Remarried Empress

Chapter 106 - The Choice This Time (1)

Chapter 106 – The Choice This Time (1)

Prince Heinley’s letter was filled with anticipation, and he seemed pleased at the prospect of my attendance.

‘It would have been better if the prince hadn’t had any expectations…’

As Prince Heinley guessed, I did consider going when I wrote that letter. But with the present problem…

‘What should I do?’

I couldn’t go to the coronation under these circumstances. I was blindsided by the scandal of poison placed in Rashta’s food, and Sovieshu was convinced that Koshar was the culprit. Soon after, I found out that my brother and his friend had done it. It would be difficult for me to leave the country for any extended period of time.


I went to my desk, took out some stationery, and dipped my pen in the inkwell.

“But I’m glad the prince sent me the blue bird one more time.”

The delegation would arrive to the Western Kingdom with an announcement that Grand Duke Lilteang was lead representative, but I wanted to be the one to explain this to Prince Heinley myself.

— I have many urgent things to attend to and I regret that I cannot make the long journey. I send you my congratulations.

As I wrote the letter, the blue bird started making strange noises next to me. I stopped writing and looked up to find the bird staring at the letter. As if he sensed my gaze on him, he suddenly glanced sideways and began picking at his feathers.


He seemed as if he was trying to pretend he wasn’t looking. It was quite adorable, but writing the letter now was my priority. I wrote down a few more lines, then tied the letter to the bird’s leg. When I finished, he immediately flew straight out the window as if in a hurry. I watched him disappear into the sky for a moment, then closed the window and went to the parlor room.

After deliberating with myself until the evening, I made a decision. It was useless to debate whether I should tell a transparent lie that would be easily detected by Sovieshu, or if I should swallow my pride and apologize to him. The more I worried about it, the more complicated it would become.

If I apologized, it would be the end of the story; if I lied, I would have to hold on to it. I might change my mind if I waited until tomorrow morning, so I decided to pay a visit to Sovieshu despite the lateness of the hour.

‘Perhaps Sovieshu is with Rashta.’

I only just realized this as I was walking down the eastern palace corridor, but I didn’t want to delay my apology. Fortunately, Sovieshu was alone in his bedroom, and he let me in at once.

“Have you completed the investigation?”

He asked me straight as soon as I entered the room and he closed the door. He knew what I was here for.

Well. At least I didn’t have to bring up the topic.


I nodded, and he raised his eyebrows and waited for my reply. A feeling of irritation swelled in me, but I forced my lips to form the words.

“As you said—”

Before I could finish speaking, Sovieshu placed his palm over my lips. I closed my mouth. What was he doing? I stared at him, and he spoke.

“That’s enough.”

“…What do you mean?”

“You don’t have to say it.”

“You wanted an apology.”

“I said that in a fit of anger.”

“Is Miss Rashta not hurt?”

“Why are you talking about Rashta now?”

Well, it was the incident between my brother and Rashta that made him want an apology in the first place. However, he seemed in an unpleasant mood when I brought her up. Instead of saying something about Rashta, Sovieshu unexpectedly gave me a warning.

“Since an apology was made, remember this. This time I’ll look the other way in order to protect you. However, your brother tried to kill my child, and if something similar happens in the future, I will choose to protect my child.”


“Do you understand?”

I was in disbelief that Sovieshu was covering up my brother’s actions just to protect me. The more plausible explanation was that he wanted to prevent a major scandal erupting in public. I came here to apologize for my brother’s terrible mistake, but now it was not necessary to even speak of such a story.

“I’ll keep it in mind.”

I answered with as much calm as possible, but Sovieshu spoke more seriously.

“You are a wise person, so I don’t expect you will make the same mistake twice. Truly.”


Sovieshu stood by the window and looked out at the walkway. He couldn’t see the Empress, but he saw a shadow pause for a moment before heading towards the western palace. It was only then that Sovieshu confirmed that the she had completely gone, and he closed the window and left the bedroom. He headed for Rashta’s room nearby.

“Miss Rashta is asleep, Your Majesty.”

The new maid, who was dozing against the wall of Rashta’s parlor room, suddenly stood up straight and reported quickly to Sovieshu. She was the newly assigned serving girl after the previous ones were expelled.

Sovieshu nodded, but walked straight into the bedroom where Rashta was lying in a large bed. He slowly approached and looked down at her. Instead of waking her up, he brushed a stray lock on her cheek and sat next to the bed. With a worried expression, he leaned down and carefully placed his ear against her stomach.

It was then.

“Your Majesty?”

Rashta, who he thought was asleep, called him in a hoarse voice.

“Did I wake you?”

“Hmm…yes. But it’s all right. Rashta likes to see your face as soon as she gets up.”

She gave a shy smile as Sovieshu lifted his head up.

“You won’t hear a sound. It hasn’t even started moving yet.”

“Are you alright? Are you in pain anywhere?”

“In the last few days, Rashta had a throbbing heart, aching stomach, and a sore back. Rashta thought it was because of the pregnancy…but it might be because of the poison. My stomach still hurts a little, so it must have been very strong.”

Sovieshu’s fingers paused, and he soon looked distressed.

“Get well soon. But rest assured that it won’t happen again.”

“Did you catch the criminal, Your Majesty?”

“I will eventually. Anyway, I expelled the chefs and maids, and the newcomers will be more careful.”

Rashta clasped Sovieshu’s hands and looked at him with her large, pretty eyes.

“Your Majesty. Rashta thinks she knows who tried to kill Rashta and the baby.”

“…Who do you think it is?”

“I won’t tell you who it is. But they are probably driven in a corner too.”

“What, you mean the Empress?”

“I won’t tell you. I’m not sure.”


“But Your Majesty, no matter who the criminal is, we have to protect our baby. By every means.”


The next day, I called Marquis Farang again, and he quickly answered my summons.

“Are you still angry?”

“I have a favor to ask.”

“Is it something difficult?”

“Stop him from doing the same thing again.”

I wanted to tell my brother to stop causing trouble, but I omitted it as I thought it would sound rude.

Marquis Farang’s eyes drooped as if he were trying to elicit pity, but I knew his true nature. If Koshar was the type to lash out in anger, Marquis Farang was the type to join in calmly. If my brother asked him to obtain the poison, the marquis would have pretended to be surprised before jumping at the opportunity.

“Promise me.”

“Your Majesty, as you know, Koshar is a difficult person—”

“I know he is.”

I spoke plainly, and Marquis Farang gave a stiffened smile. He didn’t answer this time, however.

“I told you two days ago. The Emperor knows who the culprit is.”


“I am sure of it. He will let it go this time, but if you do anything to harm his baby again, he won’t sit back.”

It wasn’t until I told him about Sovieshu’s warning did Marquis Farang looked serious.

“So exercise caution, both of you. Consider yourself fortunate that the Emperor is overlooking it. I don’t want the use of abortive drugs either.”

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