Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 122 First Horde (Part 1)

Chapter 122 First Horde (Part 1)

[A horde event has been started. Players, your duty is to protect the Royal City and kill all enemies].

[Hordes defeated to this point: 1 of 3.]

All players who were present in the city received these warnings and those outside were faced with a barrier through which nothing could pass.

While the NPCs in town were slow to attend to what was happening, most of the players immediately began to act. The goal was clear to all of them: kill every monster they saw before them. The guilds quickly grouped together, because this was also a unique opportunity to get event rewards.

Kaizen looked at these two notifications about the event that suddenly appeared before him and was obviously startled.

'A horde event? What the hell is that?' He read the notices almost not believing that this thing that was happening was real.

Then he looked at the chaotic horizon again and this, instead of making him confused, made him excited. Seeing all these monsters flying over the city and hearing the elation of the citizens and more novice players was not pleasant, but still Kaizen smiled.

"I'm going to the city." He said going to the stairs he climbed up after the earthquake had stopped.

"Wait! Let me come with you!" Ravastine asked.

Kaizen looked back and thought about it. He had witnessed up close how strong Ravastine was, not to mention that he could see how many levels she had and her attributes. However, if she died in the city, the history mission would fail and possibly the consequences would be harsh for him, so the wisest decision was the obvious one.

Despite Ravastine's resolute countenance, Kaizen did not weaken and approached her, touched her shoulder with his right hand and said:

"You must stay here and protect the people who are valuable to you. I will go to the city to see what is happening and I will return later to finish our conversation. Stay here."

"But these are my people too! I need to help them!"

"This is not a negotiation. Your life is worth a lot to the future of this kingdom, so don't waste with heroism the second chance I gave you yesterday."

Again, Kaizen's sincere manner of speaking left Ravastine unresponsive, so she looked down faintly and nodded.

"All right... Then take care."

Kaizen nodded, climbed the edge of the wall, and jumped off.

'I still have a little mana left for that.' He thought and gently braked his fall before finally touching the ground with his feet.

As he crossed the square in front of the Royal Palace, he chewed on some bread to regain some of his mana.

The cries for help were coming from all parts of the district, and Kaizen knew that he was not a hero who could save all the people in danger, so he decided to first analyze what was happening. He ran to the middle of the district of white houses, in order to cross it to get close to the cloud of Emperor Bats that was attacking many citizens. Kaizen thought that this was the only enemy of this first one and that it was responsible for causing such a panic.

However, as Kaizen was crossing one block, he looked both ways and spotted a small boy running, in desperation, from three people who were chasing him.

This boy looked to be around five or six years old, he had black hair and green eyes, and his features reminded Kaizen immediately of his younger brother. This boy's face expressed his relief when he saw Psyker, and the child began to run to meet him.

"Please help me!" The little boy shouted.

Kaizen didn't even think twice and crouched down to pick up the child, who was extending his arms.

"Where are your parents?" questioned Kaizen.

"Uncle, those are my parents." Pointing at the three people who were slowly chasing him, the child said.

At that moment, Kaizen looked more closely at these people and realized that they were bloodied, with pieces of their bodies missing and their skin was pale. There were two men and one woman. As soon as Psyker associated these bruises, the situation and the slow walking of these people, he understood what was going on.

'These developers have got to be kidding! Zombies!?' Kaizen thought to the point of almost laughing with irony.

Since he was now with a child in his arms, the best decision was to run, but when Kaizen turned back, he saw a woman in a black robe emerge from a puddle of black slime that was on the ground. This woman had crooked teeth, curly blond hair, and a skull mask that covered the upper part of her face. Her eyes glowed in magenta hue.

"Where do you think you are going?" She inquired, turning her head slightly to the left.

At that moment, Kaizen knew he would have no choice but to fight. He was trapped. Therefore, he placed the boy on the ground and, looking at his opponent, he slid his fingers quickly through his system, equipping his sword.

"Are you a creature that talks and thinks? That's a surprise." Kaizen stated while doing so, because he could clearly see this woman's name, indicating that she was not a player.

When she was called a creature, the woman's sadistic smile disappeared, giving way to a menacing look.

"Who are you calling a creature, little worm?"

"Are there any other animal-looking people here?"

"You, you son of a bitch. And why do you have that smile on your face? I haven't even started hitting you yet." She stated.

At the same time, a book came out from inside her cloak and started flying from the right side of her body. This book emanated a magenta aura and it only took one look at it for Kaizen to feel a bad feeling.

"Why am I laughing? Well, that's because you're very stupid for trying to corner me in the first place. Didn't you know that when wild animals feel threatened, they get even stronger?"  Kaizen inquired.

Suddenly the woman felt a huge pressure on her back, which was forcing her down her spine with an uncommon force. This was the actual strength of <Telekinesis>, an inherent Psych Class ability that evolves with its bearer. As the woman was pressed down, Kaizen opened the door of a building to his left using <Telekinesis> as well. Using this ability at two points and with different intensities required a lot of mana and focus.

"Run!" He shouted to the boy, who was afraid at first, but obeyed the order and ran into the building as fast as he could.

As the boy ran into the building, the woman finally understood what this pressure was.

"Well, well. You're using psychic spells then. What a useful skill, but it doesn't look like you'll be able to hold me for long." She stated, giving a cruel smile.

The woman didn't seem to be afraid of him, but that didn't stop Kaizen from keeping up his pressure. He knew the woman was dangerous, because he could see her statistics, and he wanted to prevent her from getting as close to the boy as possible.

"I know what you are thinking that can defeat me, but I am not so weak to die with a slight pressure." She stated.

The woman was right. Kaizen could not keep her pressed for long. His mana was running out too fast, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out.

"I won't need much time, after all it only took me a second to pull my greatest burden away from me." He stated.

At these words, the woman became furious and took advantage of the fact that the zombies were approaching Kaizen to attack him with the book.

This book was actually a grimoire, a book of ancient magic. And this grimoire was very powerful. A flick of its pages was enough for a bolt of magic to be fired, managing to hit Kaizen in the chest and launch him to the right. He hit the wall hard and fell to the ground.

"You are nothing, just an insignificant worm." Now freed, the woman stated again with her cruel smile, and with that she started walking towards him.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

If you want to see original illustrations of Rise Online characters, consider helping me on pa treon: /NandoFalske

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