Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 473 The Father and Son Who Came to See a Doctor

Chapter 473: Chapter 473 The Father and Son Who Came to See a Doctor


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chen Yu, a seasoned streamer, had encountered countless personalities during his long career.

He opted not to judge the middle-aged woman’s warped morals, as the law would handle her actions.

A complex mix of emotions flickered across [Life is only a few autumns]’s face as he observed his now-hysterical wife.

Did he hate her? Undoubtedly.

Yet, the proverb “a hundred nights of gratitude for a single night as husband and wife” echoed in his mind.

Witnessing his wife’s breakdown left him utterly helpless.

In a silent act of support, he paid the 10,000 yuan for treatment without saying a word.

Deciding to cool down, he ended the call.

Viewers, captivated by the drama, flooded the chat.

“Whoa, Dr. Chen’s stream is a rollercoaster ride!”

“More like a zoo showcasing human nature!”

“Such a heartless woman! How can she be a mother?”

They soon realized the three-part livestream had concluded.

“See you next time, chat.” Chen Yu signed off with a faint smile.

The screen promptly displayed, “Host has gone offline.”

Disgruntled new viewers tuned in just as Chen Yu logged off at 8 PM, peak traffic time for the Huyu platform.

Glancing at the door, he took a swig of water from the dispenser.

Suddenly, a man’s voice called from outside, “Excuse me, are you still open?”

“Come in,” Chen Yu replied.

The door opened to reveal a man pushing a wheelchair and carrying a seemingly emotionless boy of around 17 or 18.

The man in his forties pushing the chair wore a hopeful yet downtrodden expression.

“Are you Dr. Chen?” The man inquired, a glimmer of hope in his voice.

Chen Yu confirmed his identity with a nod. “Yes, that’s me. You must be the patient’s family member, correct?”

“Dr. Chen, please save my son!” the man pleaded.

“Everyone talks about your miracles. You can cure him, right?”

Overcome with emotion, the man released the wheelchair’s handle and took two hasty steps toward Chen Yu, attempting to kneel.

“There’s a misunderstanding,” Chen Yu interrupted, his expression firm.

“This is a treatment room, not a temple. Kneeling and kowtowing are unnecessary here. If you insist, you’ll need to take your son elsewhere.”

“No, no misunderstandings, Dr. Chen,” the man stammered. “I just…”

“I understand your plight,” Chen Yu interjected.

“Your son’s illness has taken a toll on you. As a doctor, I empathize with families facing such struggles. This is a place for medical treatment. You pay, I treat. There’s no need for elaborate gestures. I’ll do my best to help. Please, take a seat.”

A thought flickered across Chen Yu’s mind.

This could be the breakthrough he has been waiting for.

“Thank you, Dr. Chen,” the man said, visibly relieved as he settled into a chair.

“Take a moment to compose yourself,” Chen Yu advised, handing the man a glass of water. “Then, tell me about your son slowly.”

The man emptied the glass in one gulp.

“Thank you, thank you, Dr. Chen. My name is Zhao Shandong, and this is my son, Zhao Yong. We have depended on each other since my wife passed away. He’s my lifeblood.”

Zhao Shandong’s voice quivered as he described his desperate search for a cure.

He hadn’t slept or eaten properly, driven by the hope of his son’s recovery.

Countless hospitals offered no answers, leaving him utterly lost.

Rumors swirled around Chen Yu, who lived on the next street.

While he was officially a psychologist, whispers suggested he possessed extraordinary abilities.

Desperate for a cure after hospitals failed him, Zhao Shandong, a fellow businessman with an antique shop nearby, approached Chen Yu.

“Since we’re neighbors,” Chen Yu said with a faint smile, “let’s keep things simple.”

“Just like you, I run a business. If you can cure my son’s strange illness,” Zhao Shandong offered, “you can choose any antique in my shop. Or, name your price. Money is no object. I’d even go bankrupt if necessary.”

Zhao Shandong’s frantic pleas were unnecessary.

“Sir,” Chen Yu interjected, “this is a professional practice. We have set fees.”

“There won’t be any exorbitant charges.” He stated the total cost—a consultation and treatment fee of 10,000 yuan—and turned to show the payment code.

Relief washed over Zhao Shandong. For over a month, he’d exhausted every option with no results.

Considering Chen Yu’s supposed powers, it was a gamble worth talcing. 10,000 yuan was a pittance compared to his son’s health.

“Dr. Chen,” Zhao Shandong blurted after paying. “What’s this strange illness? What happened to him?”

Chen Yu’s answer surprised him. “It started 45 days ago, isn’t that right?”

“Amazing!” Zhao Shandong exclaimed, as it was the exact date.

His trust in Chen Yu skyrocketed.

“You’re a true miracle worker! This is it; my son will be cured!”

“Actually,” Chen Yu continued, “your son hasn’t been sick before. He’s always been incredibly healthy—never even a headache, correct?”

“Exactly! You’re absolutely right!” Zhao Shandong nodded vigorously, awestruck.

His son had always been a picture of health.

His son had been robust from birth, adorable, and a bouncing ball of energy.

That’s why his sudden illness terrified him.

Over a decade of perfect health, then this?

His son couldn’t speak, move, or care for himself—a living vegetable.

“Dr. Chen,” Zhao Shandong pleaded, “there has to be a reason!”

“All the major hospitals in the province couldn’t find anything, but surely there are some clues?”

Tears welled up in his eyes as he pleaded..

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