Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 755 Lie

Chapter 755 Lie

When the sea of black flames released by Og'tharoz's right hand finally calmed down, the battlefield above the destroyed capitol looked like another place.

The thousands of pieces of debris were quickly taken over by the most intense fire they had ever seen and Og'tharoz, in the midst of it all, was like a theater actor in the middle of the stage under the intense spotlights. He must have been the only living thing in the midst of all that fire, no other person or creature could survive, at least not by directly touching that fire consumed by darkness.

Nevertheless, this was no ordinary battle and Belial was far from being an enemy who follows the basic logic of things. For this reason, when he reappeared, walking with his arms open in the midst of the fire, Og'tharoz was not surprised. However, there was something different about Belial this time. His body was as red as fire and his horns were showing, a truly demonic appearance.

"You didn't think you could defeat me with my own skill, did you? Do you have any idea how many times I've burned myself practicing it? It's obvious that my resistance to black flames is at a level far above any living being, so I'll also be able to resist any tricks you have."

Even after everything, Belial had a superb smile on his face as he spoke. He knew he was stronger than Og'tharoz by now.

"I'm... what did they really call you? The strongest spear and the most powerful shield?" Belial questioned and then let out a breath of air through his nose in mockery. "To me, those titles are nonsense, because just hearing my name makes everyone feel afraid and that should be enough for a demon."

Og'tharoz glared at him from between his locks of black hair. "You probably don't even know what sufficiency means, but if you do, I have to say: I've heard your voice enough for one demon's lifetime, how about you stop babbling?"

"Why would I do that if my main goal is to save time? You're weak and... Ohro, or do you really think that the weak girl who entered the portal could actually get into the castle, past the throne and to Surtr's vault to find the contract scroll? Don't be an idiot, Og'tharoz. You know we're much more powerful and we're on the side of a god."

Og'tharoz felt anger boil through his veins as Belial's words echoed in his ear. The heat of the black flames around him seemed to intensify with the provocation.

"You forget, Belial, that pride goes before a fall," Og'tharoz replied, his voice echoing over the crackling fire around them as he walked towards his opponent. He raised his right hand with his index finger up, and a dark aura began to envelop him. "You can withstand the fire, but I'm just getting started."

The atmosphere seemed to freeze for a moment as Og'tharoz gathered his energy. Belial, however, showed no sign of concern. His eyes sparkled with an arrogant confidence, and he stood defiantly in the midst of the flames.

However, before Og'tharoz could launch his next offensive, Belial interrupted the charged silence with a cruel laugh. "You know, Og'tharoz, I had plenty of time to entertain myself while you were out of the picture. And guess what I discovered by taking your place in the first circle of hell?" He stepped forward, prodding. "Your mortal beloved, the one you loved so much, and you are surprisingly similar, Og'tharoz. She used to say similar things to me when I tortured her."

Belial's words were like embers thrown onto Og'tharoz's wrath. His demonic face contorted in fury, and the black flames around him flickered violently, now rising as high as a forest of dew. He clenched his fists tightly, feeling the rage burning inside him.

"Ah, but over time she changed and started screaming my name, begging for mercy..."

Og'tharoz clenched his fists, a mixture of shock and fury showing in his eyes. "What are you talking about...?" He asked with a troubled expression.

Belial laughed again, pleased with his opponent's reaction. "Yes, yes. The sweet melody of her screams as I made her suffer. But you know, even with all her suffering, she never called your name, never, until today."

An indomitable fury burned in Og'tharoz's eyes. Every word Belial spoke was like a sharp blade cutting deep into his soul and he didn't know if Belial was telling the truth or not.

"You lie!" roared Og'tharoz, his voice echoing across the burning battlefield.

Belial only smiled, his eyes sparking with malice. "The truth hurts, doesn't it? But don't worry, you'll have all eternity to mourn, just like she's doing. I bet that of all those condemned to live forever in the first circle of hell, she's the one the demons like to torment the most."

The heat increased as Og'tharoz, unable to contain his fury, advanced towards Belial. The black flames extended like claws towards his enemy, but Belial remained impassive. He could resist without any problems.

"What have you done to her, Belial!!!?" roared Og'tharoz, his voice echoing through the flames. "Explain yourself!!!"

Belial laughed, a guttural laugh that reverberated across the battlefield. "Oh, you didn't know...? No, there's no way you didn't know, but I said it loud and clear so you'd remember. Before I met you, Luna, your beloved wife, was an adventurer and warrior in the Tretidian Army. She fought in very bloody battles, killed thousands, and among them many innocents, many young people who were forcibly fighting their first battles. She had no pity and no regrets, and since she didn't die in battle, she didn't go to Valhalla, nor will she ever."

Og'tharoz felt a knot forming in his chest. The image of his beloved suffering at the hands of Belial and the lesser demons of the first circle was unbearable. He tried to control the rage that threatened to consume him, but his hands were shaking with fury.

"You lie!" he shouted, advancing towards Belial with impressive speed. "Tell me the truth, you damned demon!"

Belial deftly dodged Og'tharoz's attack, laughing as he avoided the furious onslaught. "The truth hurts, doesn't it? You, Surtr's great favorite in the past, are incapable of protecting those you love! HAHARHAHA!"

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