four had secretly memorized the movements for all four of Flowing Space’s levels and officially began trying to use the Gold Body Technique.

Meanwhile, the courtyard area’s Combat Puppets seemed specifically designed to help players learn how to use Flowing Space.

The Combat Puppets were eight-arm machines that were capable of launching rapid attacks. This made it difficult for players to get close to them, even for fourth-floor experts. Among those in the team, only Tier 5 MTs and fifth-floor experts capable of predicting danger could hold their ground against these Combat Puppets in a one-on-one situation.

When Desolate Fury, Cross, and Leroja fought against the Combat Puppets using Flowing Space, they still needed to defend themselves using their weapons from time to time.

As for Shi Feng, because he was already at the Extrasensory Realm, he was able to properly use Flowing Space in his battle. Although his execution was a little stiff, he achieved astonishing results with the technique.

From an outsider’s perspective, it looked as if Shi Feng was dancing amidst a storm of fists. He would even soar into the air from time to time, his evasive capabilities vastly superior to players stuck fighting on the ground.

This scene greatly shocked Frey and the others.

“He can fly?”

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