Soul of Searing Steel

Chapter 971 - Just the Beginning

Chapter 971: Just the Beginning

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In Stellaris, a year after Operation Great Turnaround and a month after the Midgadians had carried out the ritual known as the Abyss of Tomorrow, the world was changing and dyed. In the millennia-long war and tension, a new Extraordinary power had appeared in the domain of the Stellar Guard, where everyone was unsettled apart from the very rear.

The new ability was very different from the superpowers such as magic, elements, and Holy Light, which were virtually unrelated to Psi introduced by a certain Sage. It could indeed be described as a variant of Psi, a unique variant and modification. Just like how the psionics were divided to the Meditative and Passionate factions, the power also branched into scarlet courage, golden wisdom, green perseverance, and purple-blue resolve.

Moreover, unlike magic and the other Extraordinary powers which required complete training from scratch, the curious power that was officially named the power of Emotion perfectly matched various psionic techniques, even fully inheriting the user’s Psi and taking it to the next level. The only difference was the extremely demanding requirements of Emotion towards the user’s spiritual condition, along with the spiritual condition of surrounding lifeforms.

For example, a majority of people had awakened the scarlet light of courage on the front line where the Stellar Guard engaged the spawns of Chaos. The light of any who invoked other emotional radiances would have been eclipsed by the scarlet light, unless they excelled and showed great firmness. Similarly, it was not as if there were none who had awakened the light of courage at the rear of the Stellar Guard’s territories, but that the other three radiances simply had a relatively overwhelming advantage.

The change was also occurring across several races, including those with battle tendencies and also the nonchalant ones. Even those who did not often fight easily leaned towards the scarlet light, while it was not unusual for species that had focused on thinking to the point that their physical bodies decayed to be blessed by the golden light of wisdom.

Although the Chaos spawns’ ability to spread and their formidable lifeforce, save for those furthest behind, would have allowed them invade every galaxy of the Alliance and hence cultivate the light of Courage correlated to conflict, it was not comparable to the front line where dozens of fleets had to fight several battles each day, taking turns to suppress and repel those spawns.

The data also formed a map of the alliance that displayed a rainbow-like distribution—to the rear being green and the middle being gold and purple-blue, while the foremost was scarlet.

Setting the data aside, the power of Emotion was itself a remarkably unique ability, with the entire Stellar Guard Alliance changing significantly upon its debut. In the revelation that transpired twenty-eight days ago, thirty-one Omega-class psionics summoned their respective emotional ability and directly ascended beyond their present class to become new Perpetuate psionics. It resulted in an exponential increase of the Alliance’s elite fighting force, with the presence of Emotional power actually making them more powerful than former Perpetuators in terms of pure combat power.

Amongst them was the most symbolical individual: Kedar Monan, a Tanyan Fleet Commander and Ringbearer of Courage. He had made a name for himself in the recent operation called the Great Turnaround, but the Chaos spawn’s counterattack had claimed his homeworld and forced Kedar himself to destroy the homeworld of his civilization.

Everyone had believed that he would have been lost in misery and self-blame, and yet the appearance of Emotional power freed him from the abyss. Now, having gained epiphany of true courage and becoming a Perpetuator, Kedar succeeded in becoming the leader of Gallantry, a branch organization of the Four Major Emotions, while swearing to fight forever on the front line until Chaos no longer existed in the ‘tomorrow’ of the world.

Likewise, groups of other emotional powers had also been founded one after another. The Ring of Wisdom’s was called Acumen, Perseverance’s Bold and Resolve’s Paramount, with each branch group having a Ringbearer that completely fitted the doctrine.

Naturally, due to time constraints, the system of Emotional power had yet to completely spread to every corner of Stellaris, and not everyone had the realization to awaken that new ability. According to the present ratio, only one in ten million would have had sentiments rich enough to be developed as Emotional power, and although that number would have slowly increased, it also proved that the new power had considerable requirements in respect to their personal constitution and spiritual aspect.

Furthermore, not even the outstanding individuals who could awaken emotional power at the very first instance were perfectly compatible: if there had been ten billion intelligent life who had awakened emotional power, there would have been only less than ten Ringbearers. That was as they needed not only the ability to invoke courage, but also to invoke hate, rage, and insanity, similar to how they would not have been filled with only courage but also with greed, passion, and indulgence. Both positive and negative emotions were necessary, yet had to be kept under control to make a complete person, and only such existences were worthy as Ringbearers, receiving a manifested copy of a divine tool, a projection of the four major emotions.

Beyond its uniqueness in its system, the power of Emotion could also achieve things Psi could never have brought forth in the battlefield or even their daily lives. As a mix of Psi and lifeforce, Emotional power was far superior to pure psionic powers from the aspect of affecting physical beings. Users could have their powers manifest as physically-visible bounded fields of energy and briefly used them as an object. In comparison, at a lower level, psionic users could at most rack their brains and use spiritual assault to cause distress upon others, whereas wielders of Emotional powers could directly conjure a huge hammer, using their mental strength to strike one’s physical core.

Of course, it was not to say that Psi was inferior to Emotion, since psionic individuals would have developed various telekinesis ability at advance levels that would have effortlessly destroyed an entire battlefield, crushing thousands of Chaos spawns with its formless force. Emotional power’s application was more towards giving form to a Titan-class heavy armor pulverizing machine, physical crushing the entire battlefield.

While pitting the weaknesses of two different powers did not make for a good comparison, Psi was assuredly an ability that leaned towards versatility with its all-encompassing functions and mastery, although it was difficult to reach the extreme of that path unless one was a true genius and champion. On the other hand, Emotional power required passionate sentiments from the very start, with the purpose of its development being slaughter. The function and efficiency of both powers in terms of combat was thus naturally incomparable.

A certain God of Steel from the Void had allegedly claimed that it was not impossible for Perpetuators or even Endless Light-class individuals who cultivated Emotional power to conjure horrific war machines, from Armageddon -class Star Destroyers to planet killers. Either way, the many powerful wielders of the new power on the front line had been decimating the hordes of Chaos spawns, with Operation Retaliation executed at the Dark Galaxy making evident the advantage of Emotional power in combat.

Thousands of Omega-class Emotion wielders had conjured a Spectrum Fleet—like gamers controlling their characters, they could fight without taking any casualties from across half the battlefield. In turn, the experimental armada had completely destroyed targets 170 times their own number, an unexpected outcome of the battle.

More than that, having any warship blasted into pieces would have meant nothing more than merely having the wielder fall into a sagely, lethargic state transcending beyond worldly desires and being unable to muster any emotion for one or two weeks, which was unlike Psi, where one’s soul could have been maimed.

As the Giant God and the psionic composite looked on without interfering, the Stellar Guard, which had been on the defense, had gone on the attack, clearing and counter-attacking against the Chaos spawns, filling the declining and dark futures of Stellaris with hope.

“Almost done. If there’s no significant change, we don’t have to do anything,” Joshua said amidst the Void, looking around the stars are nodding. “If there’s no Evil God or Chaos spawns nearing their threshold, us making a move won’t mean much.”

After all, it would have taken thousands of years for the Dark Galaxy that had been fully consumed by Chaos to be cleansed, even with Joshua’s power. It would not have mattered at all if he slayed the Chaos for months, and it was basically a waste of strength. As compared to killing spawns here, he was looking forward to get outside Stellaris and find true forms of Evil Gods to directly slay the root of calamity.

[Invitation: Initial tasks completed. Radcliffe, the Triple Curtain invites you for an extended exchange at our control core.]

“Ah, of course. Not a problem.” Joshua naturally did not decline the Beacon of Perpetuity’s request. It had in fact been his request in the first place, but he had recently been busy keeping up with the progress and spread of Emotional power, adjusting by the Four Divine Rings with the Beacon and its two companions.

“Well, let’s go.”


Just as Joshua had spread Emotional power upon Stellaris and was invited to the control core for further exchange with the Triple Curtain…

At the base of the Stargate directed to the Multiverse, located at the Multiverse Sacrificial Grounds in the world of Mycroft, many Void vessels were building a huge and circular steel base encircling the world around the demiplane which held the main body of the Multiverse Sacrificial Grounds. It was to be the foundation of Mycroft’s future central dock, as well as the center of the plane’s fortress. Apart from a majority of dwarven engineers, there were also fairies attached as ship builders to the constructing team—the critters who were masterful in the elemental aspect and familiar with the mysteries of different planes monitored for any shift in the Multiverse Sacrificial Grounds main body and ensured safety during construction.

And now, beside the completed world-linking Stargate, a loud warning echoed at the monitored zone.

“Alert! Major irregular energy signature detected in the Galaxy of Bloodbath!”

In the non-real-time surveillance zone, a worker in charge of monitoring otherworld galaxies and exchanging information was stunned for a moment after reading through a report, but her body instinctively pressed down on the alert button. “An abnormal ripple of energy was detected in the Amos Court fringes within the Galaxy of Bloodbath twenty-eight days ago, with the same signature appearing in the heartland of the Takur Ruin Cult. The energy resembles Psi, but is also compounded with highly-pure lifeforce. It is spreading very quickly and at a high energy level, presently covering one-eighth of the Galaxy of Bloodbath across both the Takur Ruin Cult and the Amos Court’s territories!”

“Reports indicate that neither factions have reacted to the abnormal energy reaction. Intelligence is guessing that they are definitely facing a major problem far worse than we have thought, and one that we cannot stay uninvolved in!”

The message was transmitted, swiftly spreading throughout every Mycroftian department and authority even though most were uninterested in that information. While the Galaxy of Bloodbath is assuredly powerful and frightening, they were too far from the Mycroft civilization’s actual region of control, meaning that they did not have much capacity to interfere. After having now spent most of their capital and energy on important matters such as infrastructure, education, improving birthrates, and production, they are simply unconcerned with the plight of other civilizations.

As for the abnormal energy signature… with the rate of its spreading, it would have been tens of thousands of years before it could cover the distance between the Galaxy of Bloodbath and the closest Mycroft colony—and that was being optimistic. The Multiverse was so vast that it was no laughing matter.

However, unlike what those authorities had imagined, the Mycroft civilization assuredly could not remain uninvolved.


With sharp humming, a red warning light quickly filled the surveillance zone. The intelligence crew, who had received specialized training to keep standing even when facing a certain Count, instinctively felt nervous and alert when they heard the alarm.

Soon, the content of the warning was broadcasted.

“Abnormal energy ripple appearing in the world of Mycroft. Origins: abnormal energy signature appearing at the northern side of the continent, specifically the northern provinces of the Helgamoth Empire—Moldavia!”

“Repeat, abnormal energy ripple originating from the Moldavian Main City of the Northern Provinces!”


The issuance of the alert had actually been very timely.

Even so, the formless energy ripple had spread by the time the call was issued, covering the entire world of Mycroft along with the quadrants around it. Mortals were unaware of it, and only the Gold-tier could feel a certain stir, Supreme sensing a distinct anomaly, while Legends could directly discern the origins of that anomaly.

In the Holy Mountain Warship belonging to the Seven Gods Church parked at the Stargate base, Pope Igor was using his Spirit Terminal that resembled a wristwatch, immersing himself in the spiritual realm as he played Continental War.

For a champion who had ventured far beyond the threshold of Legendary pinnacle, the Continental War had almost no benefits, and what might have been its single worth was the conundrums which otherworld civilizations once faced and the many choices they had to make. With history as reference, the leaders of civilization could have better recognized and examined the problems of their own civilization.

Nevertheless, Igor was playing Continental War for reasons not so simple… he was instead thinking if he could set such gameplay as one of the core assessments within Mycroft—or indeed, as a ‘benchmark’.

Continental War may have been an interesting simulator for the common folk and helped to hone their minds as well as disseminated considerable knowledge, even rewarding strong performances considerably… but the purpose of the game was simply beyond that: it was not simply a game, but a fine education module.

“Understanding the relationships and benefits between civilization and individuals, learning about the origins of conflict, the coincidences and necessities of civilization, comprehending that it is not necessary for intelligent life to obtain Extraordinary power, even if it remains vital for our own world…”

Opening his eyes, the elderly pontiff narrowed his eyes again after clearing another level. “Most importantly, understanding one’s own present surroundings,” he said quietly, gazing upon the star map hanging in front of him. “And how beautiful and precious this world is to the diverse civilizations of the Multiverse.”

To Igor, Continental War was one of the most advanced forms of educative entertainment, a revolutionary way of teaching, and a sublimation of thinking—when even the most mundane mortals who only wanted to make a living for wife and children and had no ambition to speak of played Continental War for either its benefits or entertainment, they would have been unwittingly guided to think and become a leader of civilization.

Perhaps once would not have been enough—but with the more they played, even fools would have eventually awakened their protagonist consciousness and triggered their motivation.

“Although he seemingly never really understood emotion, the truth is that he had grasped it with precision all along.”

Indeed, why would he not have known? For a general who could lead his troops in a charge or a warrior who could stand against seas of foes or indeed enemies that descended from the skies, how could he not have understood emotion? It was conflict that oiled the blade, the finest upkeep and whetstone there is.

At that instant, a mysterious energy ripple swept through. The elderly Pope had already sensed it the moment it reached Moldavia, but laughed since he had already known about Joshua’s plan, allowing the presence to pass.

“Hmmm… Acumen—the Ring of Wisdom? And there’s also Paramount, the Ring of Resolve… quite a simple naming, but which is the better choice…”

Seated, closing before opening his eyes, Igor studied the golden runic ring that appeared in his palm and lifted his brow. “But the design is not bad,” he laughed softly. “Joshua has improved.”

“Quite beautiful.”

The unusual energy ripples kept spreading. Not even the Stargate stopped it, and the portal had in fact become its terminal of convergence.


Some time later, in the Galaxy of Beginnings, the edge of the Silent Void, a realm of ether shrouded in darkness—the radiances of the Seven Gods darted all over inside the world and across outer space, whereas a massive funnel-shaped silver machine rumbled as it worked, converting the masses of materials transported to it with boundless divine power into Steel Strength and then creating various spare parts, constructs, and continental frames, placing them upon the frame of a ring encircling a star.

The funnel-shaped machine was the size of a gas giant but was of actual solid form. Its own mass was perfectly capable of igniting fusion flames within itself, and the Seven Gods were working with it, having it work tirelessly to convert and solidify substances to shape a building larger than a star.

An erratic mana projection stood above the machine. She was Avian, with a pair of black wings and long blue hair. Zero Three was working with the Seven Gods, and shifting the positions of the celestial machines.

Near the colossal machine named the Starshaper, one could see the skeleton of a world which had been one-seventh complete. Of course, it was only the most basic part—when the frame was completed, they would still have to fill it with a life support system, an independent energy source and maintenance, and even self-replicating living metals production modules. Nonetheless, everything was on the right track, and according to the stone, the successful creation of the Ring World was only a matter of time.

Then, ripples of energy surged towards them.

The presence should have been stopped by the Black Matter barrier, but the source, which shared a predetermined signal, allowed the presence to enter unobstructed and spread throughout the ether realm.

Zero Three blinked. She sensed the presence calling upon her, but the divine power from the sacred crest she inherited from God of the Skies kept the energy that was essentially from another source at bay. Still, Zero Three quickly remembered the source of that presence, and grinned when she realized that the person’s plan was a success, before continuing to operate the machine to create a massive metal framework out of vacuum.

“Is that so. Noble Radcliffe moves fast.”


“He’s always been that way. I’m actually not surprised”

“Cut the chatter, we have things to do. Mortals live their lives, while we have our duty.”

“That being said…”

“Indeed, there is still that bit of wonder.”

The Seven Gods had been molding the Ring World attentively as it involved the survival of Mycroft and many civilizations, with no distractions permitted. Therefore, even if they were impressed and felt wonder at Joshua’s acts, they had not said much but merely proceeded with their work—except for one.

It was the dwarven deity Ezerg, the God of Conservation and Reformation, who briefly paused his task. The divine entity who was the oldest, owned the most memories, and had been with the Sage the longest turned towards the presence, his expression being one of nostalgia.

“Do you see it, you b*st*rd?”

His eyes were wavering despite manifested divine power. Ezerg could not help but to clench both fists, while his face contorted to an expression between crying and laughing. “Just as you have forged the frame of the Holy Light, pretending to be kind and compassionate…” he mumbled, “are you seeing this?! You’re not the only genius in this world! Someone has done it too, and much, much swifter than you did!”

“Your heir has finally reached that step, that transcendent step like yourself!”

“…Are you seeing this…”

Stellaris saw it; the Galaxy of Bloodbath saw it.

The Amos Court, the Takur Ruin Cult, the Mycroft Civilization, the Seven Gods, every Legend and every other civilization or Void civilization nearby Mycroftian colonies… all of them saw it.

Everything in the Multiverse witnessed that moment.

That history changing moment.

But Joshua van Radcliffe, the source of it all, was unconcerned with the tides he had stirred, taking no notice of everything as he followed the Beacon of Perpetuity to its control core—for everything now was merely the first step of his plans.

“This is just the beginning.”

The things he would have done and wanted to do was far more than what anyone could have imagined.

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