Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 16

Vol 18 Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 – God of Fields

Our interaction with the kobolds was a great success, thanks to the ladies and me preparing a feast with all our might. There were a few members with slightly suspicious attitudes, but so far, I haven’t been able to confirm any criminal acts, such as kidnapping. I have to be careful, but it looks like we’ll be able to establish a good relationship with the kobolds.

“Well, I’ll be going. Everyone, please be careful not to make trouble for the kobolds. Especially you, Alessia, and Irma, please be careful.”

Three days had passed since our first interaction with the kobolds, and it was the day of my appointment with the ancient earth dragon.

That’s why I’m going to the beach and pray in the Chateau church. I leave the women behind.

There’s nothing for the women to do because I’m the only one who’s going to pray. So it’s only natural that the women who are building relationships with the kobolds stay behind.

However, just before I left, I was a little worried, so I gave the two dangerous people a stern warning.

“Why me too? If you’re going to warn someone, it should be Ilma.”

Alessia-san is upset by my warning.

Well, in the end, I was wrong, and Alessia-san was right. Ilma-san was the most dangerous of them all, but that doesn’t mean Alessia-san’s safety has been proven.

Our interactions with the kobolds over the past three days have gone smoothly.

Well, it was just eating delicious food and playing every day, so there was nothing to worry about, but I still breathed a sigh of relief.

After spending time with the cute kobolds, my initial obsession with them had faded, and I was able to watch them with some peace of mind.

I was thinking such a carefree thing, but before I knew it, Ilma-san had done it.

She had baited them with sweets and food and collected data such as body measurements and physical strength measurements without asking the kobolds for permission.

The kobolds enjoyed it because it was disguised as a game, but collecting data without permission is probably out of the question.

So it’s not hard to understand why Alessia-san was upset and told me not to include her. But Alessia-san is pretty much the same.

The fact that she was able to interact with the kobolds to her heart’s content made the crime smell less strong, but sometimes she gives off a dangerous atmosphere, so I can’t relax.

“Dorothea, Marina, and Claretta, please take good care of them.”

“Ignore them!” I heard Alessia-san say, but I decided to ignore her.

“Yes, leave it to me. Good luck, Wataru.”

“Thank you. I’m off.”

I leave the Hideaway feeling relieved, knowing that the three trustworthy people, led by Dorothea-san, have taken care of everything.

The kobold fortress in the distance… I wanted to play with those cute kobolds as well, but I shook my head to drive away my desire and summoned the Pal to leave.

…Huh, negotiating with Creator God-sama… I feel so burdened.


I boarded the Chateau and offered a prayer inside the church.

“Hey, Wataru-kun, welcome.”

I opened my eyes and heard the voice of Creator God-sama greeting me with a big smile.

For a moment, I had a bad thought that it would have been easier if I hadn’t been called, but I gathered my resolve and stood up.

I have to help my fellow victims of Creator God-sama, the ancient earth dragon. I must also do my best.

However, even though he must have guessed our intention, I can’t help but be concerned that Creator God-sama seems to be in a strangely good mood, or at least full of spirit.

“Hello, Creator God-sama, God of Light-sama. …Um, where are the ancient earth dragon and the God of Fields-sama?”

Without the ancient earth dragon and the God of Fields-sama, the plan would fall apart, wouldn’t it?

“Hmm? Behind you, Wataru-kun.”

Behind me? I turned around and saw the huge face of the ancient earth dragon, and in front of him was a kindly-looking old man. I see; they were behind me.

But even in the divine realm, the ancient earth dragon is the same size as it is in the mortal world. I have a feeling that he could shrink his body or transform into a human form, but is that impossible?

I’m curious, but before I do, I should probably say hello to the God of Fields-sama. It’s like the ancient earth dragon and I brought him out of hiding, so I feel like I should show him as much respect as possible.

“Hello, ancient earth dragon. I’m glad we met safely. And you must be the God of Fields-sama. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Wataru.”

“Oh, yes. I’ve heard a lot about you from the other gods. It’s nice to meet you. Oh, don’t be so nervous. Please relax.”

“Th-Thank you.”

He could tell at a glance that I was nervous.

He looks like a friendly old man, but there’s a strange kind of power about him, or rather, it’s not power. I feel a kind of dignity and virtue that makes me want to bow to him naturally.

If I had to compare it to something, it would be the strength to face the difficulties hidden behind kindness… I see; that’s why he’s the God of Fields-sama.

He must have a hard side to him because he is at the mercy of nature when he is out in the fields, so I feel a certain strength behind his kindness. That’s why I feel a certain respect for him.

I’ve never eaten it, but the crops grown by the God of Fields-sama must be absolutely delicious.

This is a god. A god who certainly deserves more respect than the Creator God-sama.

“Um, about this request, I hope I’m not causing you any trouble…”

I now regret having caused such a clear and obvious inconvenience to a god that I could respect just by looking at him.

Since I came to this world and deepened my relationship with the gods, I’ve gotten the impression that the goddesses are relatively decent, while the male gods have some kind of flaw.

Well, it’s no wonder since my first impression of inviting the gods to the luxury liner was so strong, but to be honest, I thought that the only decent male god was the God of Commerce-sama.

To be honest, I thought a friendly, boorish old farmer god would appear since he is the god of fields.

So I thought it wouldn’t really hurt to force Creator God-sama on him, but… the God of Fields-sama is different. If I cause him any trouble, I’ll definitely feel bad. Or rather, I already feel bad.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I also had my doubts about how to handle the ancient earth dragon. I was watching to see if he needed a break from time to time, but if he’s motivated, I’m happy to help.”

I was filled with regret, but God of Fields-sama seemed surprisingly eager.

Is that okay? You’re going to work with Creator God-sama?

“It’s okay to say hello, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to chat while ignoring this great Creator God-sama, Wataru-kun.”

I wanted to find out the true intentions of the God of Fields-sama, but I gave up when Creator God-sama called out to me from behind.

Today was a negotiation, so it would be a bad move to offend the other party.

“I’m sorry, Creator God-sama.”

“Yes, I forgive you.”

Creator God-sama easily forgives me if I bow my head. I didn’t do anything so rude, so it’s a bit strange to apologize and be forgiven.

But when it’s Creator God-sama, I think it’s great that he can really forgive. In a way, Creator God-sama has a very beneficial personality, doesn’t he?

“Thank you. So, I came to ask you a favor today.”

“I know, I was watching. You want to put the God of Fields between me and the ancient earth dragon, right? That’s not good.”

I knew he was watching. It’s not a problem because it was within my expectations, but to be rejected before I even asked is unexpected.

“Um, why is that? I thought I had brought a proposal that would allow the ancient earth dragon to function properly, in accordance with the Creator God-sama.”

I can’t deny that I have my own personal agenda, but I think it’s a proposal that has merit for both sides.

“Because the ancient earth dragon is convenient. Besides, I don’t like the way you’re handling this.”

He’s being straight with me. This situation arose because Creator God-sama used the ancient earth dragon for his own convenience.

“Well, putting aside the issue of convenience, what do you mean by the way I handle it?”

“It’s God of Fields. Do you think I’m weak against God of Fields? Of course not. I’m the Creator God, you know!”

Is that what bothers him? I was being careful, you know, and the ancient earth dragon kept cursing Creator God-sama, but that’s what bothers him?

I don’t understand why Creator God-sama would be offended.

“God of Fields, it seems that you got carried away because the ancient earth dragon relied on you, but I’ll show you who’s the strongest. You can use whatever method you want, whether it’s brute force or talking, so come at me!”

But I learned one thing. It seems that the reason Creator God-sama looked so full of spirit today was to prove that he was the strongest. I really think that’s silly.

“Hmph, everyone knows that the Creator God is ridiculously superior in terms of military might. Asking the God of Fields-sama, who has never fought in battle, to engage in a military conflict is proof that you, the Creator God, are just trying to play it safe. How pathetic, Creator God!”

For some reason, the ancient earth dragon fights back when Creator God-sama provokes the God of Fields-sama. He’s been looking for a fight from the beginning.

What’s more, there’s not an ounce of respect for Creator God-sama in what he says. He really hates the Creator God-sama, doesn’t he?

You wouldn’t be able to tell from the dragon’s expression, but I can tell that the ancient earth dragon’s expression right now expresses contempt with all his might. It’s like someone looking at something dirty.

“The ancient earth dragon’s mouth is especially smooth today, huh? Is it because you’re with Wataru-kun and the God of Fields that you feel so confident? You should come back when you can stand before me alone.”

Isn’t it your mission to bring out the ancient earth dragon?

“Please calm down, both of you. I have come to talk to you this time, Creator God-sama. I don’t have any skills with military force, and I don’t have any skills with words. I would like some time to understand each other instead of fighting.”

In the middle of the argument, God of Fields-sama steps in to mediate. He’s like an elementary school teacher. He’s good at mediating children’s fights.

“…Well, that’s fine. God of Fields, try to convince me.”

“Thank you, Creator God-sama. Then let’s start by confirming each other’s complaints. Mutual misunderstanding is the root of conflict.”

“Huh? No, I don’t think we need to go to all that trouble. All we need is for the ancient earth dragon to know the greatness of Creator God, right?”

Creator God-sama is upset. Perhaps he is aware that he has done many things that are not good.

“To understand the greatness of Creator God-sama, it is necessary to know Creator God-sama’s thoughts. Even if the ancient earth dragon feels that an order is unreasonable, if he knows the deep thoughts of the Creator God-sama, he will be convinced.”

“Um, God of Light-sama. I heard that the God of Fields-sama said that he can’t play with his words, but is that a lie?”

I ask God of Light-sama, who is watching the situation nearby, about my doubts. Isn’t he just closing the escape routes for Creator God-sama?

“No, the God of Fields has no intention of playing with words. I think he is really bad at both violence and words, so he is trying to resolve the situation with sincerity. For some reason, this works strangely well with Creator God-sama. Normally, I would want him to help me, but he just won’t leave the field.”

Is God of the Fields-sama the natural enemy of Creator God-sama? I guess they just don’t get along.

“Thank you for bringing God of Fields here, Wataru-san.”

I’ve been thanked for something. God of Light-sama is having a hard time.

“No, I didn’t do much.”

I just listened to the ancient earth dragon’s complaints and tried to think of something.

“Fufu, that’s just like you, Wataru-san. Now, I’m going to take you back to the lower world.”

“Huh? I’m supposed to watch over, right?”

I only remember exchanging greetings. What about the negotiations?

“It will take a long time, so please pray again tomorrow at noon in the church.”

Oh, so it’s postponed until the next day. I was really excited, but in the end, it was just a simple greeting. God’s sense of time is frightening.

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