Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 369 - A Small Goal

Chapter 369: A Small Goal

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Lu Zhou was on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, so he didn’t know that the Hoffman Prize caused so much commotion.

However, he probably wouldn’t have cared even if he knew.

Right now, he was at Lake Carnegie. He was celebrating with the guys from the drone club.

“Coach, we won! I can’t believe it, we beat MIT!”

Jimmy was full of excitement as he shoved the trophy into Lu Zhou’s hand and said, “You should’ve been there. It was a magical moment.”

The gold-plated trophy was as big as a watermelon; it was quite heavy as well.

Lu Zhou smiled to the guys and said, “Nicely done, your trophy is much heavier than mine.”

Lu Zhou wanted to encourage these boys.

However, he didn’t know why but the guys became quiet.

Lu Zhou asked, “… What happened?”

Jimmy shook his head and said, “Nothing, we knew that you would humble brag to us, but we still don’t know what to say.”

Lu Zhou: ? ? ?

Lu Zhou swore that he wasn’t humble bragging. He only wanted to congratulate these boys and encourage them to continue on the scientific path.

Things suddenly became awkward.

Fortunately, Lu Zhou was saved by the bell when he received a phone call.

“I have to take this call.”

Lu Zhou walked away to take the call. When he found a bench, he sat down as he answered the call.


“Lu Zhou, it’s me!”

“Principal Xu?” Lu Zhou’s eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, “What’s up?”

“Nothing special,” Principal Xu said with a smile. He then added, “On behalf of all of the teachers and students of the chemistry department, I want to say thank you!”

Lu Zhou was a little embarrassed. “There’s no need to thank me, I only wrote a letter and expressed my own opinion.”

“Your letter was immensely helpful! The higher-ups valued your opinions, and the relevant funds have arrived. The project is underway, and the new supercomputer center will be next to Jin Ling University. It’s not just me or the teachers that have to thank you, but everyone else would also have to thank you!”

Not only would the hundred million yuan investment help Jin Ling University, but it would also help local research institutes and other universities.

Principal Xu couldn’t help but feel emotional.

If it wasn’t for Lu Zhou’s letter, securing this project would have been a lot more difficult.

Principal Xu paused for a second before he asked, “Oh yeah, did you pay attention to Everyone Daily?”

“Everyone Daily?” Lu Zhou said, “Not really, why?”

Principal Xu smiled and said, “You didn’t? Their latest issue has a part about you, so maybe you want to check it out.”

Lu Zhou tried to ask what the content was, but Principal Xu didn’t tell him.

After the call ended, Lu Zhou leaned on the park bench and sent a text message to Yang Xu, asking him to mail a copy of the Everyone Daily newspaper.

After sending the text, Lu Zhou put away his phone.

Suddenly, he saw someone.

The person who was jogging along the lake seemed to have noticed him as well, and she slowed down and walked toward Lu Zhou.

Molina was wearing a blue sports outfit. She shook the sweat off her hair before she asked, “Thinking about life?”

“No, just sitting here.”

Lu Zhou was distracted by the tight sports outfit, and he wasn’t sure where to look. Therefore, he decided to look at the lake.

He then asked, “Speaking of which, it’s been a year now, how is your research project going?”

Molina bit her lip and didn’t speak.

She remembered that when Lu Zhou first came to Princeton, she recommended her supervisor Morel to him. At that time, she wanted to defeat the Riemann’s conjecture together with him.

However, it had been a year since then, Lu Zhou already defeated Goldbach’s conjecture and achieved success in chemistry, materials sciences, condensed matter physics, and many other fields.

But she and Morel were still desperately holding on the past.

Not long ago, Lu Zhou was also invited to give a 60-minute report by IMU. Not to mention, there was also his likelihood of winning a Fields Medal.

It was foreseeable that Lu Zhou would break the record held by Princeton mathematics professor, Charles Fefferman.

With the highly-rated contestant, “German God” Peter Schultz, the Fields Medal next year would be highly competitive.

However, Molina and her supervisor didn’t make any significant progress on Riemann’s conjecture.

It was without a doubt that her supervisor wouldn’t be able to win the Fields Medal.

Molina was as jealous as one could get.

Although Molina didn’t reply, Lu Zhou guessed what was going on.

He smiled and changed the subject.

“It seems that I shouldn’t have asked the question, pretend like I didn’t say anything.”

Molina looked at Lu Zhou and asked, “How did you do it?”

“Before challenging a difficult goal, I often find a smaller, easier to accomplish goal first,” Lu Zhou said. He looked at the drone flying over the lake as he continued, “Even I wouldn’t be able to tackle the Goldbach’s conjecture immediately.”

Lu Zhou was right; his Group Structure Method was perfected by the Polignac’s conjecture, and he used the large sieve method to solve the twin prime conjecture.

The tower of Goldbach’s conjecture wasn’t built in a day.

Molina started to think, and after a while, she asked, “And your small goal was?”

Lu Zhou smiled as he replied, “Twin prime conjecture.”

Molina: “…”

This is a small goal?!

Suddenly, she had the urge to toss this guy into the lake.


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