Silver Overlord

Chapter 298 - Hua Ruxue

Chapter 298: Hua Ruxue

Translator: Myuu Editor: Myuu

Yan Liqiang and the Sword Fairy met each other about twenty days ago when Liang Yijie battled Xu Lang on the Arena of Life and Death. Hua Ruxue was relatively quieter than the crowd around her and was a lady of very few words. Even so, she still left a deep impression on him — her peerless beauty and her angelic temperament could make almost anyone secretly do a double take on her. Her reputation as the Sword Fairy was indeed well-deserved.

Due to his young age, Yan Liqiang was considered to be Liang Yijie’s younger brother, so he didn’t really stand out among the crowd that day. He only managed to exchange two or three sentences with Hua Ruxue. Yan Liqiang didn’t particularly covet Hua Ruxue, and the latter also maintained a courteous and polite manner toward him. Both of them didn’t really interact much with each other from the beginning to the end. Yet the lady whom Yan Liqiang had only met once before was lying on his bedroom floor and seemed to be critically injured.

Hua Ruxue lay motionlessly on the ground, eyes tightly shut and her face as pale as paper.

Yan Liqiang was dazed for a moment before he picked Hua Ruxue up from the ground and placed her on his bed without any hesitation.

Hua Ruxue still had a pulse and was breathing shallowly. The wound on her chest was still bleeding.

Looking at her wound, Yan Liqiang tried to recall the first-aid knowledge he had in his mind. Turning around swiftly, he shut the door and windows upstairs so that the wind wouldn’t come in. At the same time, he lit up a few lamps in the room and moved them to a table by the window. The lamps illuminated the room, bringing a trace of warmth back into the room.

Under the warm light, Hua Ruxue’s beautiful pale face looked fragile and delicate. Even her lips had lost their color.

After doing all that, Yan Liqiang retrieved his medicine pouch. He thought for a moment, then fetched the sewing box in his room too.

“Sister Hua, I really don’t want to take advantage of you. But I’m afraid you won’t survive if you are left untreated in your current state. Medical practitioners care for their patients like parents, so please excuse me…!” Yan Liqiang took a deep breath while looking at the unconscious Hua Ruxue. Regardless of whether she could hear his words, he still informed her before he got to work and cut open the dark clothes she was wearing with a pair of scissors.

Her dark gear had buttons located under her armpits. However, if he wanted to undo the buttons, he’d have to flip her over. In order to avoid causing further injuries since he wasn’t sure of her condition, the best method was to cut open the patient’s clothes when administering emergency treatment.

This was the first time Yan Liqiang had ever peeled off a girl’s clothes in this lifetime. Although he had a pair of scissors in his hand, his heart was thumping against his will.

A layer of white undergarment was revealed beneath the dark clothes that were cut open. At this point in time, it was already dyed crimson by her own blood. Yan Liqiang calmed his mind, then proceed to cut open the white undergarment too. Beneath the white undergarment was another white undershirt. After cutting that open, bandages that looked like those used to wrap mummies came into his view. They bounded the most feminine features of Hua Ruxue tightly, squashing them mercilessly.

Yan Liqiang’s hand couldn’t stop trembling again when he saw the bandages. The strips were dyed crimson by her blood, forming a sharp contrast against the fair round globes beneath them that were threatening to spill out. Yan Liqiang clenched his teeth and cut open the bandages with determination. The two massive globes that were being squashed down immediately bounced out like wild horses that had been released from their reins. They came to life and jiggled!

“Wow, damn, I couldn’t tell they were this huge that day! Did she bind herself like this that day too…?” Yan Liqiang wiped the sweat off his forehead, trying his best to not stare at them. He ripped open the blanket on his bed and picked the cotton out of the quilt. Then, he carefully wiped the blood away from Hua Ruxue’s body to reveal her wound.

The wound was located right below her left breast. On the underside, there was a two-inch wound. It was quite deep with a zigzag shape that looked as though it was caused by some sort of weapon and it was still bleeding profusely.

Yan Liqiang looked at the wound and realized that it would be very difficult to stop the bleeding by simply relying on the bandage. To stop the bleeding, he’d have to suture the wound. However, since the wound was close to her breast, he would inevitably have to touch it while performing his task.

Yan Liqiang glanced at Hua Ruxue again. At this point in time, she was even paler — she looked no different than snow.

“I can’t be bothered too much, I’ve got to save her first…!” Yan Liqiang clenched his teeth and picked up the sewing box at the side. He pulled out a long needle, bent it into a hook, heated it in a flame to sterilize it, then threaded the needle with a strong white cotton thread and tied a knot. After calming his mind, he started suturing her wound.

This was the hardest task Yan Liqiang ever had to perform in this lifetime. His brows were already beaded with sweat and his hands were trembling. Even so, Yan Liqiang clenched his jaw and persisted until he was completely done suturing the wound.

As expected, the bleeding immediately stopped as soon as the wound was closed up.

Yan Liqiang wiped the sweat away from his forehead and rushed downstairs. He found a bottle of aged wine from Deer Villa, dipped a cotton ball in the wine, then started cleaning up and disinfecting the wound. After that, he retrieved Jinchuang ointment from his medicine pouch. He propped Hua Ruxue up and let her lean against him while he dressed her wound. After feeding her an Essence Nurturing Pill to treat her internal injuries and recover her vital Qi, Yan Liqiang gently laid her down on the bed again and put a blanket over her.

Yan Liqiang had done his very best. As to whether she could survive her injuries, that would all depend on Hua Ruxue’s fate.

He glanced at Hua Ruxue’s bloodied clothes, soiled bandages, and the blood on the bedroom floor. Yan Liqiang shook his head, tidied up everything, and wiped the blood off the floor. He went into the yard downstairs, lit a pile of firewood, and burned the stuff to ashes.

Since his private courtyard was close to the archery range and there weren’t many people around, no one would ever notice him burning stuff in his yard at night.

After he was done with that, Yan Liqiang returned to his upstairs bedroom to check on Hua Ruxue’s condition.

Although she was still unconscious, her lips were regaining their rosy color thanks to the proper care Yan Liqiang had administered. Even her breathing had slowly evened out.

Upon seeing Hua Ruxue’s improvement, Yan Liqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief. He went to the room adjacent to his bedroom, lit up an incense stick, and started training his eyesight in the darkness, followed by Muscle Tendon Changing and Marrow Cleansing as his night regime. Afterward, he washed up in the yard and went back to the room next to his bedroom upstairs. Sitting cross-legged, he entered the Heavenly Realm and resumed his life there…

The Yan Liqiang in the Heavenly Realm and the group of people from the Four Seas Escort Agency only stayed a night in Feng Provincial City. Then resumed their journey back to the Divine Sword Sect…


Early next morning, Yan Liqiang was already up when the sky was still dark outside. He went into his bedroom first and found Hua Ruxue still lying on his bed. Yan Liqiang was totally relieved to find that her complexion was a lot rosier. After completing his morning regime, he locked up his courtyard and went off to practice his spear technique at the waterfall on the mountain beyond the archery range…

Goldie had been in heat over the past two days so it seemed to be a little agitated. Hence, Yan Liqiang decided to just let it take some time off and allowed Goldie to wander off to wherever it wanted to play. Therefore, even he himself didn’t know where it had run off to…

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