Spirit Immortal

Chapter 629 - The Moon Sets... (1)

Bewwwwwwwww!!! Bewwwwwwwww!!! Bewwwwwwwww!!!

Two lights flashed past each other, each one bringing forth heaps of raw spiritual energies that would incinerate any mere mortal. The white light was bolting into illusory mirrors, changing its spatial location with every millisecond. The pink light, on the other hand, was bursting forth with cruel wrath, hunting down the white light like a tiger would its prey. As the pink light punched through the mirrors of the white light, it sent thousands of shards flying down and billions of particles tearing through the space-time fabric of the prison.

'Tsk! Momo has really lost it!' Shiro cursed while attempting to somersault out of the Moon Rabbit's wrath. Although it was risky to avert his attention during a heated battle, the Mirror Deity's eyes naturally shifted towards the side, peering right at the four Spirit Saints and the infamous Prince of Water. They had all summoned their Spirits and were in their quasi-battle stance. The elites outside were even starting to show up by their side, giving them the ample support that they needed. However, Shiro's eyes caught the most critical thing… The twin Noble Beasts that he'd sought out to kill… they were both awake, alive and well.

'I can't let this drag out any longer… I have to kill Kin and Gin, then escape! To hell with Momo!' Shiro spat mentally. If it were up to him, he would have long escaped using his expert control over the Space-Element. Even if all the Spirit Saints were assembled right before his eyes, the Mirror Deity had the confidence to leave the place with his life intact. After all, the 'Shiro' within the prison was just a mere projection, not the real thing.

However, Kuro had given him a task that he couldn't afford to fail. He had to kill Kin and Gin to curb any information leakage about the Allfather. The Alliance couldn't find out about the Black Masks' weakened state, particularly since they were this close to achieving their final dream. Alas, Momo just had to start a rampage at this perilous time…

'Let's do this!' With a roar, the Mirror Deity spread both his arms out, sending a kaleidoscopic radiance flying out from his inner core. The Immortal-Grade Spiritual Armament in his hands started to glow with the essence of a rainbow erupting from an endless ocean, creating an Aurora Borealis within the grim and dark chambers.

"What's he doing?!" Shin gasped. The Celestial Dragon and his Celestial Aura were already pulsating out in full effect, creating a field that was more colourful than a field of roses. Yet, the domain that Shiro was emitting surpassed Shin's tenfold, creating an aura of dominance around the white-haired boy.

All of the Alliance members were confused, but the three Nine Coloured Noble Beasts weren't as stumped. Kin's lower lip trembled while Gin dropped his jaw in disbelief. They both knew what the Mirror Deity was doing, and they had seen him use that against many enemies before, just… They didn't expect that this overbearing power would one day be targetted at them.

"NENENE!!! YOU WON'T HARM MY SIBLINGS!!!" Momo hollered, throwing her body right at Shiro. The Grey Otter moved far more quickly than the Moon Rabbit and was already defending the twins even before Momo could hop her way there.

'That's right… You do that, Momo… SO YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO SUFFER!!!'

The field of colours soon turned right at the exposed Moon Rabbit, who was far away from the protection of the Grey Otter. Particles all gathered into a singular ball as the spiritual energies rose dramatically over the heads of all who inhabited the room. Even the mighty Spirit Saints, who had the power to lock down space and towered over all who dared to stand against them, felt a little apprehension looking at the light. Fortunately… The almighty power wasn't targeted at them, but the poor pink bunny who looked as dazed as can be.

"Crap! Momo, watch out!!!" Kin screamed, her face broken down into tears and suffering. She couldn't lose Momo now, particularly since the truth about Moon Valley had just come out. There were still many things that they needed to share, thousands of conversations they needed to have. Kin couldn't afford to lose Momo… and Gin knew that.


A silver beam bolted out from Kin's left side, rapidly reaching the Moon Rabbit in a matter of nanoseconds. Even Shin, the one who was constantly watching over the twins, couldn't anticipate that quick movement. Heck, he was still confused about its true nature.

However, Momo wasn't that ignorant. Seeing the silver flash, the pink bunny voiced out in a serene tone: "Nenene? Gin?"

"Brace for impact!" The Silver Monkey shouted as he embraced the Moon Rabbit. A metallic glow permeated out from Gin's body, creating a robust force-field with a honeycomb exterior.


There were no wasted seconds. The moment Gin's brought Momo into his embrace, the kaleidoscopic radiance burnt down, generating a pillar of green-yellow-blue fluorescent lights. No... It cycled between all the colours known to man and the heat brought forth by the lights were no inferior to that of a volcanic ash cloud. Shin spread out the Celestial Aura, rapidly plummeting the temperature to his liking and soothing the burning bodies of his comrades, all while the light continued to shine down.

'Wait a minute, that was the Silver Monkey… How did he escape our bindings?' Shin asked himself. A seal made by four Spirit Saints wasn't easy to break. Even if it were the Allfather himself, he would at least make a struggle before breaking free of those constraints. So how did Gin manage to free himself?

The answer was given to Shin the moment he stared down at the restriction zone. There, the familiar Golden Fox was still kneeling down, tears streaming down her eyes while all of her limbs were placed in a submissive pose. However, more importantly… The Silver Monkey's physical body was right there with her.

'The Silver Monkey's body is still there?' Shin frowned before switching his attention back to the twins. The analytical mind of the Prince of Water began to spin, and he rapidly sought clues from the vault of knowledge that was stored within his mind. In no time at all, a humble sigh broke free from Shin's chapped lips: 'Ah, I see… So that's his power...'

"Master, Aunt Tian… Be prepared."

"Hmmm? Prepared for what?"

Wearing his signature sinister smile, Shin said: "The twins… They're going to launch an escape with the Moon Rabbit soon. We'll stop them when the time is right."


Smoke dominated the air of the already stuffy prison, bringing reduced visibility and breathability to anyone within the four walls. The multicoloured light that hung over the cell had dissipated in its entirety, leaving nothing but grey walls behind. Light still came from the outside, but it was mostly warmth from the afternoon cleared skies, not the vicious spiritual energies that threatened to take down one of the Noble Beast's life.

Like a glorious garden bathed in the prestige of Apollo himself, the gloomy prison started to shine. Any soul would be happy when bathed with the newfound light from the heavens, but unfortunately, there was one being that couldn't relish in the breathtaking scenery.

'Tsk, she survived?' Shiro clucked his tongue, glaring right at the billowing ash cloud. Gin, the Silver Monkey with the authority over metal, hugged the exposed Moon Rabbit, shielding her from any damage that the Mirror Deity could do.

"Nenene, Gin? Gin?! Are you alright?!" Momo asked, her voice filled with fear and concern.

"Y-yeah… I-I'm okay..." A weak voice escaped from the charred Silver Monkey.

"Nenene! Why are you so stupid?! I can take care of myself!!!" The Moon Rabbit protested Gin's actions. "Nenene! You're weak! So why did you think that you could protect me?!"

"Haha, I'm not stupid… And not weak too… J-just… The Mirror Apocalypse from Shiro… Too strong..." Contrary to his words, Gin spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the beautiful, luscious fur of the pink bunny.


"Y-yes… Don't worry..." Gin continued, albeit without the same strength that he had before. "L-Listen to me, please… I have a plan… To get us out of here..."


"J-just… trust… us..."

With that, the Silver Monkey leaned in until his face was just an inch away from Momo's ear and started to whisper.

While the two were caught up in their own world, Shiro was seriously contemplating his next move. 'Should I attack again? No, that's far too risky… The Spirit Saints would seal my power to prevent the total collapse of the prison… What should I do?'

It was a conundrum for the white-haired boy. Killing Momo, Kin and Gin was no easy feat, particularly when four Spirit Saints were staring him down. If the Mirror Deity attempted to pull yet another stunt, it would unquestionably result in a drastic failure. One that could even see him losing his treasured Immortal-Ranked Spirit Armament. There was little that Shiro could do to turn the tables. Of course, that is if he was alone, that is…


'Allfather!' Hearing the familiar voice, Shiro perked his ears up and gazed up at the heavens from the opened ceiling.

[Retun, Shiro… Leave the rest to me.]

'But Allfather… If you activate your curse in your current state… On three Noble Beasts nonetheless! Your body will...'

[A small price to pay… Your safety is of paramount importance. The brats from the Garden… They can be sacrificed.]


[Do you want me to repeat myself?]

'... As you command, my liege.'

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