Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 54 Adventurers Association

Chapter 54 Adventurers Association

Kaizen took the coins delivered by Pavin Dunhall and asked him:

"Besides buying items, what else does the Adventurers Association do?"

The opaque expression on the receptionist's face, at the thought that customer service was ending, turned into a vivid look of happiness.

"I'm glad you asked about that, sir. I don't usually brag about these things to other people, but the Adventurers Association is the largest decentralized, coordinated operations organization in the entire Tretidian Kingdom. We buy many kinds of items, such as ores, rare types of plants, and even monster spoils, from brave adventurers like you who explore the world. We then resell these items to the appropriate buyers. Along with it, we offer payments for tasks requested by citizens."

"Appropriate buyers? There are people who buy these... these monster things?" Kaizen pointed to the metal box, where was the monster drops that used to be his.

"Spikes? Of course, they do, sir. Researchers, scholars, academics, mages, all sorts of people buy them to use or to study them."

"Uh~ So you mean that every monster I kill and receive a spoil, I can sell to you?"

"Actually, we buy spoils as common as these only when our stock is near the end. Usually, we buy only rare and different spoils that we think our customers may find useful."

'That means that if I start farming in an area of a rare drop creature, I will be able to gain XP and money at the same time. That doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.'

Kaizen started to organize his ideas about the possibilities.

Disregarding Friday, he had moved up many levels over the weekend by killing monsters above his level, but he had spent the entire Sunday on Therkara's quest and hadn't been able to level much since then. If he wanted, he could go back to the Misty Woods and try to farm more levels on the Black Vultures again, since most of them are usually at level 15, but after doing the mission 'The Lost Links', Kaizen would rather not visit that mist-filled region for at least a few weeks.

'Yes. Now, I've made up my mind. I have to find a good hunting area that is not too well known to get money and XP.'

In MMORPG games, it is common for players to farm monsters to level up faster. Frequently hunting grounds are places where there are many players, but Kaizen prefers to not stay where there are already many players since this often slows down the spawning of creatures. As Kaizen wanted such a perfect place, it wouldn't be on the Webnet that he would find it, so he would have to go out and explore or ask someone.

Pavin Dunhall realized that the customer was reasoning, and after five awkward minutes of silence, he interrupted the silence.

"Sir...? Are you thinking of asking for a refund? If that's the question, I'm sorry, but I've already made the receipt and I can't go back."

Kaizen returned from his imaginary trip when he was questioned and remembered the existence of the receptionist. At that moment, he also had an idea as he looked at Pavin.

"No, I'm not looking for a refund... Man, I was just thinking about it, and I want to know: is there a secret monster spawn area around the city?"

"Secret area, sir? That's a tough one. The local Guilds and Nobles monopolize many areas of the region, minus the most dangerous places, where the rate of monster spawning cannot be controlled. I do not advise you to visit such places, it is too dangerous."

"That's okay, I understand, as you can see, I'm just a novice. But you see, Pavin, I am someone who is very curious, and I also want to know where these dangerous places are in order to avoid them. Why don't you tell me more about it? I don't want to suddenly realize that I'm in a too dangerous place until it's already late."

The receptionist pursed his lips, looked at the empty room, and then at the only customer he had served up to that point and would probably be the only one for the rest of the workday.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone that I told you about it and that you won't go to these places either." Pavin Dunhall said.

"I promise." Kaizen kissed his right fist and then raised his right-hand upward.

"Listen well, you have already visited one of these high-level places by the looks of it. The Misty Woods should be extremely avoided by beginners, especially at night. When the sun goes down, the spawn rate of monsters goes up 5 to 10 times, and the fog in the area gets even heavier."

From the tension and certainty in words spoken by the receptionist, Kaizen was grateful that he had stayed the entire time in the Medullar Forge during the night he spent in the Misty Woods.

"There are also the Howling Draughtsmen to the east. It is difficult to descend and ascend the region, and there are Steel Claw Mantises everywhere. These insect-like monsters come very close to reaching two meters. Once a man from the strongest Guild in town, if I remember correctly his name was Salles, returned from there almost dead. His whole outfit was torn and there were deep cuts in his skin." Pavin said.

When he heard about Salles being seriously injured, Kaizen smiled with satisfaction.

"How do I recognize this place, the Howling Draughtsmen?" inquired the novice in black clothes and a blue tunic.

"I actually have never been close to this region, only from reports that I know that it lies after the Silver Mountains and before the Count's Flowered Valley. It is a place full of pointed, rocky, winding black mountains. They say that when the wind blows deep into the valley, the sound echoed out of it is like the sound of a pack of wolves."

"Got it... Pavin, thanks for the info, and we'll… see you again."

"Wait, don't you want to hear about the other dangerous places?" The receptionist seemed saddened by the departure of his company.

"Hmm... Well for the time being, no. I have no reason to be in a hurry, after all, I will come here at this time whenever I can and listen to your stories about these places, what do you think?"

Again, Pavin, who already had a few wrinkles on his face from sadness, seemed very pleased with what Kaizen said.

"Yes, yes, sir! That's wonderful! I'll be waiting for your visit again!"

After leaving the Adventurers' Association and fully deciding that he would go to the Howling Draughts to inquire about the place. Then, Kaizen remembered his first day in the city and decided that he would visit again the weapon store of the grumpy dwarf named Zahir, where he bought the Old Bow. Despite the dwarf's rudeness, the last time Kaizen had seen him, Zahir had understood enough to sell him a bow and even give him some arrows as a gift, so it would be nice to repay him by buying items from his store.

Furthermore, Zahir had the Sword of Hudyr, a Mutant Rank item, in his display case, to which he showed a lot of attachment. Perhaps if Kaizen showed he also had an item of the same level and said he made it, Zahir would let him use his forge.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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