Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 18

Vol 19 Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 – Banquet

Alessia-san and the others invited me to leave the castle to do some sightseeing. The restored Mermaid Kingdom was bright and beautiful, with a sense of the future, although it still retained some of its old influences. It was very enjoyable sightseeing, although there were some cultural gaps, such as a fish shop where the fish floats in the sea and a shop that sells a giant clam that I don’t know what it’s used for. And Carla-san’s request about the seaweed I bought… What should I do with it?

“Wataru-sama. We are here to pick you up.”

After returning from sightseeing, Princess Annemarie and Lea-san came to the room while we rested.

Oh, I see, it’s that time already.

When I returned to my room, the maid told me to clean myself up, and since the Mermaid Kingdom had provided us with clothes, there should be no problem with my personal appearance.

I have my own formal clothes, but since the lower half of my body will be a fish, if only the top is formal, it will smell endlessly perverted.

In this respect, if the clothes are provided by the other party, there is no need to worry about violating manners, and since the clothes are made to fit the mermaid form, I would have said that it is easy… but I worry about it because it is unnecessarily gorgeous.

They might be made of mother-of-pearl inlays, they reflect light and glitter, the fabric seems expensive, and there are even some jewels attached to them.

It was obvious that it had been prepared for us in advance.

Alessia-san and the others, Ines and Felicia, also had beautiful outfits prepared for them, and I could feel the strong will of the mermaid side to entertain us in a grand way this time since they couldn’t afford it last time.

Because besides the gorgeous clothes for the dinner party, there are also a lot of private clothes, or rather elegant everyday clothes, prepared, you know?

To be honest, a modest dinner party would be enough, or at least it would be more comfortable, but I can’t ask them to scale down just before the dinner party.

If I had to ask, it would have been last night or before I left for the sightseeing.

At such an important time, I was leisurely sightseeing without noticing anything. I resent my stupidity.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself while escaping from reality. I had a hope that maybe the clothes were just luxurious.

But the second princess herself came to pick us up, and she was quite well dressed. With all this enthusiasm, it was highly unlikely that it would be a small dinner.

“Thank you for picking us up. You look wonderful in that outfit. It suits you very well.”

I drop everything and join Alessia-san and the others in praising Princess Annemarie’s appearance.

Fufu. Life is full of wonders, isn’t it? That there comes a time when I feel more comfortable when she’s in the form of a magical girl?

“Thank you, Wataru-sama. Now, Wataru-sama and everyone, let me show you around.”

With Princess Annemarie’s escort, we leave the room and walk through the castle.

I know it’s a little late, but shouldn’t the escort be a man? After all, it is only strange that the princess would turn to an escort.

Also, isn’t it problematic for the dignity of the royal family, like the princess coming to pick us up or something, even before it’s a breach of etiquette?

As I escaped from reality and thought about this, we arrived in front of a huge door that must have been a grand hall.

A big dinner party, that’s for sure. I want to go home.

Seeing our arrival, the two mermaid soldiers waiting in front of the door bowed and opened it.

“Wataru-sama, Ines-sama, Felicia-sama, Alessia-sama, Dorothea-sama, Marina-sama, Ilma-sama, Carla-sama, Claretta-sama, Rimu-sama, Pent-sama, Fuuchan-sama, Benichan-sama, Annemarie-sama, Lea-sama, please come in!”

Oof. It’s a system where names are called out as soon as they enter, isn’t it? I wish they had told us in advance because it was bad for my heart. I also noticed that even Rimu and the other familiars were called by name. It must be some kind of special treatment.

I couldn’t think too much about it, so I killed my emotions and walked through the glittering hall, drawing attention to myself.

“No, no, no, this can’t be happening.”

I should have killed my emotions with all my might, but the event was too much, and my emotions were revived.

Her Majesty the Queen and Princess Adalicia greet us with smiles. Isn’t it strange that Her Majesty the Queen and the royal family came first? I had managed to cope with the question.

But the seat we were supposed to take was a big problem. It was the honorary seat.

“Wataru-sama. Is there anything you don’t like?”

Her Majesty, the Queen, looks worried at my nervous state.

“No, this place is for Your Majesty, isn’t it?”

No matter how much I helped to restore the Mermaid Kingdom, this position is indeed too grand. It could cause serious damage to our status as a nation.

“Oh, that’s what you mean. If it were originally my position, it would indeed be my position. But I cannot leave Wataru-sama, the messenger of the Creator God-sama, aside and sit there.”

…That’s right. Because of my relationship with Sea God-sama, Her Majesty the Queen and the others knew that I was related to Creator God-sama.

I don’t mind that, but is a messenger of Creator God-sama in such a position that Her Majesty the Queen has to give up her seat? I’ve said it over and over again, but I’m just a lackey, you know?

The other party wouldn’t know that I’m a lackey, would they? Apparently, I’m supposed to sit in the honorary seat even though it’s not my birthday. [T/n: Otanjoubi Seki (お 誕生日 席) means a seat on the shorter side of a rectangular table, but it has the literal meaning of a birthday seat.]

It’s not Creator God-sama’s fault, but when Creator God-sama is involved, I sometimes get cornered. Is that a punishment for making Creator God-sama work so hard?

Ines, Felicia, Alessia-san, and the others sat on the left side, and Her Majesty the Queen sat on the right.

Rimu and the others even had a special seat next to the table, perhaps to make it easier for them to eat. They are doing their best to provide hospitality.

I managed to decline the call for a toast, and the dinner party began with a toast from Her Majesty the Queen.

I nervously nibble at the food that is brought to me like a course. I can’t really taste the food because all eyes are on me in the honorary seat.

I’m a little nervous about the situation, but I’m envious of Ines and Alessia-san and the others, and I sympathize with Felicia, who’s acting a little awkward.

…I don’t mind, but what about the slaves who are enjoying their meals in a dignified manner while their masters are acting so nervous?

“We are very grateful to you, Wataru-sama, for saving the Mermaid Kingdom!”

I am now being thanked profusely by all the great people of the Mermaid Kingdom. I need someone to help me.

As the meal progressed, and I didn’t know what it was, the high-ranking mermaids began to crowd around me as if it were time for a chat.

To put it simply, it’s hell.

I’m so out of place that I can’t stop the motions, the shortness of breath, the amorous laughter, and the cold sweat.

I know the mermaid side is not to blame.

I suppose it was just a favor since they threw a dinner party for us, who showed up unannounced on such a scale that it made me want to run away in a hurry.

But I’m at my limit. Please help me.


“Wataru. Let’s go sightseeing again.”

I tried to ask for help, but life is not so sweet that help comes easily, and yesterday, I was treated well until the end of the dinner party.

The next day, I was exhausted, but Alessia-san was full of energy and asked to go sightseeing. What is the difference between me and Alessia-san?

“…I feel a little tired, so I will relax in my room until this evening. Alessia-san and the others are free to go sightseeing.”

“Is that so? But if we’re going sightseeing anyway, it would be better if Wataru and the others were with us, so we’ll take it easy today as well.”

I was a little touched by Alessia-san’s casual words.

It’s not like she’s obligated to be an escort or anything, but just a companion. It’s a pity that they don’t reek of romance at all, but they’re just nice words.

I can’t help but feel a little sorry for them, but I’ll take their word for it and take it easy here.

“Hey, Master. I don’t mind you relaxing, but is it okay that you didn’t do what you came to the Mermaid Kingdom to do?”

…Yes, that’s right. I came to the Mermaid Kingdom to fulfill Pent’s wishes, but nothing has happened in the three days I’ve been here. Or rather, I haven’t even made a request.

We are not bound by time, but if I don’t make a request at least early enough, there is a possibility that time will pass just to be entertained.

“Ines, thank you. I’m sorry, but could you ask the maid to arrange a meeting with Her Majesty the Queen?”

I’m stuck in a room with air, so the maid is reserved and waiting for me in another room.

It would be better if I moved on my own, but I am really tired today, so I asked Ines to run an errand for me.

“Okay. You can come here whenever you want, right?”

“Yes. There’s no need to schedule it, so tell her I’ll ask her when it’s convenient for Her Majesty the Queen.”

Considering the honorary seat, I have a feeling that Her Majesty the Queen will force herself to make time for me, even if she’s busy.

“I understand.”

“Master, they say you can meet her anytime now. They say Master’s request is the highest priority.”

My concern was in vain, or rather, the other side’s concern was so great that my concern was not only vague, but it disappeared.

Let’s see, in a case like this… it would be better to go to her right away.

I feel that if Ines tells the maid, it is certain that the story will be passed on to Her Majesty the Queen. If we are too reserved, we will only waste each other’s time.

“…Go tell the maid I’m getting ready.”

The shiny clothes from yesterday are not possible, but since I’m meeting with Her Majesty the Queen, I have to choose something appropriate from the clothes for the mermaid form she gave me.

I had to change quickly.

I’ve already decided what I’m going to ask for, but I haven’t thought at all about how I’m going to ask for it.

…Well, I think I’ll bring Pent’s cheerfulness to the forefront of the conversation.

It’s not an unreasonable request, and even Sea God-sama was moved by it. I am sure that Her Majesty the Queen will be willing to listen to me.

Well, I think everything will be okay if I mention Sea God-sama, but as expected, it’s not fair to mention the god they believe in when asking for a favor.

Well, I’ll do my best for Pent’s sake.

Helping and being useful in the Mermaid Kingdom… I don’t know what kind of things they’ll ask me to do, so it’s kind of scary.

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