Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 124 First Horde (Part 3)

Chapter 124 First Horde (Part 3)

The Necromantic Witch did not give Kaizen time to think of a plan. She whispered an order to her creation and the creature attacked. This monster seemed to carry all the speed that the witch lacked, as it shortened the distance between it and Kaizen in an instant.

Kaizen didn't expect the creature to be so fast, so he couldn't dodge the first blow, but instinctively tried to block it with his sword. The force of the blow was so strong that he was thrown far away after the clang of the two blades meeting, however, he didn't lose his balance and only dragged the soles of his boot on the ground.

At that moment Kaizen looked at his own hand and noticed that it was trembling. This trembling was not from fear, but from pure adrenaline. He looked at the witch and she was startled by his gaze.

'His eyes... are they glowing?' she wondered.

Yes, Kaizen's eyes were glowing at that time, but not in a sparkling way like those of the summoning and rather like a normal person who was extremely excited. When Kaizen woke up in the morning, he hadn't imagined that he would have such an exciting battle, so now he could hardly contain his excitement.

As soon as Kaizen started running towards the woman, she used <Finished Contract> to support her bizarre puppet. Kaizen's senses were heightened and this mixed with his enormous PR, allowed him to dodge her magic.

The magic passed to his right and hit the ground, making the entire street shake. Despite this, Kaizen kept running towards the witch.

The creature that the witch summoned moved quickly to attack him, in order to prevent him from approaching his mistress. Kaizen had already expected this reaction. That was so obvious to him.

'She wants to try to act as a support and use her puppet to attack me up close. What a predictable fool...'

Psyker's eyes fixed on the puppet, and when this creature tried to strike against him using both hands, Kaizen bent his knees and with a straight cut from below, ripped both arms off this monstrosity. Then he stood up a little and cut off the head of the puppet.

[You killed a Necromantic Witch Puppet, you gained +2000 XP].

This all happened in a split second and left the woman in shock. Kaizen's speed had surpassed the speed of her fastest creation. She couldn't believe it because her ego was too big for that.

"You... you are a son of a harlot who must not have received love from your family. How are you a mage and are so physically strong and fast?" The Necromantic Witch inquired.

Kaizen smiled debauchedly as he slowly, and with a single hand, twirled the Butter Bear Sword. "I think a good mage never reveals his secrets."

Smiling nervously through her crooked, yellowish teeth, the woman said:

"You are smarter than you look. Your soul must be very delicious."

"Don't say things like that in public, so you'll make me blush." Kaizen sneered.

Kaizen's mana was slowly increasing, point by point. He knew he wouldn't have time to get his entire MP bar filled, but every second counted.

However, to Psyker's misfortune, every little defeat of the witch only made her more impatient and furious. Suddenly, a portal of black slime appeared beneath her feet. Initially, Kaizen assumed that she would use it to escape, because of the 2000 HP points she initially had, only 540 remained. However, he was taken aback when the puddle began to expand more and more, spreading over an unconformable circumference of at least five meters.

When this mud puddle reached the point of almost touching his feet, Kaizen was forced to step back, because he didn't know what it could do if it touched him.

Seconds later, a gigantic creature began to emerge from the black slime, and at the same time pieces of the slime mingled with it. This creature had huge arms and its skin seemed to be made of the slime itself that kept moving, like a flowing liquid. At the very moment the creature's feet emerged completely, all the remaining slime was drawn at an abnormal speed towards this monster, making it look even bigger and more muscular. The face of this monster was the upper half of a man's skull, just as its mistress wore.

'Okay. That's a problem.' Kaizen thought, breaking into a cold sweat. He had no idea how he was going to take on a creature with a ten-foot height and wingspan in such a tight space as the street they were on. 'I need to think of a plan.'

"Jotun of Death, kill that man!" The Necromantic Witch exclaimed, pointing at Kaizen.

The giant groaned something and immediately started walking towards Kaizen, who still didn't know how he would deal with the fact that no matter how fast he went, dodging the Death Jotun's blows on a street only five meters wide was practically impossible.

'Shit? Should I run away? I can't die here and my home isn't that far away. It would be a waste to leave an enemy as strong as her with so little HP. Besides, her drops must be pretty good... But I don't want to lose all my items! AHHH!' Kaizen could scream in frustration.

As he thought about this and reluctantly stepped back, thinking of dozens of possible scenarios for this end of battle, he heard a familiar voice from above.

"Hey, Kaizen! How are you doing, man?" Klank greeted him from atop the roof of the building to his right. Obviously, it was impossible for Klank to ignore the giant creature on the scene. "Ouch! Looks like you're actually in trouble. Need some help there?" he inquired with a smile.

Kaizen did not contain his smile at the sight of the green-haired boy. "If you help me with a hand or two, I'll forgive you for what you did at the Howling Designers."

"Ha! And you still said you weren't mad about that, right?" Klank jumped into the middle of the street and landed next to Kaizen. "All right, I owe you one anyway. You can count on me!"


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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