Star Odyssey

Chapter 1991

Chapter 1991

Cruisers from the Neoverse were not weak, especially when three of them worked together to watch every direction. Regardless of how quickly the soldier from the Lu Elite Troops could move, he would not be able to get behind these three people, which hamstrung his combat strength. His best option was to use the white smoke to incapacitate the three Cruisers, which simply led to a draw.

The soldier had wanted to use his Money Bombs to deal with these Cruisers, but had been ordered not to. He had no choice but to try his best with what he was allowed to use.

None of the four people noticed that the young man had already disappeared, and by the time they did notice, it was already far too late.

The three Cruisers and the soldier were all stunned.

The soldier was especially startled, as he discovered that his hiding place had disappeared.

There should have been a hollow stone in the ground, which was his base while within the Tower of the Fifth. He was supposed to remain hidden within it until challenging someone who found a jade slip, but even if the soldier lost and the jade slip was taken, new ones would be added to the first floor of the tower, and so his job would continue. His job was to be the trial to obtain a jade slip.

It turned out that the young man who had such an honest face had hidden within the hollow stone. That stone was made to move about randomly, so it had taken the young man away, along with the hollow rock and the jade slip.

The three Cruisers were absolutely furious. "Who was that bastard?"

"I saw that he’s ranked forty-seventh on the Innerverse’s Top 100 Rankings. Apparently he’s rather famous around the Abyss of the Sea."

"We’re going to find him! He actually had the balls to trick us!"

The soldier from the Lu Elite Troops was rather dumbfounded, but with the inheritance gone, there was no longer any reason to fight.

The soldier watched the Cruisers leave and wondered where he was supposed to go.

Lu Yin found the whole thing hilarious. That young man had a face that looked so simple and honest, but the youth was actually quite cunning and his appearance was rather deceptive.

This was only to be expected of someone capable of entering the Innerverse’s Top 100 Rankings.

The young man had been thrown into an impossible situation, and yet he had managed to get out of it. This had been through a combination of luck and intelligence, but it had given him the first level of the Cosmic Art, which would allow him to go farther than ever before. It was possible that he might become someone famous in the entire Human Domain in a few more years.

A short while later, the young man burst up out of the ground. He glanced around, but found no one. He let out a sigh of relief and took off.

He excitedly checked the jade slip he had picked up. His eyes glittered, despite not knowing what the jade actually held. Realizing this, he quickly pushed some star energy into the jade, only for a strange expression to appear on his face.

The teachings of a half-master?

He had learned from the jade slip that it held the first level of the Cosmic Art, but that if he wanted to obtain it, he first needed to accept that receiving Lu Yin’s teachings made Lu Yin a half-master to the recipient. Essentially, by learning the Cosmic Art, the young man was acknowledging Lu Yin as his half-master.

After a moment or two to think about it, the young man grinned. "A half-master is a half-master. It’s true that I got the inheritance from him, and-”

The young man had no desire to leave the Tower of the Fifth so quickly. The place held too many inheritances, and he wanted to explore it and fight for more. Maybe make his way up to the second floor, where the Ce family’s Seven Swords and the First Sword from the Sword Sect’s Thirteen Swords could be found. There was so much available in the tower.

In addition to accepting Lu Yin as a half-master, the young man also left behind one of his own battle techniques. This was another of the rules of the Tower of the Fifth: take an inheritance and leave one behind.

The young man’s heart ached a bit as he looked at where he had buried a bamboo slip. After a moment, he shook his head and put it out of his mind.

Given the fact that he was in the top fifty of the Top 100 Rankings, the young man had not left behind a weak inheritance. It was impossible to know who would find it and take it from the Tower of the Fifth.

In the sea outside the Abyss of the Sea, Lu Yin’s attention shifted away. The young man had acknowledged Lu Yin as a half-master and had also left behind an inheritance of his own. The Tower of the Fifth had officially started fulfilling its task of strengthening the Fifth Mainland.

As soon as Yuhua Mavis entered the Tower of the Fifth, her eyes flickered and she started moving with a speed that far surpassed what most Enlighters were capable of. She snatched up a jade slip with a hand, but it only held information about cultivating battle force.

It seemed like learning the cultivation of battle force did not have the requirements to acknowledge Lu Yin as a half-master, or to leave an inheritance of their own behind.

Yuhua Mavis had already visited the Perennial World, and so she was already aware that there were levels of battle force above nine lines, but this jade slip did not hold any information regarding how to reach such levels, and that was what she was searching for.

She opened her hand and dropped the jade slip. She then looked up towards the second floor. She jumped up and easily entered the second floor, and also casually continued on to the third floor without any difficulty.

But right when Yuhua Mavis was about to continue on to the fourth floor, something appeared to block her path: arrows shot at her from far away.

Yuhua Mavis avoided the attacks. When she observed her attacker, he seemed to be a lesser giant Enlighter with a power level of more than 400,000.

Yuhua Mavis had neither the desire to fight the lesser giant, nor to rush upwards to the fourth floor. She was happy to just wander about the third floor.

Only a few days had passed since the Tower of the Fifth had opened, and yet already over 10,000 people had entered the tower. More than a hundred inheritances had also been picked up by various people.

Additionally, public knowledge of the Tower of the Fifth had greatly increased, and the strength that the soldiers of the Lu Elite Troops could exhibit with their equipment had roused the envy of countless people. Many people were already eager to get such equipment for themselves and were eager to join the Great Eastern Alliance.

Some people had already received the Cosmic Art, and they had exhibited a noticeable increase in strength. The most visible example of this was the young man who had picked up a copy of the Cosmic Art first. He had been ranked forty-seventh on the Top 100 Rankings, and yet he had already defeated the fortieth ranked person, which had boosted his rankings by nearly ten places, which was unbelievable.

Other people had picked up some of the star essence available in the tower, as well as the Overlaying Stacks inheritances, and much more.

A quick look at "" will leave you more fulfilled.

As all of this had happened, some people had also acknowledged Lu Yin as their half-master.

This particular detain had triggered intense debates on the network. There were people who felt that Lu Yin was going too far by asking to be acknowledged as a half-master. He had indeed established the Tower of the Fifth to strength the entire Fifth Mainland, which had gained him the admiration of countless people and the support and recognition of the Hall of Honor. Still, asking to be seen as a half-master was too much, as far as these people were concerned.

There were others who felt that Lu Yin was perfectly entitled to such an honor. Not everyone who possessed or acquired inheritances was willing to share them with others, but the inheritances that Lu Yin had donated to the Tower of the Fifth would strengthen numerous people, and that number would only rise as time passed.

The other matter that had incited the most attention was actually the information from the ancient times that Lu Yin had made available. The people of the Fifth Mainland had already learned that there were forms of battle force above nine lines, as well as the spirit manifestation and the void god realms of mastery of a domain. Even more importantly was the fact that people had learned that humanity’s greatest enemy was not the Astral Beast Domain, nor was it the Technocracy, but Aeternus.

The Hall of Honor made no moves to suppress this spread of information. In the past, the Aeternals had been a distant threat, and thus the Hall of Honor had not wanted most people to worry about such matters, and so the information had been kept restricted. However, the Progenitor of Secret Arts’ betrayal had changed everything. No one knew how long the Aeternals would be kept in the Starfall Sea despite the countless people who had been stationed there to defend the sole passage.

Disaster would befall the Fifth Mainland as soon as the defenses in the Starfall Sea fell. It had become better for people to learn the truth so that they would be aware of the approaching danger.

The Tower of the Fifth was not only intended to strengthen humanity, but also to educate them and expand the perspective of the people of the Fifth Mainland so that they would become aware of some of the truths of the universe.

The completion of the Tower of the Fifth introduced a new era to the Fifth Mainland. Ignorance had become a thing of the past, and humanity needed to be aware of the crisis they faced so that they could prepare for the difficulties facing them.

During this new era, humanity would either be eradicated, or they would rise to new heights.

The greater the crisis, the more potential that could be forced out.

Another half a month passed. Lu Yin had no idea what was happening at Sky Creation Academy. It was possible that another agreement had already been reached!

The second batch of the universal armors had been delivered during this time as well. Production had sped up a bit, though not by much. Lu Yin was given almost 200 new sets of armor.

The Mother Tree’s bark that had been acquired from Leaf King had been enough to produce tens of thousands of the new armors, which would be enough to equip the Great Eastern Alliance’s entire Lu Elite Troops.

Unfortunately, Lu Yin had been too optimistic about things. It was impossible for him to keep all of the best things for himself. There were already a debate raging online over whether or not Lu Yin should be acknowledged as a half-master to those who acquired his inheritances from the Tower of the Fifth, and more and more people had started objecting to the matter. After that picked up momentum, Lu Yin received a call from Zi Jing. She reached out to Lu Yin to ask him about the Lu Elite Troops’ new armor, and particularly about the microarrays that were incorporated in them.

Lu Yin had already known that he would not be able to monopolize the microarray technology for very long. There was no chance that the Hall of Honor would do nothing after they learned of it. No matter what, it was a technology that could change an era.

Zi Jing's call had only happened because Arch-Elder Zen had asked her to.

Reluctantly, Lu Yin went ahead and called Arch-Elder Zen on his own.

"No wonder. So this is the culmination of Aurora Enterprises’ years of dedicated research?", Arch-Elder Zen sighed. Naturally, he had been aware of the fact that Aurora Enterprises had been running a secret research project, but he had not known any of the details of the matter.

Lu Yin said, "Microarray technology is able to bring about a new era, though there’s a serious shortage of the required materials."

"Then it needs to be used where it will be of the best use, such as dealing with outside enemies," the old man replied.

Lu Yin’s thoughts were the same, though the two men were thinking about different enemies. Arch-Elder Zen had to be referring to Aeternus, while Lu Yin had been thinking about the Perennial World.

"Lu Yin, do you have any idea how many people have gathered to defend the passage to the Starfall Sea? All of those people have only one mission: do whatever it takes to stop the Aeternals from entering the Fifth Mainland," Arch-Elder Zen said softly.

Lu Yin said, "Arch-Elder Zen, I understand what you’re saying, but microarray technology hasn’t been perfected quite yet. Even if all of those defenders are decked out with microarrays, it won’t be anywhere near enough."

"I’ve already learned that tens of thousands of microarrays can be made with the materials that are in Aurora Fortress, and that means tens of thousands of defenders can soon be capable of releasing four attacks with the power of an Enlighter. Those are numbers that can wipe out a tremendous number of Aeternus’s corpse kings. Lu Yin, it’s most important that the bigger picture be focused on. I will promise you that your contribution of these microarrays will be enough for my Hall of Honor to protect your Great Eastern Alliance. You want these microarrays to strengthen your Great Eastern Alliance, but this is a strength that my Hall of Honor can utilize better," the old man replied.

Lu Yin frowned, but could not think of anything to say to counter what the Semi-Progenitor was saying. Lu Yin could not say anything about the fact that the Perennial World was about to invade, and it was even more impossible for him to admit that he did not trust the Fifth Mainland not to hand him over to the Perennial World.

Lu Yin believed that he had to have gratitude, but he also felt it was best to always prepare for the worst possible outcome.

"At this time, a rule has been implemented in the Fifth Mainland that all of the best equipment needs to be sent to the Starfall Sea. Once Aeternus comes, that place will be our first line of defense, and they will also be the first to die," Arch-Elder Zen continued.

"I know of your agreement with Aurora Fortress, so my Hall of Honor will buy the armors from you."

Lu Yin sighed. "I understand."

Arch-Elder Zen nodded. "Thank you."

Lu Yin had done enough that it truly was proper for the old man to express his thanks.

"However, the best way to use the microarrays is with the new universal armor that have been developed. The Lu Elite Troops have spent several months training to use their new armors. Even if the universal armors are sent to the defense forces in the Starfall Sea, they won’t be able to use them. Because of this, I’ve already asked Ban Jiu to share the training simulator with the defense force so that the defenders can have a few months to train and prepare for the new equipment. During this time, the armors that are produced will continue to be shipped here to the Tower of the Fifth. How does that sound?" Lu Yin countered. He was hoping to buy a bit of time, and even just a few months should be enough. The Perennial World would not be able to wait longer than that.

Arch-Elder Zen could not understand Lu Yin's intentions. Was there any reason to buy a few more months?

"If you insist, that will be fine." Arch-Elder Zen was already feeling rather bad for Lu Yin because of what he was having to do to the young man, and this minor request would not make any difference. Aeternus would not be able to break through during these few months, and even if the defenders had the universal armors, it would not benefit them at all. The armors were only of use to cultivators beneath the Enlighter realm, but they were not at all easy to adapt to.

On top of that, even the addition of the universal armors would not change much on that battlefield. It was impossible to gain the upper hand against the Aeternals. Still, every little bit added up.

Arch-Elder Zen was right, and regardless of whether it was the Fifth Mainland or the Sixth Mainland, all of the best equipment and medicines were given a priority status and sent to the Starfall Sea. This was the new rule.

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