Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 761 Paths

Chapter 761 Paths

"You still hide more than you reveal, human woman, but I'm beginning to see truth in your words. So go ahead and prove yourself worthy of my consideration."

Bloody Lily swallowed and looked ahead, where behind Surtr there was a long road that she didn't even know where it would lead. Even so, she ignored the pressure she was feeling and started walking towards the passage. Her every step seemed to echo in the majestic room, and she wondered what awaited her in the gloomy corridor.

The glow of Surtr's flames still danced in her eyes as she walked, maintaining her resolute stance, even under the watchful eye of the god of fire. She didn't need to be in a hurry, because if Surtr was a god of his word as he appeared to be, he would have momentarily stopped the contract.

The passage stretched out before her like an endless tunnel, a darkness that seemed to absorb all the light. Bloody Lily hesitated for a moment before entering, plunging into the unknown darkness. The great door, after her first step, closed behind her with a deafening bang, isolating her from the majestic hall of Surtr's throne.

The corridor ahead seemed endless, but after a few seconds of walking, a faint light appeared ahead. As Bloody Lily advanced, the light revealed murals on the walls depicting battles between gods and mortals that had already taken place or were yet to take place. It was a beautiful way to portray the complexity of the ties between the divine and the mortal races.

At the end of the wide corridor, a spacious, illuminated chamber appeared. Bloody Lily was momentarily blinded by the transition from darkness to light, but when her eyes adjusted, she realized that she was not alone. In the center of the chamber stood a well-dressed man with an elegant appearance and an enigmatic smile. His eyes conveyed a keen intelligence, and he exuded a presence that rivaled Surtr's, despite being of a completely different nature.

"Ah, Bloody Lily, an unexpected visitor even for me, I confess. Surtr is always intriguing in his choices," said the man in a soft tone.

Bloody Lily instinctively placed her hand on the hilt of her blade, wary of the new presence. "Who are you?" she asked, keeping her senses sharp.

The man tilted his head slightly, his eyes scanning her curiously. "Call me Maelstrom, sometimes a mere observer of the balance between the spheres, sometimes Lord Surtr's personal butler. I'm here to guide you in your challenge."

Maelstrom wore very fine, formal clothes, black like a butler's, with straight, slightly long hair falling over his complexion. His eyes were red and his pupils resembled those of a reptile.

"You are the hope of many, Bloody Lily, but you also carry the weight of your choices, are you ready to face challenges so formidable that they could literally erase your soul?" Maelstrom asked.

Blood Lily arched an eyebrow, pondering Maelstrom's enigmatic words. "If Surtr wants me to prove my determination, I'll do it."

Maelstrom smiled, a smile that held more mystery than any other. "Oh, human, you underestimate the complexity of the challenges you will face. Surtr is known for testing not only the strength, but the cunning and true nature of its opponents, thus making anyone suffer, why do you think there is hell?"

With these words, Maelstrom made a gesture, and an ethereal projection appeared in front of Bloody Lily. It was a vision of Zylok, the traitor, and Fryft, the sorceress. Both were bound and chained in the air.

"You see, Bloody Lily, these two are on the brink of death and because they're traitors, we could throw them into hell in a heartbeat, but we'll give them a chance too. So this will be an all-or-nothing game, if you win, you get not only the people of Mibothen back, but also the souls of Zylok and Fryft, but if you lose, you lose everything you and your fellow humans have fought so hard for over the last few hours."

The images of Zylok and Fryft disappeared, leaving Bloody Lily contemplative. She had no choice but to give this challenge her all.

Maelstrom saw in Bloody Lily's eyes how determined she was, so he smiled and clapped his hands once. When he clapped his hands, everything went dark in the room for a second and when the lights came on, he and Bloody Lily were in the same large room, only now there were two paths, two tunnels.

"Two passages open before your eyes. One will take you to the first challenge, which will teach you a lesson, and the other will take you to a treasure room, where you can pick up the item you want to help you in the second challenge." Maelstrom said.

Bloody Lily looked at the two corridors for a few seconds and soon realized that there was no difference between them other than direction.

"What do you suggest, Maelstrom? Which way is the right way?" She asked with a smile, as if teasing the butler.

Maelstrom walked in circles around her, his words whispered like a mysterious breeze. "I can't decide for you, Bloody Lily. But as a guide I can offer advice: understand that power and compassion are not mutually exclusive, and sometimes true strength lies in the ability to balance both."

Bloody Lily turned in the direction of the other paths and muttered:

"Is that supposed to mean something?"

The player took a deep breath, feeling the pressure. Then she pointed in the direction of the corridor on the right. "I choose that path."

Maelstrom smiled subtly. "Very well, so go ahead and find out what's guarding it. I'll be waiting for you in the next safe room."

Blood Lily nodded, absorbing the stranger's words, and started walking towards the dark corridor on the right. This was identical to the first corridor she had had to cross to get to this room where Maelstrom was.

'Maelstrom his name, no? I'm sure I've heard that name somewhere.' Bloody Lily reflected.

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