Supreme Magus

Chapter 2506 Gods And Demons (Part 2)

Chapter 2506 Gods And Demons (Part 2)

Yet knowing that the Fomor could suck it via his wings, Lith had the spell fading instead of further empowering his enemies.

"Good job finding the ringleader." A heretical figure whose voice sounded like an insult to creation said while descending from the sky. "I'll take it from here."

His wings were membranous instead of feathered and upside-down in a mockery of the Fomor's. His skin was of a disgusting pink instead of the divine blue of the sky and the razor-sharp fangs in his mouth were unworthy of a human.

Yet the revulsion that those features inspired in Eryon was eclipsed by the pure hatred that he felt by looking into the abomination's eyes.

Six of them seemed identical to those of the Balors of old, wielding the power of all elements. The seventh, however, was something that the Fomor had only seen in his dreams.

Somehow, the creature had robbed the Balors of their legacy, perverting it beyond belief and yet achieving what they never could. Full control over the seventh element of magic that was the source of all bloodline abilities.

Glemos had educated his children about the true story behind the fall of the various races and pointed out that demons were just a myth that the fallen species had made up to absolve themselves from their mistakes.

Yet the abomination fit the Balor's centuries-old superstitions down to the smallest detail, making him put into question everything he had learned under the Tyrant's tutelage.

'The creature standing in front of me is the incarnation of the prophecy that our god Glemos showed us yet it stands against everything he taught us!' Eryon thought.

His comrades felt the same way, some covered their eyes incapable of standing the sight of the living heresy while others groveled in front of the advent of the being that they mistook for their prophesized new god.

"Damn, if you guys are tall." Lith had no idea why the bunch of monsters had started infighting right after his arrival nor how a Fomor's blue skin could have turned green.

The creature in front of him was clearly of human origin, but the perfection of his body betrayed Eryon as something more and yet less than a man at the same time.

He was over 2.3 meters (7'7") tall, with hair of the six colors of the elements. It would have reminded Lith of Friya, if not for the lack of the emerald streak of Spirit Magic. Even though the Fomor wasn't Awakened, the harmony of his features and the raw strength of his toned muscles were no inferior to perfect body refining. 

The eyes on the Balor's forehead were black and white, those under his eyebrows were brown and yellow, and those on his cheekbones were red and blue.

"Are you related to Typhos or Echidna? They left me a message before they died." It was a lie, but Eryon had no way to know it and Lith wanted to try to solve things by talking.

'If this works, no one else has to die. They bring me to their lair, Faluel makes them her offer, and I'm done with this.' Lith thought.

Solus would have praised his attitude if not for the fact that she could read his thoughts and knew the truth. Lith wanted to get his hands on the Harmonizers, install them in the tower, and go back to Elysia's side. In that order.

He didn't care about the lives of the monsters. Diplomacy was simply the quickest way to get what he wanted.

'It's the result that counts.' She inwardly pouted, not believing her own words.

"You met them?" Blood left Eryon's face and the green of his skin turned into a pale yellow.

"Yes, they asked me to-"

"Liar!" The Fomor roared, his voice infused with so much air element to trigger a wind blast. "They were respectively Glemos' right-hand man and future daughter-in-law. They would have never wasted their breath on the abomination who killed them."

"I didn't kill them." That part at least was true. "I-"

Eryon charged forward, his enchanted ax aimed at Lith's throat charged with the golden lightning while an orange armor of light coated his body.

"As I was saying, they asked me to deliver their tribe a message." Lith extended his hand with the palm out, the sheer pressure generated by air and Spirit Magic forced the blade to a halt.

"I don't believe you." Eryon grunted. He was pushing with all of his strength but it felt like going against a mountain. "They were with our god on the day they disappeared. On the day our god disappeared.

"You killed them and stole their powers!" The Fomor's red eye unleashed another burst of mystical flames that Lith countered with his own.

The explosion pushed them back among their respective ranks.

At those words, the monsters behind him snapped out of their reverie. They stopped fighting among themselves and prepared to fight with everything they had gotten.

"For our god Glemos!" A silver-furred Hati jumped at Lith after harnessing the collective might of the members of his pack.

Hati were Elder Beasts, the evolution of wargs that brought them one step closer to Emperor Beasts. They looked like bipedal humanoid wolves that closely resembled lycanthropes from Earth's horror movies.

At first glance, they looked no different from the hybrid form of an Emperor Beast, yet their form was unstable. Their bodies kept shrinking and expanding, growing new tails or limbs that lasted barely a few seconds before being assimilated again.

Just like the wargs, the members of a pack of Hati could share their physical, intellectual, and magical capabilities.

Also, evolution granted their bloodline abilities a greater range and returned their affinity for the elements, bringing their champions on par with Awakened Emperor Beasts.

The members of the pack gave the Hati in front of Lith strength, speed, and all the spells they had kept at the ready until that moment. The wolf-like creature unleashed them all at the same time while performing a downward two-handed slash with his battle ax.

"This is why I can't stand fanatics." Lith raised his right hand again and his six eyes lit up in unison.

Both the Hati and his spells were frozen in mid-air.

"Last chance. Do you want to talk or fight?" Lith asked.

"To the death!" Eryon replied, leading the charge of his troops.

"Death it is." At a wave of Lith's hand, War darted through the Demons' ranks and stabbed the Hati in the head, heart, and lungs.

His pack mates instinctively took the wounds on themselves, realizing they were all deadly only when it was too late. Three Hati dropped dead despite the distance from the front lines and more kept falling as War mercilessly stabbed the prisoner.

Realizing that he was a liability for the rest of his pack, the Hati cut the connection with his brethren. When the hungry blade cut his neck a second later, he died with a smile on his face.

The spells cast by the pack darted back from they had come, ravaging the first rows of charging monsters. Eryon had tried to activate his wings and add their strength to his core, but Lith had charged forward as well.


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