Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 751 Consideration

Chapter 751 Consideration

Ever since she started playing Rise Online in the beta test, Bloody Lily had already learned that the artificial intelligence of some NPCs was higher than that of others. However, she had always thought that this was something randomly chosen by the game system, because she had met many characters who were ordinary adventurers, but were more intelligent than many nobles, both tactically and rationally.

However, when Surtr began to talk to her, she had no doubts, his artificial intelligence was far above what was expected, and this was evidenced by him himself when he displayed a much more refined logical reasoning than is normal for NPCs.

"... Fryft may be a fool, but she's not an idiot. If she betrayed me, something has changed..." Then Surtr lifted his chin and looked at Bloody Lily again. "Human, tell me, what could have changed?"

Even though Bloody Lily hadn't mentioned a single name so far, Surtr managed to remember her personality, forming his own view of her and thus coming to the conclusion that there was someone who could change everything.

Bloody Lily took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Yes, it was Fryft who helped me get here. At the moment, she believes that breaking the contract is the best choice," replied Bloody Lily, choosing her words carefully. She avoided mentioning Kaizen's proposed alliance, thus protecting him and the plan they had devised. 'I thought I could get into his vault, tear up the contract and leave without him noticing, but it looks like I'm going to have to use my wits.'

Surtr tilted his head, as if assessing the sincerity of the player's words. His sulphur breath hung in the air, making every breath a challenge, but Bloody Lily stood her ground.

"Humans are fascinating creatures. They seek freedom, even when they are aware that their fates are intertwined by the gods. And you are no different, I sense that there is something beyond your words. Even in front of a god, you hide something, human woman. Something you don't want to reveal, something that involves the sorceress and that man... Zylok."

A shiver ran down Bloody Lily's spine. Surtr possessed an uncanny capacity for logic.

The player pondered her next words, aware that she was in dangerous territory. "I... only seek freedom for those who are under the weight of the contract. Fryft and Zylok wanted to demonstrate power over these humans, so when they returned, they would see that they had no choice but to serve them."?She lied, maintaining a neutral tone.

Surtr remained silent for a moment, as if pondering Bloody Lily's words. The heat in the room seemed to fluctuate, reflecting the instability of the situation.

"If this is how you choose to tell the story, human woman, know that choices have consequences, and you will be responsible for the results of your actions and words. Is that really the truth?"

With a majestic gesture, Surtr rose from the gloomy throne, his cape of fire dancing around him. He was over ten meters tall, and the flames lit up the rest of the room like stars in a night sky. The god's presence was overwhelming.

Bloody Lily was completely silent, for at that moment all the air in her lungs seemed to have escaped. She only had the strength to lower her head to hide her fearful reaction.

"You mortals are like moths drawn to the flame. You always seek something beyond the reach of your ephemeral lives. If you wish to free those who are under my contract, you will have to prove your determination and only then will I think of a condition for this contract to be broken. Come, accompany me, the way is open."

Surtr pointed to a hidden passage behind his throne, revealing a long, dark corridor. Bloody Lily felt the pressure on her shoulders increase, but her determination didn't waver. She looked forward and, like Kaizen, smiled nonchalantly.

"I accept your kindness, Surtr. I will do what I can to help those who are in danger, but I humbly ask that you tolerate as long as it takes when dawn breaks and that you do not fulfill the order of the contract." she asked, lifting her chin with determination.

The god of fire looked at her smile, arched his eyebrows slightly and also flashed a wide grin. Then he nodded approvingly and, while indicating with a gesture the path she could follow, said:

"You speak eloquently, human woman. However, before you go any further, I need you to tell me about the man Zylok wanted to kill and who still managed to convince him to betray me, who is he? What did he do to change the others' minds?" asked Surtr, his voice reverberating around the room like crackling embers.

She knew that every word could be interpreted differently by Surtr, and the truth had to be manipulated.

"What has changed, Surtr, is that Zylok and Fryft have realized the extent of the suffering this contract causes others. There is no logical reason to continue with a contract of this level, since technically the faithful of The Eye of Hermodr expected Chaos itself to be reborn from all this, but as you and I know, it is not possible for Chaos to be born through the fall of a single human kingdom, otherwise it would have been born a long time ago." she replied, choosing her words carefully.

Surtr watched her for a moment, his burning eyes penetrating her soul. The pressure around her intensified, as if the environment itself was responding to the judgment in his eyes.

"You still hide more than you reveal, human woman, but I'm beginning to see truth in your words. So go ahead and prove yourself worthy of my consideration."

Bloody Lily swallowed dryly and looked ahead, where behind Surtr there was a long road that she didn't even know where it would take her.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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