Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 20 Chapter 2

Vol 20 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – Was It a Trap?

Whether it was good or not, we finally arrived at the Aquamarine Kingdom, where, for some reason, contrary to the original plan, a road had been built, and the construction of a port had even begun. According to the original plan, the beastmen’s village was still being built, which would have been the foundation for the construction of the beastmen’s city…

How can I describe the scene in front of me?

What is it? I thought William-san had designed the beastmen’s village, so it should be a simple but functional and beautiful village, right?

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a large number of wooden boxes, which look too shabby to be called tenements, lined up in a regular pattern, with many beastmen going in and out of them.

Is this the concept of the village, functional beauty? I don’t know that word; just wrap it up! That’s it.

This may sound like an inappropriate analogy, but I think the concept is similar to a place lined with prefabricated huts where people who suffered from the earthquake and tsunami took refuge.

Well, these are not prefabricated huts but rather hastily constructed huts that look like they could be blown in by a gust of wind.

I can see that William-san, who is very particular about architecture, had no choice but to do this, and that’s why so many people gathered here.

That’s right, he would at least build a port to get some work done. Because there are a lot of people here now, even in the daytime.

Well, most of the people I see are women and children, so it looks like a family has come here together, and only the husband is working.

“Hey, Wataru. Do you know where we can go?”

Alessia-san speaks to me with a distant look in her eyes. I don’t even know which way to go because there are only row houses.

“It would be faster to talk to the residents, wouldn’t it?”

“I know. I’m sorry, Claretta, but will you go and talk to them?”

“Yes, I’ll go.”

At my reply, Alessia-san sent Claretta-san on an errand. I see; she sent Claretta-san because it is a community of beastmen.

I think it’s great that she can make such a decision so easily, even though she’s usually lacking in some ways. Claretta-san is especially outstanding.

Even though she is also a beastman, Ilma-san would have been too sexy. Carla-san is… a nice person, but she’s not the best person to gather information from.

“I asked them. They say if you go straight between the tenements, you’ll come to a central square where all the important facilities are concentrated.”

I was strangely impressed, but Claretta-san came back. It’s easy to understand that we just have to go straight.

Following Claretta-san’s words, we walked between the tenements, which were not at all spacious.

Surprisingly, the residents’ faces are cheerful despite the unfavorable environment. Children were running around with lots of energy, and the atmosphere was even heartwarming.

As we continued to observe the residents, we suddenly found ourselves in an open area.

This must be the central square that Claretta-san had told us about. But after seeing the blueprints of this village, I know that this square is the entire village that William-san wanted to build.

The construction of the village had probably started and was going well at first. I can see the remains of the plan that William-san was so passionate about.

However, he was not willing to compromise on his design, so he built tenements outside the village to maintain his design.

The number of beastmen grew rapidly, and so did the number of tenements. He resisted until the last minute but finally gave up, and the place that was supposed to be a village was turned into a plaza.

William-san’s apprentice, Yule-san, was in charge of the construction, and the tenements were built in a regular manner, so the fusion of the center and the outside was done without any feeling of discomfort. Well, I think William-san was so frustrated that he might have gritted his teeth.

“The dining hall, the general store, the clothing store, it’s not so much the important facilities of the village, but everything you need for your daily life seems to be gathered here.”

Dorothea-san is right. William-san designed it that way from the beginning.

You can’t see it from the outside, but if you look closely, you can feel William-san’s determination to see his design through, if only a little.

“Let’s see, that’s the Adventurers’ Guild, right? Let’s talk to them over there.”

We made our way through the crowd to the Adventurers’ Guild as Alessia-san had suggested.

“As expected from a guild, the building is very well constructed.”

Just as Alessia-san said, the Adventurers’ Guild may not be the most magnificent, but it is quite solidly built compared to the others.

As I entered the building with admiration, I found a number of reception desks lined up on the scale of a large city. It must be so crowded that this is necessary.

I did not walk around the entire village, so I can only guess, but considering the number of tenement houses, it would not be surprising if there was a large city’s worth of residents gathered here.

Out of curiosity, I checked the request board, but it seems that the requests are mostly for chores and construction.

Well, since they are building the city themselves, it is only natural that the work would be like this.

“Ara, the rewards are quite high. Simple and cheap things are paid twice as much, and others are paid 30 to 50 percent more.”

Ilma-san nodded her head in admiration.

I don’t know because I basically only hunted horned rabbits when I was an adventurer, but apparently, the rewards are set high.

I see. So you are giving money to the beastmen who have gathered here. It may seem like a waste of money, but it would not be a bad choice if the lives of the many beastmen gathered here were unstable and a riot broke out.

Ah, that’s why the residents’ faces were so bright. Even if the housing is not good, if they are paid more than a certain amount, there is hope for the future.

Normally, funds would be a problem, but the budget is generous, so it should be fine.

Even if the budget runs out, I’ll keep adding to it. It’s still unstable, so I should be able to drop some charity expenses.

With the Chateau, the charity expenses have increased again, and I’ll offer the extra budget to William-san later with a bang.

Oops, Alessia-san and the others have been talking to the receptionist. I’m not taking it easy either, so let’s talk to them.

“Yes, I would like to meet William the architect or his apprentice Yule, can you tell me where they are?”

“Uh… Um, William-sama and Yule-sama are both very important people, so even if you’re an A-rank adventurer, we can’t just tell you their whereabouts. I will talk to the guildmaster, would you mind waiting a bit?”

“I understand. Thank you.”

I had expected this, but William-san’s importance has become great. Even though Alessia-san and the others are A-rank adventurers, it seems amazing that the guildmaster of an Adventurers’ Guild would be easier to meet.

While I was playing with Rimu, thinking that it would take a while, the receptionist came back and let us through to the back, and while I was thinking how amazing it is to be an A-rank adventurer, we had an unexpected reunion.

“Luke-san, why are you here?”

I snapped before I could even greet him. But I guess I had no choice. After all, Luke-san is the guild master in the royal capital of the Aquamarine Kingdom.

“It’s because of you. When the guild grew so large, it was decided that a coordinator was needed, and I was accused of being the initiator, so I was forced to do it. You and Flora were the initiators, so why is the responsibility falling on me?”

I see. It was Flora-san who brought the story to him, and then she threw the whole thing to the guild master, and the responsibility fell on him because the guild master had gathered other influential members.

I ran away from the Aquamarine Kingdom, and Flora-san is happily working on the Castle. Yes, this is a situation where the guildmaster can’t be blamed.

“That’s, uh, um, I’m sorry about that. So I was thinking of meeting with William-san or Yule-san to find out what’s going on. …Can you tell me what’s going on?”

I don’t need to ask William-san; I can just talk to Luke-san, the person in charge, and that will solve the problem. I’m glad I don’t have to ask William-san.

Hey, is that all? Tsk, you guys are the reason I was transferred from the guild master in the royal capital to this place. Take responsibility for that and give me a lot of that thing; what was it? Beauty stuff? And a lot of booze.”

What is this? Am I being robbed in an unusual way?

But if beauty products are the first thing that comes up, I feel sorry for him. Maybe he’s being pestered by his wife or daughter.

“I can’t give you much, but I’ll give you enough later. Is that okay with you?”

“Oh, that’s great. Now I can show my face in the royal capital with peace of mind.”

So he couldn’t show his face in the royal capital with peace of mind until now, could he?

Or rather, isn’t it too easy for him to get back into a good mood? Maybe he pretended to be in a bad mood to get beauty products and alcohol?

The man in front of me is a man who has risen to the position of guild master, and I shouldn’t have let my guard down. I must reflect on this.

Well, his position at home seems to be weak, though…

“Yes, things seem to be going well now, can you explain that?”

“Hmm? Ah, it’s true that things have changed a lot since you left, so an explanation is definitely in order. Wait a moment while I make the tea.”

It seemed like it was going to be such a long story that tea was necessary.

It was long. It was as long as it was going to get. And most of it was just the guildmaster complaining.

He briefly explained how he was forced to take over the Adventurers’ Guild in this place, but he went on for a long time complaining about the demands of his wife and daughter.

Apparently, the beauty products I provided worked as expected, and the users continued to be enchanted by them.

Perhaps the guild master of the Merchant Guild, the beautiful witch, is impatiently waiting for me to replenish her supply of beauty products.

No, she forced me to sell her a reasonable amount last time, so I wonder if there is room for more.

The only surprise was that the village, which served as a foothold for the construction of this village, had been promoted from a village to a town due to the recent special demand, and by the way, the king had given it the name.

When I first saw it, it was a shabby village, but the power of money is amazing. By the way, the name of the town is Lucky Town.

The reason why the town developed is nothing but luck, so it was named after that.

By the way, I heard that my name was also suggested as a candidate, but it was rejected because they might use it as the name of the city being built.

I would never name a town after myself, and if the Lucky Town had turned out to be Wataru’s town, I would have refused to change it, even using the authority of Creator God-sama.

Hmm? A knock?

“Oh, you’re finally here. It’s a pain to stall for time, you know? You may come in.”

It was William-san who entered the room with a big smile. I had originally planned to meet him, but what was this? Was he stalling for time to keep me from escaping?

Was the guild master’s long story… a trap?

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