Supreme Magus

Chapter 2563 Poisoned Chalices (Part 1)

Chapter 2563 Poisoned Chalices (Part 1)

2563 Poisoned Chalices (Part 1)

"Easy. Once your people overpopulate a pacified area, they get split again and move to a new settlement.' Faluel replied. 'Jiera is very big and most of it is now uninhabited. There's plenty of space for you and plenty of monsters to fight.

The idea is to establish self-sufficient fortresses over the mana geysers at the fringes of the known monster tides. From there your people will whittle them over time with coordinated attacks from every side.

"The monsters tribes that comprise the tide will be slowly surrounded and decimated until they no longer pose a threat to the balance.'

'And what if we actually succeed? What will happen when there will be no more enemies to fight and no more geysers for us to inhabit?" The Hati Queen's mind felt cold and sharp as the winter's wind.

"You didn't let me get to that.' Faluel replied. "I plan on keeping those of you with a Harmonizer here on Garlen so that during all that time we can research Glemos' work and find a way to mass produce them.

"It's not something I would be doing on my own. The member of the Awakened Council would pool their resources to find a solution. After we crack the code, there should be plenty of time to produce new Harmonizers before your numbers become a problem again.'

"So, you are basically asking us to let you divide and conquer us.' Syrah replied. "You'll be keeping the leaders of Zelex hostage in Garlen while the rest of us would be sent to Jiera to fight a war that has nothing to do with us.

'How is this any better than the Undead Court's offer?'

'It's not divide and conquer, but necessity. Faluel shook her head. 'Garlen is still suffering from a prolonged famine. Here there simply aren't the resources necessary to sustain your people whereas in Jiera there's an abundance of food.

"You are free to take the undead's offer, but know this. Even assuming they won't backstab you, the moment the black market can't provide enough food for your ever-increasing populace, you'll be forced to either resort to the culls or raid cities again.

'Either way, you'll be forced to spill blood because no one will give up on their provisions without a fight. If you resort to the former, your people will be doomed to perform mass suicide while if you pick the latter, you'll keep making new enemies that will hunt you down.

"If you go to Jiera, instead, you would be earning your food and your rightful place under the sun. People are bound to fall in battle, sure, but the rest would be safe and the wounded would receive care from the local Awakened.

'Also, you wouldn't be isolated. Communication amulets will allow your colonies to keep in touch with them and join their forces if necessary. You and the other member of the senate with a Harmonizer would be kept here simply because Garlen's Council doesn't trust Roghar.

'His flawed research led to your fall and there's no telling what the Guardian of Mana might do with a device that can alter life forces, crystals, and enchanted metals. Also, our continent is now peaceful and we can focus on research whereas Jiera is struggling for survival.

'I see.' Syrah pondered the Hydra's words.

The reasoning was solid but there was still a lack of trust between them that poisoned the Hati Queen's mind.

'How many Harmonizers should we surrender for your research? Unfortunately for her, the one offered by the undead was a poisoned chalice as well. Both potential allies could backstab the monsters at any time and leave them for dead.

Her best option was to choose the deal that sucked less and ally herself with those who had more to lose by her people's demise.

"None" Faluel replied, making Syrah's eyes go wide in surprise. There is no Forgemastering spell that requires an artifact not to be imprinted in order to examine it.I think you should take a look at

"It's enough for the Forgemaster to have access to the artifact and its owner to be compliant. The only reason the undead had to demand some Harmonizers is to wear them themselves and modify them to suit their own life force.

"Those bastards lied to us!" The Hati Queen snarled while instinctively touching the collar on her neck.

'Indeed. Faluel nodded. 'Harmonizers have no value for the Council except for increasing the production of our crystal and metal mines. Our life forces are already stable so unlike the undead, we are not competition.

"It sounds good, but is it good enough to put our lives in the hands of complete strangers? After all, we've met for less than a day! Urhen the Balor pointed out.

"By itself, no, but consider what we have to lose in case something happens to you! Faluel replied. "The crisis in Jiera is real and without help, it's only a matter of time before the Council is overwhelmed by the monster tides.

"If I wanted to just exterminate you, why make it so complicated? All I had to do was to run away after the fight and send a distress signal. The Council forces would arrive and slaughter everyone.

'On top of that, the Harmonizers represent an incredible opportunity not only to accelerate the production of our magical resources, but also to solve the threat of the fallen races forever.

"Last, but not least, Balors are a successful evolution of the human race and Fomors are another step forward. I can assure you that the human Council will do everything they can to help you simply because they want to become like you.

"Your death would mean for the humans to losing the first solid lead in millennia to finally fill the gap with the Emperor Beasts and gain the bloodline abilities they are sorely lacking.'

You make excellent points but this is still too sudden.' Syrah said. 'We'd like to take a few days to discuss it and weigh our options.'

"Not a problem.' Morok interjected before Faluel could say anything. I'm going to take a single book since the code is always the same. I'm going to leave everything else here as a sign of good faith.'

Then, he took two communication amulets out of his pocket and shared his rune with them.

"Take your time and let us know when you've made up your mind. He gave the first to Syrah who tried and failed to use it. 'Just take one step out of the arrays and it will work.'

Then, while Faluel exchanged her communication rune as well, he turned to Ryla and handed the second one to her.

"If there's anything you need, and I mean anything, just get outside for a second and give me a call. I'll come running.' "Thank you so much!' The Fomor embracing him surprised no one.

The Tyrant returning the embrace left quite an impression, instead. Friya worried about what had happened during the time they had remained alone and how that would affect Quylla.

Yet she said nothing while they walked out of Zelex, limiting herself to a glare that seemed to bore through the Tyrant's back until reached the meeting point with the others and made sure that no one was following them.


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