Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 120 One For All. All For One.

Chapter 120 One For All. All For One.

"... Did you save me because someone ordered you to do that or not, Kaizen?" Ravastine asked Psyker with a serious expression.

The player didn't even hesitate to answer her. "As I said yesterday, it was a decision I made in the moment, totally impulsive and reckless. In fact, I was in the place to try to find someone else, only there were too many people there and I gave up on finding that person without even trying."

"I see. That honestly makes me more relieved. The nobles are still debating about it, but the duke who is my father's best friend has said that they will probably accede to my plea that the challenge between you and Taznaar count as the final decision on my sister's marriage, nullifying both a possible punishment for your interference, and also the accord between Taznaar and my stepmother should you win."

"That's good for you, isn't it? Fine by me, I already have unresolved business to settle with Taznaar, further benefits for me winning won't cost you anything."

However, even with Kaizen agreeing that it was all if the nobles decided this, Ravastine did not seem satisfied.

"Hum... Can I ask one more thing for you?"


Suddenly, she looked determinedly at Kaizen and stated:

"I want to be part of your trio for the challenge against Taznaar. I know I may not be as strong as you, after all you amazed Leohorn with few words, but I think I can be useful on the battlefield!"

"Fine." Kaizen immediately agreed, without needing to think much about it.

The instant decision surprised the princess. "What?!"

"There is no reason to deny such a request. Your sister's fate will be at stake again and I believe you also have a lot of anger towards Taznaar, not to mention that I had absolutely no one in mind for the third slot, so I see no reason to deny your request." Kaizen said with a sympathetic smile. "By the way, don't think you're weak, because you're not. Don't even idolize me too much, because we're mates now, and the worst thing I've ever done in my life is disappoint former mates, so don't set your expectations too high."

"Right!" Ravastine nodded.

[The mission 'First visit' has been updated. Now, the mission is called 'One for all. All for one.']

"Are you busy right now? I want to do a test..." Kaizen suddenly stopped talking, because he heard a singular whistle in his ears. This did not sound like the sound of a bell, but rather like a radio interference signal that passed for a single second through him.

Just as the princess was about to question him about why he had suddenly stopped talking, an earthquake began to shake the structures of the palace.


Ravastine's eyes immediately went wide open. At that moment, with her voice trembling and loud, to overpower the resounding deck, she inquired:

"Kaizen, what's happening!?"

Psyker had never felt such a strong earthquake, either in real life or in the game. Furthermore, the amazed expression of the woman who was with him told him that this earthquake was not normal, at least not common in this region.

Kaizen looked around him and saw that the trees in the garden were also shaking. The birds that were resting on the high branches of the oak trees started flying that minute too, which was another sign to Kaizen that this earthquake was not natural, because birds can usually predict various kinds of natural disasters at least seconds in advance.

The guards on the walls began to brace themselves to keep from falling, and several shouting sounds could be heard coming from all parts of the palace.

Still, Kaizen could hear quickly enough the snap of something breaking and when he looked back at Lavastine, he saw that a large tree that stood a few feet to her left, parallel to the balcony, was falling.

Instinctively, he stretched his right arm forward, using <Telekinesis>, and managed to stop the accelerated fall of the tree. However, the tree was large, was stuffed with leaves, and its trunk was massive, so it was heavy enough to drain Kaizen's MPs at an alarming rate. In order not to lose strength as the tree fell toward the balcony, Kaizen used even more force and tipped it over to the opposite side.

Ravastine watched all this and was much more amazed. "How did you do that!?" She asked.

,m "There's no time to explain." Kaizen said and picked her up on his lap.

"What are you doing?!" As she blushed, confused thoughts dulled her mind.

As she began to run to the wall, holding Ravastine with her arms, he replied:

"The walls are thick and there is no risk of them collapsing, unlike this thin-walled palace."

The princess was shocked for a few seconds at Kaizen's quick thinking ability, because although she was very frightened, she hadn't even thought about the possibility of the palace collapsing or any of the rooms collapsing. And she knew that even if she had thought about it, she would not think at such high speed about running inside the walls.

As they began to cross the garden, Kaizen continued to use the fractions of mana she had left to deflect all the bits of twigs and stones that were falling in their direction. Suddenly, Ravastine remembered something.

"We can't go! There are still people inside the palace, so we have to warn them to go to the walls too!" she exclaimed, dashing.

"I'm not a superhero, princess. I can't help everyone."

The frank way Kaizen spoke was enough to make her not disturb him anymore. As soon as the two reached the walls, Kaizen let go of her on the ground and a mage in a long purple robe, who had been walking by leaning on the wall so as not to fall, recognized Ravastine.

"Princess, what are you doing here on the walls?" He inquired.

Kaizen was the one who answered the man. "It is safer for her here than in the palace. What is causing this earthquake?"

"The city... the city is under attack."

"What?!" Kaizen and Ravastine questioned in unison.

"If you don't believe me, go up the stairs to the wall and see for yourselves. Now, I need to run into the palace to get a focal point created for a magical barrier around the walls... Princess, be careful!"

"Right!" Ravastine said and followed Kaizen's run to the top of the stairs of the walls.

When they finally saw the panorama of the Royal City, it stupefied them. A black cloud covered the opposite side of the city, where the business district, the big bridge, the Twin Towers, and especially Kaizen's new house were. In addition, several parts of the city were burning in intense flames and a cloud with thousands of giant bats hovered over the city, capturing and killing several people.


[A horde event has begun. Players, your duty is to protect the Royal City and kill all enemies].

[Hordes defeated so far: 1 of 3.]


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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