Stop, Friendly Fire!

Chapter 53 part8

<Chapter 53. The Final Stage - 8>

Seagald hadn't had a deep understanding of Fire Shadow, so he'd only used it as a convenient transportation ability. However, Lee Shin Woo was different.

He was not only well-versed in both fire and darkness, but also commanded scores of subordinates and could commune with them. Therefore, Lee Shin Woo could use Fire Shadow to turn his subordinates into 'little Lee Shin Woos'. If he slightly adjusted his abilities and applied them to his subordinates, then what would happen?

...That's right. It would be hell on earth.

[Your enemies aren't here! Our (the undead) enemies are the humans! Do you not see those contemptible humans gathered on that vast plain!? Do you truly not see those humans, who brazenly live and breathe on the surface!?]

Of Lee Shin Woo's many loyal retainers, one of them, Shino Rendu, yelled out in a booming voice.

Just a little while ago, Shino Rendu and the Pauls had been roaming across the Underground Empire, spewing all sorts of insults towards the undead. They had finally passed the long underground passageway (to be honest, they were afraid of the existence of the barrier, not the barrier itself. Once they passed through it, they felt like it wasn't really a big deal) and had gotten to the surface, all while maintaining their hostile attitude towards the undead. So, the fact that Shino Rendu was going around talking like this sounded ridiculous. However...


[He's right. It's the humans...]

[Attack the humans! We can't attack our brothers (fellow undead)!]

[D-Don't shoot, they're allies!]

[Kill the humans. Their healthy skin, their flowing blood, and their pulsing hearts! Let's kill all the humans and turn them into beings like us!]

The underground undead, which had followed them and seemed willing to give up their skulls to kill the Pauls, had surprisingly been persuaded by Shino Rendu's speech and turned their sights to the humans! Shino Rendu's attitude had changed so suddenly that even the Pauls, which had been luring the undead, were stunned.

[To think our commander had that kind of ability...]

[Maybe he gained a power that resembles Lord Paul Zero's by following him.]

[It makes sense. Lord Paul Zero truly is great!]

Not many had noticed the black flame shadow beneath Shino Rendu's feet. Even if they did, it didn't matter. Since there was only one person in this entire world that could figure out the principle and the result behind this ability!

[You guys listen up too! From now on, we'll arbitrate the battle. Don't die! Save everything that should be saved and kill everything that should be killed! This is the order of the Heaven Defying General, Lord Paul Zero, the sole man to crush and overturn the heavens!]


[Paul Zero! Paul Zero! Paul Zero!]

[Lord Paul Zero has given the command. It's time to bring order back to this land! We've finally found land where we can live in peace!]

[Keep following him, he who led us all the way to the surface! Show him that we can be victorious in any battle!]

The Pauls' cheers wouldn't abate and just got louder and louder. Though they may have started at different areas, the other Pauls began to join them. Even the underground undead were affected by Shino Rendu's magnificent Instigate and acted like they were possessed; they were fooled by him and didn't know up from down, and soon stood at the forefront of the battle.

If the Emperor, the Archmage, or Seagald had seen this, then they would've gone crazy! Shino Rendu had taken control of so many of the Underground Empire's undead so easily! However, this would've been impossible if not for Lee Shin Woo's ability. It hadn't been easy.

"All forces, listen up!"

Whereas, on the opposite side, the hero Izuna, was raising her voice as well.

"We've come here to protect the surface, and to prevent any more pointless deaths! We must protect ourselves from the undead that seek to do us harm, and protect our wills as well! All who live within the Empire are its master, so we must work together to protect the Empire!"


"Hero Izuna! You're already a hero!"

"Indeed. We, who live in the Empire, must protect it ourselves!"

"Praise be the sun!"

"Hurray for the Sun God!"

"Hurray for the Sun God religion! Hurray for the hero, Izuna!"

While Ye Jin Jin was orating with such a booming voice, there was, of course, a black fire blazing beneath her feet. Her magical speech, which seemed to bedazzle even her allies, had even gotten the Pope of the Sun God religion to lose his mind momentarily.

"What exactly is happening... Did Kay remain as a vengeful spirit since he wasn't able to do everything he set out to do and possess Izuna?"

"We've arrived at the Setoni Plains, Pope. We really have to focus now! Since the undead have already begun advancing!"

The Setoni Plains was the location that Lee Shin Woo had chosen for the final battle.

It was closest to the underground's exits, while also being incredibly vast and suitable for battle. Also, there weren't any innocent civilians nearby, so there wasn't any risk of the undead curse affecting them. Therefore, for all these reasons, Lee Shin Woo had tasked his forces to lead the underground's undead here and fight. Ultimately, everything had gone smoothly.

The board was all set according to Lee Shin Woo's specifications, and Shino Rendu had already completed about half of his plan already. Obviously, Shino Rendu, who was in command of the Pauls, as well as the hero squad, were retreating after leading the undead here.

That's why it had been possible for them to gather all these undead in one area without them getting away.

There were some people who found this strange, but their doubts were wiped clean due to Izuna. They needed to kill them all, so it wasn't bad at all that the undead had conveniently gathered in one place for them!

"U-Undead! Yeah, we have to take care of the undead... Heok, there really are a lot of them!"

"But it's ok. We won't be in much danger."

"Huh? Ah, now that you mention it, it does seem that way."

Ye Jin Jin grinned and said, and the Pope briefly tilted his head. He soon nodded his head in understanding.

Of course, the Pope didn't know of Lee Shin Woo's true identity (an undead) or what his forces were comprised of for that matter. However, he somewhat knew what tactics the hero, Izuna, was using, and had even given her advice on certain facets of her plan. It was just that the undead force was much larger than he'd anticipated, so he had forgotten all about it for a moment.

"I can't bear to see those religious orders do whatever they wish, especially that ridiculous Sun God religion! We, the Emperor's loyal clansmen, are the ones who will protect the Empire! The people only live on because of His Majesty's grace! The Empire belongs to His Majesty alone! Now is our time to prove that!"

"Of course!"

"For our great Emperor!"

"For the Empire!"

Then, as if refuting Izuna's grand speech, a part of their forces broke away from the battle line. The Imperial Army had broken away from the main force and had rushed towards the undead!

From the very beginning, the Imperial Army had only acted like they obeyed Izuna, but had one goal and one goal only: being the only ones that would distinguish themselves in battle.

They had lost their temper and ran in recklessly, as if Izuna's speech had gone against the very foundation of the Empire, as well as damaging the Emperor's dignity! ...And that was exactly as Izuna, no, Lee Shin Woo had planned.

"But what will you do if they aren't able to do a significant amount of damage to the undead? It's good for us if the Emperor's forces are cut down, but there's no point if we sustain more damage as a result, no?"

"Please don't worry, Pope. Where do you think my strength comes from?"

"Doesn't your power come from your ability and your artifact? ...Heok, is Kay actually still alive!? To think that the 'Supplementary Story Volume 7 - The Resurrected Flame and Izuna's Unconcealable Ambition' was based on a true story...!"

"Please tell me in detail where that book is sold later on."

She had already collected all of the books featuring Lawrence and Kay as the main characters, but she hadn't known about the supplementary stories! Ye Jin Jin asked him with such a serious expression that the Pope was momentarily overwhelmed. He meekly nodded his head, and Ye Jin Jin cleared her throat and continued.

"Obviously, I don't get my power purely from the Sun God. I also can't wield flames by myself. No matter how great the artifact is, do you really think that I would be able to wield such flames because of it?"

"If that's the case, then... is that it? You've surpassed the realm of humans and you're using the spirits' power..."


As expected, the Pope was no fool. He hadn't gotten a single read on Kay, but after watching Ye Jin Jin's abilities for a while, he'd formulated several ideas.

It was just that he knew that Ye Jin Jin wasn't a bad person, and above all, he had kept his mouth shut as she was beneficial to the Sun God religion. He truly was a utilitarian person.

"I'm borrowing the power of the spirits."

"As I thought... I even thought you might be a spirit yourself, but that wasn't the case. You're borrowing the power of a spirit, huh."

"About that... What do you think?"

...While he was always concerned about profits, he wasn't by any means a miser. After all, as Pope, he worked for the believers of the Sun God.

"To think that a spirit would once again help a human. I'm very thankful."


Ye Jin Jin's sudden question should've caught him off guard, yet the Pope answered seriously. Of course, as an individual with a high post, he was somewhat able to piece together what had happened long ago.

"The humans, no, the leaders of the Empire (magicians) were only concerned about maintaining their power, so they ostracized the spirits. I can't even begin to comprehend what the spirits thought at the time, as they only regarded humans as their friends. Despite that, not only did they not seek vengeance against mankind, they decided to help us by bringing someone like you to our side... This must be the Sun God's will."

Ye Jin Jin's Phoenix's Feather blazed fiercely at the Pope's words. It was proof that Zenon had an intense reaction to the Pope's words, regardless of whether it was positive or negative. However, Ye Jin Jin guessed that they weren't negative feelings.

"...As expected of you, Pope. You're no normal person."

"Of course I'm not. I was the one who discovered Kay after all. Did you forget?"

The Pope wrinkled his eyes at Ye Jin Jin's admiration and replied slyly. Of course, it was more correct to say that the Pope had arrived at just the right time for Lee Shin Woo to use him, rather than him discovering him, but... Ye Jin Jin didn't mention that and just grinned.

"Are they... No, are you all trying to use this battle to reestablish ties between humans and spirits?"

"Yes. I'd like for that to happen."

"It's a bit late to be so frank with me, but... Well, I guess it's not too late. Make sure your results show."

The Pope spoke, remaining ever so calm, and raised his weapon. An intense flame could be seen at the tip of it.

"If you don't fulfill your mission, then I'll take care of the rest. A world of humans and spirits... It sounds quite nice."

"Yes, I believe it sounds quite nice too."

Ye Jin Jin replied, smiling, and raised her javelin. She infused fire into it and threw it.

The largest battle between the undead and the humans... the curtains for the greatest play had finally risen.

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