SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 116 - Black Wedding. (2) >

Chapter 116. < Black Wedding. (2) >


Translator: thursdays Editor: Yahiko PR: LightBrin


Shadows coated the ground.

Each shadow wore a fluttering black robe. The shadows weren’t surprised at all by the army of phantoms that stood a distance away. After all, they had lived in a world overrun by Jiangshi and experienced death.

It was impossible for them to fear ghosts.

“You look very fine today, Young Master,” the Flame Ghost Demon said in a carefree tone. He was the first-ranked of the Demonic Sect’s Four Demon Lords, a cultist who competed against the Shaolin temple’s chief monk in the Great Battle of Good and Evil.

“You’ve even put powder on your face. Just like a groom-to-be.”

I nodded. “That’s right. I’m getting married.”


A thousand cult members turned their heads in unison. They were martial artists who had regained the abilities of their prime. Everyone must have been listening to me by augmenting their hearing with their internal energy.

So that they could all hear me, I enunciated my words. “I am getting married today.”

Silence fell.

The cult members looked at each other. Then they looked back at me. They were trying to poke and see if I was serious or just joking. I responded to their query with a simple nod.

“Y-Young Master is—” the Flame Ghost Demon opened his mouth. “Young Master is going to wed!”

The Demonic Cultists freaked.

“Our young master is tying the knot!”

“The greatest follower of the Demonic path is getting married!”

“It’s not just an engagement! It’s an actual marriage!”

The cult members forgot about the ghost legion in front of them and began to rampage. They howled and roared. It was like they urgently had to announce my marriage to the world.

“Who is your partner?!”

“She’s over there.” I politely indicated toward Raviel with both hands. “The one over there with silver hair will be my husband.”

Raviel was calming the imperial citizens who had fallen into confusion.

As always, her profile was cool and dashing.

The jaws of the cult members who followed my hand gesture and turned their heads fell to the ground.

“She’s beautiful…”

“L-lovely indeed.”

“Our young master has good tastes.”

“Young Master! What level of internal energy has Madam achieved?”

Someone asked about her skill in martial arts, thinking she might not be strong.

“Mm. My husband doesn’t know martial arts.”

The cult members’ eyes opened wide. Whispers of discontent quickly spread through the hall. The cultists’ eyes rebelled, unable to accept this marriage.

“But, she’s the person who will accompany you in the Demonic path…”

“Isn’t it kind of, you know, if she doesn’t know any martial arts?”

“Mm. Authority always comes from physical strength…”

“The Blood Guard cannot accept this union!”

I added, “I forgot to tell you. My partner is second only to the emperor in this land.”

Then, the cultists quieted.

“That’s a different story, then…”

“It’s not like people have to learn martial arts. Right?”

“Yup, authority comes from political strength…”

“Congratulations on your wedding! Young Master!”

These people were very innocent in many ways.

However, not all of those present were part of the Demonic Cult. Preta, who was once called the Devil King of Fall Rain and feared by the world, had been dumbfounded as soon as I shared that I was getting married.

“M-milord is getting married?”

“Yea. It turned out like that.”

“It doesn’t make sense. A nutjob like milord… Ah, no, I apologize. Does a human who wants to marry such a unique person as milord actually exist?”

Preta, you…

You keep saying milord this, milord that, when on the inside you think of me as a nutjob…

I sighed as another scar was added to my heart.

“She really exists, yes. We can talk in more detail at the reception. For now, focus on the battle.”

“Uh, ah. Yes. I understand, milord. What kind of enemy is it…?”

“They’re apostles from other worlds who have come to conquer this one.” Then, I added, “They’re also trying to wreck my wedding.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, the cultists’ mood changed.


The Blood Demon, head of the Blood Guard, touched the hilt of his sword.


The head of the Memorial Squadron, the Flame Ghost Demon, smirked.

“They dare interrupt the wedding of the Demonic Sect’s young master.”

Demon Lord Wolyeong, leader of the Shadow Corpse Squadron, brushed back his hair.

“Ha. They’re mad.”

The Sword Demon, leader of the Assassination Squad, twisted his neck up and down, left and right.


Lastly, Preta pulled out her sword without a word. It was a magical sword that emitted dark red rays, the same sword that had killed me hundreds of times.

“I see. I understand now. I thought that milord underwent another awakening that helped us gain the strength we had in our lives… But that’s not it. It’s a Constellation’s blessing. Those men are the pawns of a Constellation.”

“That’s right.”

“May I ask what Constellations these children are mooching off of?”

“Mahos. Also known as the Warhorse of the Eternal Plains.”

The tip of Preta’s mouth twisted.

“They’re idiots who only know how to fight.”

Her derision was reminiscent of the arrogance she had before she fell to me.

The enemy numbered 10,000. We were only one thousand. However, the cult members chatted and readied their blades, and Preta slowly raised her sword. Our side had the advantage; nobody thought otherwise.

None of us.

“My lord, please give us our orders. What do you want me to do?”

I gave the order.

“Wipe them out.”

Preta raised her demonic sword high.

“As you wish.”

First guard.

A ray that was even redder than blood split the already red sky.


Power and dignity filled Preta’s strike, for she would allow nothing else. The ghosts who were caught in the red ray screamed and ceased to exist.

Even the general who led the ghost legion was nearly beaten.

-What, this is… No, it doesn’t make sense. A Constellation…? He’s not a Constellation himself, but he had one as a subordinate…

While the general looked at me in astonishment—

“Beat ’em up!”

—the Demonic sect members burst into a wild roar.

“They’re small fry! You don’t even have to say our sect’s chant!”

“You fucking plebs think you can interfere with a marriage of the Demonic Sect?!”

“The necks we snap today are our wedding gifts for the Young Master! Understand? Anyone who kills less than five will die by my hands today!”

“Kuhaha! The Assassination Squad will get at least ten each!”

“This is why unlearned idiots are…”

Some raged, some howled, and some clicked their tongues. The legion of ghosts was still far away, but the distance meant nothing. A thousand shadows utilized the Lightness Skill to stride forward at once.

-Huuh?! Stop them!

The general shouted, flustered.

The ghost legion definitely comprised elite soldiers. The ghosts lifted their shields and formed ranks at once, not having a single gap between them. With their spears raised up, they looked like a giant porcupine. But.

“Fools.” Preta, the specter of Fall Rain, laughed at them. “The cannon fodder made themselves into targets.”

A red ray ripped through the sky again. Ba-ba-bang! The tightly packed ghost legion was easily swept away. A gaping hole was poked in their formation. Other ghosts hurriedly tried to fill the gap.


However, the cult members, with their honed fighting instincts, would never neglect an opening.

“Tear them apart!”

The cultists rushed in like beasts. The army of shadows and the army of ghosts clashed. Chwak! Chwaaak! The cultists spread their chi and slaughtered the ghosts.

Unlike the Battle of Good and Evil, they didn’t bother shouting their rallying cry of “Baraya.” No one mentioned why, but I could guess the reason. This wasn’t a duel. It wasn’t a great war.

It was simply a hunt.

The cultists saw the ghost legion as mere beasts and slayed them.


The ghost legion couldn’t refute their arrogant view. The legion’s ranks were destroyed by the cultists’ swords. Their shields and their spears fell apart. The cultists stabbed their swords through the cracks of the broken shields and grabbed the other end of the spears to pierce the ghosts.

It was a massacre.

-Units, regroup!

The general raised his flag and yelled urgently.

-Warriors, do not panic! There is no hurry! Heed your unit leaders’ commands…



Someone nimbly jumped on top of the general’s flag.


Sword Demon. He was the first-ranked man among the Four Demon Lords and the one with the foulest mouth. The Sword Demon’s face was covered in the shade, his back against the evening sunset.

“Bruh, you’re messing with our young master’s wedding?”


“Fucking bitch. Just drop dead.”

Weapons flashed. One blow. Two. Three. Three strikes intertwined like a spider web. The first blow cut the general’s right arm, the second cut his chest, and the third shredded the flag.


The apostle of the military god spat out blood. That only lasted a moment. The Sword Demon made a final strike to the throat from which the general vomited blood. The man’s scream was cut short as his head flew off.


The Sword Demon jumped up the flagpole. He caught the general’s head as it soared through the air.

“Aigo, I can’t drop this precious thing. Kaha. You see that, brats? I’m the Sword Demon, head of the Assasination Squad! Our squad takes the cake when it comes to the wedding gifts for our young master!”

“Damn it.”

“Why did that blockhead…”

All over the battlefield, there were quiet exclaims of “fuck.” Did the Four Demon Lords feel some weird competitive spirit? The other cultists looked sour, saying that the Sword Demon stole a good prize.

[The apostle of ‘The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains’ has died.]


The general’s head, which the Sword Demon had taken, turned into light and disappeared. And that wasn’t all. His beheaded body and the ghosts that followed the general disappeared like dust in an instant. The whole legion disappeared.

“Huh? Huuuh?”

The Sword Demon was bewildered. He looked at his right hand, which had suddenly become empty. After a moment, he looked blankly at me.

“Uh… Uuh… It’s the thought that counts, right? Young Master?”

I smirked.

“It’s all right. I’ll cut you a break.”

It was then.

-Lu. La.

The apostles of [The Evangelist of Everlasting Happiness], who still remained, began to sing. Lu. La. The children held hands and danced circles in the air. With every step in the sunset, more melody filled the sky.



The cultists frowned. Some tried to hurriedly fight the song with their chi, but they failed. When the apostle of [The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains] died, the area-wide effect also ended.


Preta also moaned dejectedly. The black substance that covered her body soon drained away. Preta clicked her tongue and looked at the Sword Demon.

“That stupid… He’s on our side, but he’s no help. I’m sorry, milord. If I was in my prime, I could fight against a psychological attack like… this weak, um… fight it… it…”

Preta’s voice became slower as she went on because she had fallen asleep. Preta’s body swayed.

It wasn’t just her. The cultists who ran madly through the battlefield a little while ago collapsed one by one. The wedding guests under Raviel’s command were the same. Humans were helpless to the lullaby sung by the apostles of dreams.

“Please wait, Death King.”

The Heretic Questioner made some hand signs.

“I’ll create a field of immunity!”

“No need.”

I caught the Heretic Questioner’s hands to stop him. The Heretic Questioner tilted his head.

“Death King? If we stay like this, even we’ll fall to the apostles’ song.”

“Maybe so. But if I’m right, Raviel, you, and I will be fine. Though, I don’t know about the others.”


The Heretic Questioner smiled and dropped his hands.

“Got it. If Death King says so, you must have a reason.”

The sunset reached its apex.

-Lu. La, la.

-La, lulu. Lu.

The sunset glowed red and shined on the children. Their shadows extended to the horizon. The shadows on the ground came closer and farther, smaller and larger, again and again.

『It’s a psychological attack.』

『Those who are exposed to the song are forcibly pushed into their happiest memory.』

The wedding hall became quiet.

The cultists sat on the ground, sleeping as they leaned on each other’s shoulders. Some wedding guests were even lying down and sleeping. Was everyone trapped in their own happiness?


However, three people could still speak.

“You were right.”

The Heretic Questioner stroked his chin like he found it all interesting. He looked back and forth at Raviel and me.

“The three of us are fine, just like Death King said. I do feel a little drowsy, but my body’s condition is normal. Aha. What kind of magic did you use this time, Death King?”

There were others apart from the Heretic Questioner who were curious about the situation. The apostles of dreams slowly stopped their dance. The children tilted their heads and looked down at me.

-You’re a weird human.

-He won’t fall asleep. Don’t you dream?

-You don’t have any happy memories?

I shook my head.


I slowly looked around the wedding hall.

“It’s not like that.”

There, Preta was breathing quietly as she slept. Cultists dozed off, leaning back-to-back. A life that I took and lives that were evidence of my master.

I had many reasons to be unhappy.

Countless reasons.

I had been burned to death, killed myself thousands of times, and witnessed my colleagues killing each other out of suspicion. There were even times when I had to die a dozen deaths just to take one step forward. A corpse had ripped out my throat, and I had to let go of someone who called me beautiful.

Nobody would blame me if I said my life was a tragedy.

“I’m the happiest right now.”

But the person I loved was here.

One reason to be happy was more precious to me than hundreds of reasons to be sad.

“I don’t know if you know, but today is my wedding day. I don’t know about any other day, but for today, it’ll be hard to find someone happier than I am. You just chose the wrong date to invade this world.”

I shrugged.

“As for the Heretic Questioner… Well, either he’s never felt happiness or he’s simply happy every day.”

“Ah. Indeed! That must be it. I’m definitely happy all the time! You’ve seen right through me, Death King.”

The Heretic Questioner laughed and whispered,

“Sacred Technique. Divine Transmission.”

The next moment, we were transported to the apostles’ back.

Unlike the other apostles, the apostles of [The Evangelist of Everlasting Happiness] had no skill in fighting. The apostles in the form of children did not fight back when they saw us. They just stared up at my face.

-You’re a weird human.

Mind set, I swung my sword.

[The apostle of ‘The Evangelist of Everlasting Happiness’ has died.]

Then, we returned to the ground with the sacred technique.

We had subjugated all of the foreign beings who had invaded this world.


Actually, not yet.

I fixed my grip on the Holy Sword and looked back. An apostle with a large hammer stood in the distance. As her eyes met mine, she cowered back.

-Sob, aah… Ah…

I slowly opened my mouth.

“This is your last chance to fight me. It’s your last chance to counter me and your last chance to resist. I will kill you and reap your soul.”


“You don’t need to understand now. You’ll know soon enough.”

I pointed my sword at the apostle of the hammer.

I called her true name.

“Come at me, Sylvia Evanail.”

The Golden Silk’s shoulders trembled.

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