Silver Overlord

Chapter 251 - Farewell

Chapter 251: Farewell

Translator: Myuu Editor: Myuu

The encounters between people were truly fascinating. Yan Liqiang didn’t expect to leave Sun Bingchen’s side and suddenly receive a new position and job so soon after they arrived at the Imperial Capital together.

To this regard, Yan Liqiang didn’t really mind. He was instead very grateful to Sun Bingchen. He had followed Sun Bingchen to the Imperial Capital for the sake of experiencing and witnessing the marvel of this world. It was pretty nice for him to experience a change of pace now.

Early the next morning, after officially bidding farewell to Sun Bingchen, Sun Bingchen had Liang Yijie personally escort Yan Liqiang to Deer Villa in the western outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

Yan Liqiang rode on Snowstorm Cloud. Goldie, who had already recovered from its injury, was bouncing around Snowstorm Cloud merrily. It was the third lunar month in the spring season — the outskirts of Imperial Capital were decorated with brightly-colored blossoms and green willows. As soon as they exited the city gates of the Imperial Capital early in the morning, the road was already filled with passersby and carriages. Since the weather was fine, many people came out early in the morning on their steeds or on their carriages to go for a hike in the spring. There were quite a number of historical sites and scenic spots around the Imperial Capital. Also, there was quite a number of private gardens and villas that belonged to the influential officials. The traffic on the road was like an endless stream.

Liang Yijie’s luggage and longsword were hanging from the saddle of his steed. After escorting Yan Liqiang to Deer Villa, he would go into seclusion to prepare for the battle of life and death with Xu Lang in a month’s time.

Yan Liqiang also hung his Horned Python Bow on his steed’s saddle. Despite the fact that both of them were armed with weapons, they weren’t questioned when they exited the city gates. Yan Liqiang looked around on his rhinodrake steed. People who carried weapons like bows or sabers with them were everywhere. Some of them were even ridiculous — they had long-ranged weapons like spears, pikes, or lances on their steeds. No one batted an eyelid at them either; everyone had grown accustomed to these strange sights.

“Brother Liang, the citizens of Gan Province can be considered tough. From what I see today, the citizens of the Imperial Capital seem to be even tougher than those from the northwestern provinces!” Yan Liqiang exclaimed in amazement to Liang Yijie on his rhinodrake steed.

“Liqiang, allow me to enlighten you. The citizens of the Imperial Capital are not really tough — it’s more like this is where the dignitaries gather, so hidden dragons and crouching tigers are everywhere. Internal strifes are present everywhere, from the imperial court to the countryside. If the Great Han Empire is a lake, then the Imperial Capital would be the deepest part of the lake. The major sects of the world each have their own dojos set up in the Imperial Capital — major merchant groups and aristocratic clans also have branches here. Not only that, the provincial governors and influential officials from different provinces also have connections to the military here. The many people you see riding on this road with their warbows and long-ranged weapons are most likely guards. Not only that, many of them are also the sons of meritorious officials in the Imperial Capital. Their way forward is none other than pursuing a career in the military. Therefore, bowmanship, horsemanship, and wielding long-ranged weapons are all essential skills. Since they can’t put their skills to good use in the city, they often find companions to train and spar outside the city. Those who hold long-ranged weapons and war bows are average citizens. Since land in the Imperial Capital is extremely expensive, quite a number of dojos and sect branches are built outside the city. These people armed with weapons are all either heading to the dojos outside the city or the other major sect branches to train…”

“But there are really too many people studying bowmanship, horsemanship, and long-ranged weaponry in the Imperial Capital! I don’t think this many people are studying to master those in other places…”

“Hahaha! Given how smart you are, why haven’t you figured it out yet, Liqiang?!” Liang Yijie laughed heartily on his steed. “Bowmanship, horsemanship, and the study of long-ranged weapons are all battle techniques on military battlegrounds. Since these battle techniques are a lot more useful and effective than other martial art battle techniques, they are also highly sought after in the military. Therefore, with a solid foundation in these, one will naturally find it easier to climb the military ladder and be promoted. In the Imperial Capital, countless people, ranging from wealthy nobles to average citizens, have single-mindedly set their hearts on reaching the goal of becoming an official. Those average citizens in particular chase after that goal like wild geese…”

Yan Liqiang racked his brains for awhile before finally comprehending it. “Oh, I see! And I was wondering why there were so many people armed with warbows and other long-ranged weapons coming in and going out of the Imperial Capital, despite the fact that this place is not a frontier…”

“If we are going to talk about it, I think this path will best suit you, Liqiang!” Liang Yijie gave Yan Liqiang a meaningful glance. “Liqiang, your current strength lies in bowmanship and horsemanship. As soon as you have a bow in hand, you can cleanly sweep a battlefield of a hundred soldiers alone. Being a personal attendant by Lord Sun’s side will not give you many opportunities to put your strength to good use and you may even end up being overlooked. If you join the military, just your cultivation in archery alone will be a highly sought-after skill. Getting promoted through the ranks will be a breeze. This is also the reason why Lord Sun is willing to let you go. Otherwise, he wouldn’t let such a talented individual like you go so easily.”

Yan Liqiang smiled humbly. “I am not as impressive as Brother Liang claims. I am merely a humble Martial Warrior who is lagging too far behind Brother Liang…”

“There’s no need to be modest, Liqiang. The only limiting factor to your cultivation is your age. Given enough time to cultivate, I believe you will definitely surpass me by the time you reach my age. I am not an expert on battlegrounds, but after seeing your performance against those Blackwind Bandits the other day, I am certain that if Liqiang were to serve in the army in the future, you would definitely be the one unrivaled valiant general who can lead a magnificent army with thousands of men and steeds on the battlegrounds…!”

“To be honest, I think it might even be better if I don’t become some unrivaled valiant general in my entire life!” Yan Liqiang said with a smile.

“Why is that so?” Liang Yijie questioned him in puzzlement.

“A peaceful world where people live in harmony will have no need for valiant generals!” Yan Liqiang lifted his head and gazed at the rosy clouds of dawn. “I only want to travel around, appreciate the sceneries of this flourishing world and live life to fullest before finally settling down somewhere to start some small businesses with a few like-minded friends and become a billionaire. Then I want to live a simple life with the woman I love. We’d cultivate together to strengthen our bodies and live a long, healthy life. By the time I’m old, I want to play with my grandchildren and enjoy a loving family life — a life like this is really not a bad one!”

“It would be great if things really go as you wish. However, I’m afraid that such a peaceful and balanced lifestyle is hard to come by. In the world we live in, there has never been a shortage of people who burn with the wild ambitions of a stray wolf. Some people will not even bat an eyelid at sacrificing millions of lives or turning this flourished world into a living hell just for the sake of achieving their selfish goals. The current state of affairs in the Great Han Empire is enough to make Lord Sun sigh day and night. Therefore, the lifestyle you speak of may be nothing more than just wishful thinking…”

Yan Liqiang also sighed inwardly when he was reminded of the ‘major events’ that would take place in the Great Han Empire in the coming years, feeling that his thinking was indeed wishful. Although the Great Han Empire could still be roughly considered stable in the coming years, the White Lotus Society was staging an internal uprising. The tension and conflicts with the Dark Ram Tribe and the Chaman people in northwestern and eastern borders were intensifying with each passing day. A few vassal states in the south would even throw themselves into the arms of the New Crescent Dynasty. These incidents were indeed not good omens. Apart from that, the rivalry between the monarchical power and imperial power in the Imperial Capital would be in full swing. After giving it some thought, rather than fantasizing about a peaceful life, this vast empire would probably plunge into the raging battle flames and sink into chaos at any unforeseen circumstance…

Troubled times in human history never descended without rhyme or reason. Various omens would be present before chaos descended.

As a mere Martial Warrior, it was useless for him to think that far. Yan Liqiang cast away all those thoughts in his mind and changed the subject. “Oh right, how did the feud between you and that Xu Lang from yesterday start, Brother Liang…?”

“That Xu Lang lusts after women and likes to act as he pleases. One time, I happened to run into him somewhere in the Imperial Capital’s outskirts. He was teasing and humiliating a woman who was sightseeing out there. I couldn’t help but teach him a lesson and that was how we became enemies. Back then he didn’t have the Vice Minister to rely on. By the time he ended up serving this current Vice Minister, that is when we both became like oil and water that don’t mix because that person is also political enemies with Lord Sun in the imperial court…”

“I see!” Yan Liqiang nodded. “Even so, you have done the right thing, Brother Liang! Trash like him is just waiting to be cleaned up. You should have chopped that bastard’s back then…!”

“I didn’t know what kind of person he was yet on that day, so I only gave him a small lesson. This time, I shall end this with him once and for all in the battle of life and death…”

“Have a good seclusion, Brother Liang. I will come and cheer for you on your big day and watch you behead that dog…!”

“Hahaha, sure…!” Liang Yijie laughed loudly.

After the incident from yesterday, Yan Liqiang and Liang Yijie both got closer to each other. They were practically like brothers now. Both of them talked while they walked. Before they even realized it, they had arrived at Deer Villa…

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