Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 838: Joint Training (Part 1)

Chapter 838: Joint Training (Part 1)

Adding together the members of the three departments involved in the joint exercise, there were almost fifty people, but not everyone was able to attend and others didn't want to participate.

In the end, only thirty of the students showed up at the campus baseball stadium and the captains got together to create fair teams, sharing information about their members.

"Of all those involved, who do you think we should fear the most?" Klaus asked as he looked out over the forest. The exercise hadn't started yet, but as usual he was already hammering out ideas.

"I think Maethe will agree with me when I say that Edward is the most dangerous in this kind of exercise."

The girl next to them didn't even hesitate. "Definitely. Edward is a natural athlete because, as well as being a great runner, he's a physical monster. Since he wants to serve in the army, he's just here to earn points, unlike the rest of us in the department, who want a chance in the Olympic athletics team."

"Fast and strong. Those are good qualities for an athlete, but here it's different." said Klaus.

"What do you mean?" Maethe asked.

"Your colleague is as big as me, which means it's very difficult to hide. Given his size, it's only natural that he stands out. So, yes, in a normal situation, he would have the advantage in hand-to-hand, but here you, the runners, have the clear role of picking up the flags, and because he's big he won't be able to surprise us." Klaus explained as they returned to their flag position.

"I think we should split up a bit and keep an eye on the other teams' movements when it starts," said Maethe. "I'll try to get to the flag while you keep the rivals busy. Lucas, you have the sword and I hear you're very skilled.

According to Lara's explanation, just one touch of the sword is enough to 'eliminate' and put the enemies out of the game for 15 minutes, so our flag is sure to be the best protected."

Klaus and Lucas nodded, understanding Maethe's strategy.

With the teams formed and anticipation hanging in the air, Isabella Nairn, the Archery Department Coordinator, took the floor through the loudspeakers strategically placed around the grove, exactly where the ten flags were waiting to be captured.

"Good afternoon, students of the Archery, Fencing and Athletics Departments! Welcome to today's joint exercise. This will be a test of teamwork, strategy and individual skills. Remember that cooperation is the key to success."

Isabella Nairn was positioned in an observation tower of the campus baseball stadium, from where she could view via multiple screens the ten flags that were scattered throughout the nearby woods and other points as well.

The students from the departments were anxiously awaiting the start of the exercise. Isabella, seeing with her own eyes that they didn't need any more guidance, took a deep breath and announced: "The drill starts now!"

The sound of the whistle echoed through the woods, signaling the start of the exercise. The students ran off into the woods, each team determined to win.

At the signal, the woods came alive. The competitors scattered, each team following its own strategy to reach the flags. Klaus, Maethe and Lucas exchanged determined glances before separating to fulfill their objective.

In the middle of the forest, the scenery became pure adrenaline. Tall, dense trees provided points of cover and strategic hiding places. The students from the Archery Department would need to use their skills to launch precise arrows, trying to stop the advance of the opposing teams and also as a form of attack, to catch the others off guard.

The surroundings were a mixture of colors and the sounds of nature, with birds singing in the treetops and the wind rustling through the leaves. The light filtering through the branches created interesting patterns on the ground, giving the scene a magical atmosphere.

As they advanced, Maethe and Klaus maintained a silent communication, exchanging a few gestures. When they reached a clearing, they saw the flag of another opposing team visible at a reasonable distance. They crouched behind a bush and watched, assessing the situation and planning their next move.

"Klaus, stay alert. What do you think? There's no one protecting the flag." Maethe whispered, keeping her voice low so as not to attract attention.

"It's obviously a trap."

The absence of guards around the flag seemed like a tempting opportunity, but Maethe knew Klaus was right to point out that it could be a trap. The strategies of the other teams were unknown and there was always the risk of ambushes or unexpected clashes.

"Klaus, let's take a closer look. Stay ready for anything," whispered Maethe, her voice laden with determination.

Cautiously, they moved closer to the clearing, keeping low so as not to be easily seen. The soft grass under their feet and the fresh smell of the forest created an exciting atmosphere. Maethe could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she analyzed every detail around her.

They sneaked up to a nearby tree, using it as cover to observe the opposing flag. There were no suspicious movements nearby, but the feeling that something wasn't right persisted.

"Klaus, I'm going to take an even closer look. Cover me and keep an eye out," said Maethe, preparing to advance.

Klaus nodded, wielding his bow and arrow, ready to act if any danger arose. Maethe moved with agility, using the vegetation as an ally to get closer without being detected. Her senses were sharp, every sound and movement captured by her alert mind.

When she almost reached the boundary between the forest and the clearing, Maethe stopped to assess the situation again. It seemed too quiet, so, without telling Klaus, she advanced towards the flag.

"No, wait-" He tried to stop her impulsive action, but it was no use.

Maethe ran towards the flag and managed to reach it, but just as she put her hand on it to pick it up, a voice echoed across the clearing.

"You fell right into our trap, didn't you?"

Klaus recognized that voice, it was Nathan's, his roommate who thought he was too smart. Klaus could already imagine how Nathan would brag about the success of his plan for days to come, so Klaus couldn't allow Maethe to be caught.

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