Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan (LN)

Vol 13 Chapter 5 Part 9

Vol 13 Chapter 5 Part 9

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ED: LonelyMatter

Part 9


When he wanted to die, Liz’s head almost boiled with rage.

But it was also true that, for the first time, “Clairvoyance” captured the seriousness of Hiro’s feelings.

He was suffering. He was tormented by his own sins and struggled with them.

How could he be saved? How could he be rescued?

Liz thought desperately,

“Let’s just keep killing each other.”

She was unable to think calmly as Hiro attacked her.

If she bent down, the black sword would snap over her head, and she would release her fist at his jaw, but Hiro would not stop.

Liz skillfully swung the red sword, slashing at Hiro’s arm, stabbing at his leg, and slashing across his torso, spraying blood everywhere.

But he was unharmed―super-speed regeneration brought everything back to where it started.

A never-ending battle―or, more accurately, a battle Liz didn’t want to conclude.

“How can I…”

She didn’t want to kill anymore, she didn’t want to hurt anymore, she didn’t want to fight anymore.

Seeing Hiro’s blood on her fist, Liz looked sad.

As if reading her hesitation, Hiro released an immense surge of superiority.

“Do you know despair?”

The Dark Emperor was pushed to the ground, and Hiro’s relentless murderous intent began to overflow.

The sky was about to close in on itself again. Darkness began to overflow from the cracks in the ground and began to devour the bodies on the battlefield as if they were being chewed.

“No way…”

Corned into eliminating her options, Liz was forced to make a decision with a twitch in the corner of her eye.

The ground rumbled violently, and the soldiers around her collapsed, unable to take it.

Out of nowhere, a bell rang across the world, signaling the end.

Whether it was the same attack as before or not―she couldn’t make a decision, but her heart told her not to let it come to fruit. Just like before, she did not know if she would be able to protect the soldiers again.

But even if she tried to stop Hiro, the superiority that overflowed from him was bizarre.

Liz would die if she tried to go easy on Hiro to keep him from getting hurt.

She had to weigh her options.

Should she kill Hiro or abandon the others?

A line of blood trickled down her chin and onto the floor from her painful face and biting lower lip.

She didn’t want to be unable to save a life she could have saved after all her hesitation.

――Move forward without regrets.

She suddenly remembered what Altius had told her.

Eliminate all those who stand in your way, for that is the path to the Empress.

If that was true, then Hiro was an enemy, an enemy to be eliminated.

Her mind, swirling with various emotions, was no longer normal.

Liz had no idea what her priority should be.


――She stomped them out.

Crushing all unnecessary emotions and priorities.

“I will kill you.”

As she declared, she felt Hiro smile gently at her.

As if to say, “It’s all right,” with an optimistic feeling, oblivious to others.

Actually, whether it was or not remained unknown.

Maybe it just seemed that way because the world was distorted by tears.

Determined, Liz kicked the ground.

The Thunder Emperor’s thunderbolt―a roaring bolt of lightning―pierced the darkness and went under Hiro. But he extinguished the bolt with a single stomp.

Liz looked at the flames burning nearby.

With a single gesture, the flame seemed to have gained a mind of its own, undulating like a snake as it charged towards Hiro. But the attack sliced through the air and was crushed just before it could bite. The remaining fire scattered in the air―Liz waved her hand to create wind, and with the help of the dying fire, it regained momentum, causing an explosion over Hiro’s head.

“Ironic, isn’t it?”

Liz frowned as she saw the weapon in her hand.

The Ice Emperor had manifested in her hand.

The will to fight was not enough, the will to protect was not enough, and the will to save was not enough.

But now, after all this time, the Ice Emperor was ready to lend her his power.

What Liz lacked was the will to kill―a heartless response.

“But I’m sorry.”

Liz’s eyes burned with a new determination as she looked ahead.

“I haven’t given up yet.”

Whether people would call her an idiot or a fool, she would not abandon the path she had set for herself.

She would be selfish, she would be arrogant, she would be like that man – she would be bold and determined.

She would continue to go forward.

She would not let anyone stand in her way.

The place where she should go had been determined from the beginning.

Strong like the God of War, brave like the God of Beginnings, and beautiful like the Goddess of Beauty.

To heal him with a hundred words, to confide in him a thousand thoughts, to give him ten thousand healings.

“I am the Empress.”

Liz paused, raised her hand to the sky, and commanded.

“Heavenly Emperor―come to me.”

It was natural, it was providence, it was the truth, and she would not tolerate any refusal.

But then, a cry of joy echoed through the air, and space shattered.

A silver-white sword descended. Scattering white silver particles of light like snow, it rushed down to her like a knight. Liz grabbed the hilt, looked into the raging darkness, and in a flash, the blackness was obliterated by the overflowing light.

Liz drove her right hand, clenching the Heavenly Emperor, into the ground.

Countless cracks appeared in space, and one by one, spirit weapons with a strange atmosphere appeared.

A large number of swords swept across the sky.

The mysterious swords imbued with the residue of the spirits fell to the ground at the same time as Liz swung her hand down. The darkness overflowing from the ground was cut away, saving a soldier whose legs were tangled, saving a soldier whose lower body was engulfed, and joining the white wolf who was desperately trying to protect the soldier.

Liz dug out the ground and began to run with tremendous speed.

Drawing a red and blue miracle, she left the world behind her with tremendous speed.

At that moment, a tremendous sound shook the atmosphere.

A spectacular power poured into the countless spirit weapons floating in the air. As they screamed that they could not withstand it, several of the spirit weapons shattered.

When Liz waved her hand at Hiro, the lightning-covered spirit weapons flew as if obeying her will.

The lightning, aided by the wind, was disrupted, and the wind of the sword fight blew wildly.

Spirit weapons rushed at Hiro from all sides.

Slashing his arms. Slashing his legs. Countless cuts and wounds were made on Hiro’s body as he continued to protect his vital points. An overwhelming storm of slashes that even super-speed regeneration could not reach in time.

No matter how many spirit weapons he destroyed, the number kept increasing rather than decreasing, and the overwhelming difference in the number of moves began to slow down Hiro’s movements. But even so, the storm of tyranny did not pass. Countless blades, without any kind of hand or heart, danced wildly in an attempt to stop Hiro’s breathing.

Under the ruthless attack, Hiro continued to evade with his brilliant footwork, and a large number of spirit weapons were thrust under his feet. It was as if the place was a graveyard of weapons, with swords being driven into the ground.

Liz, who had been watching the situation, called the Ice Emperor into her hand.

The spirit weapon thrust into the ground was filled with freezing air, freezing the surrounding area.

Hiro tried to jump back, but the area where the spirit weapons were was all under Liz’s control. All she had to do was raise her hand, and the spirit weapon would cut off his retreat.

When they were in sight, the ghost weapons would continue to aim at their prey, determined to kill their master’s target. Still, Hiro continued to dodge, run, till he finally gave up and faced them.

Liz squeezed the hilt of the Ice Emperor and threw it, and it landed in the Graveyard of Weapons at a tremendous speed.

A puff of white smoke rose, engulfing Hiro.

His figure was no longer visible, but the wind created by Liz’s hand waving to the side and carrying the smoke away exposed Hiro again―his lower body frozen in place as if restrained.

“Brilliant. It seems you remembered.”

Hiro told Liz as she approached him.

There was no fear on his face. He accepted everything as it was, and even a hint of joy was mixed in.

The use of the Five Emperors of the Spirit Sword was taught to her by Hiro.

She imitated the fighting style that Hiro used against the Twelve Demon Lords in the Fierte Palace, the capital of the Six Kingdoms. Had Hiro always wanted to paint that scene, or had he been prepared to die long before? Had he been acting all this time just to be killed by Liz?

Liz felt a tingle in her chest, but she kicked the ground and summoned the Flame Emperor.

Liz remembered what Hiro had said that day.

――The Sword of Demise, the Flame Emperor, destroys everything.

Wrapped in blue flames, crimson flames wrap around the blade, the power of lightning sparks, and the flames rage in the agitation of the wind.

The ice cut off the target’s retreat, preventing it from escaping, and the silver-white light provided tremendous acceleration.

Everything came together―a thrust of tremendous power was unleashed.

The black robe that tried to protect Hiro became a wall, but it could not withstand it and shattered into a thousand pieces.

The edge of the red sword rips through the skin, piercing the flesh, scorching the internal organs, and raging inside the boy.

――The sound of something breaking was heard.

The blood spurting from Hiro’s mouth drenched Liz’s face.

Tears spilled from Liz’s eyes and ran down her cheeks, smearing blood back into her eyes.

The boy fell down.

His head rested weakly on her shoulder.

“This is good.”

Liz shook her shoulders at the sound of the faint voice but quickly moved away from the boy’s body.

Hiro, with the Flame Emperor in his chest, knelt on the ground with a smile on his face.

His face was lifeless, his lips stained purple, and he breathed in small gasps that seemed about to disappear.

Fire engulfed Hiro’s body, a beautiful blue flame spreading without a sound.

Particles of light began to emanate from Hiro’s body. Something inside Hiro was being removed.

Along with the gushing blood, the power of the Five Great Heavenly Kings dissipated.

Liz narrowed her eyes at the sight, leaning in close to Hiro and placing her hand on his cheek.

“Hold on.”

When had Hiro said that?

When Liz was nearly killed by the First Prince Stobel, Hiro had told her.

He told her that the Flame Emperor had the power of “purification.”

Liz thought that if that were the case, then it would only be possible to destroy the “malice” in Hiro, and she may have been right.

Flames burn everything, but they also give birth to new life.

Red and blue have different roles, Liz thought.

Above all, the first Emperor, Altius, had said so.

He had told her to move forward and get rid of those who stood in her way. But that man would never want his brother-in-law to die.

Without those words, she would not have had the courage to move forward.

Without the promise to Rei, Liz’s heart might have been broken.

Liz found a glimmer of hope that it would be okay, that she would be able to save Hiro―that she would save him.

But her joy created a fatal opening.

“O King. What are you doing? Why aren’t you fighting?”

Behind Liz stood Keryneia, the Twelve Demon Lords.

Liz turned to see a hollow, violently damaged expression of hate on her face.

A red sword-one of the Five Demon Emperor Swords, the Death Immortal, a magic sword that devours its wielder―was held out towards Liz.

There was no doubt that the moment she let her guard down, she would be targeted.

With a sudden warning of death, Liz reached out to catch the blade.

Liz’s vision shook violently as she felt herself being pushed out of the way.

Unable to support her body under the impact, she fell flat on her side.

Yet there was no pain. She checked her own body with a dazed look on her face.

She turned her gaze to where she had just been and opened her eyes.

Hiro had been stabbed by a red sword.

The mad blade protruded from his chest and back, and fresh blood dripped from the tip of the blade.


Liz groaned, but her voice was drowned out by the sound of rage.

“You bastard!”

Eyes peeled, she looked in the direction of the voice and saw Meteor, her anger swelling.

“Haha, it’s over! It’s all over now! My king, our king!”

Keryneia cried, her hands raised in the air, howling to the heavens like a saint praying to the gods.

“The long-cherished wish of our Twelve Demon Lords has been fulfilled! The God of War…”

With a splash of blood, Keryneia’s head was hurled into the sky. Meteor’s shoulders bounced with rage as she stomped on the fallen body.

Hiro was about to fall as well, as if he had lost his strength. It was Liz who caught him with both arms outstretched. The oxygen could not be absorbed properly. The lights before his eyes flickered violently. Liz punched him in the thigh to keep him conscious.

First, she pulled out the Death Immortal to stop the bleeding.

But the blood pouring out of the gaping hole would not stop.

She hoped for the super-speed regeneration, but the Flame Emperor in his chest was still “purifying” him, so his “immortal” power could never be unleashed.

“Wind Emperor! Heal Hiro’s wounds, heal his wounds!”

The wind enveloped Hiro’s body, but there was no change.

Liz did not want to lose him.

Liz reached for the hilt to pull out the Flame Emperor, but Hiro grabbed her wrist.

“It’s okay…”

Hiro smiled at Liz with blank eyes.

“What the…!”

“This is the end – your curse is gone.”

“Shut up.”

Liz tried to heal his wounds with the power of the Wind Emperor. The blood did not stop but rather began to flow out of the wound as if being sucked out.

She desperately tries to heal it, and Hiro puts his hand on her cheek.

“I’m sorry.”

“Shut up.”

Liz swore, and Hiro smiled and reached for the sky.

“I feel like I’m finally forgiven.”

“Shut up!”

There was nothing to be done. Lives were about to be lost, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

Even if there were lives that could be saved, even if you had the power to save them, nothing could be done.

Miracles didn’t happen.

“I could save you.

“Shut up, shut up!”

Hiro’s body collapsed, cracking and crumbling like sand.

“Thank you.”

Hiro’s face, smiling with satisfaction, vanished into particles with the wind.

It was a disappointing end, and he disappeared without a trace as if he had never existed.

“Ah, aah…!”

Liz reached out her hand to pick up the particles, but they were all completely cut out of the sky.

The “curse” imposed on her was taking away everyone she cared about.

Even if the “curse” disappeared, none of her loved ones would return.

Rain began to fall from the darkness that remained in the sky.

For the girl who had cried unnoticed since childhood, it seemed to drown out her cries.

Still, Liz continued to scream inaudibly as if afraid to be seen.

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