Supreme Magus

Chapter 2592 New Neighbors (Part 2)

Chapter 2592 New Neighbors (Part 2)

2592 New Neighbors (Part 2)

She already knew that the baby would be named after her and kept an ear out on Elina to not miss the name reveal.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I meant to call you but I just forgot in the spur of the moment." Elina said. "Do you want to join us for lunch?"

"Respectively don't worry and gladly." The Guardian replied.

The lunch was delicious and pleasant. Raaz managed to make it up to Elina by showering her with care and making sure she had no need to move for the rest of the meal.

"How are things going for the Kingdom, Tyris?" Salaark asked. "I'm sorry for being a buzzkill but seeing so many dishes reminds me that the imports in the Blood Desert have never been so low.

"The Empire is still suffering from that crazy Lich poisoning the land so the famine struck them hard as well and they have little food to spare. I've been forced to reopen the borders with some of the free countries and dedicate a few oases for intensive farming.

"Once we are done with them, they will be uninhabitable for months until the soil recovers its fertility, but at least my people won't starve until the harvest."

"We fare worse than the Desert and things are far from going back to normal." Tyris sighed. "The Kingdom is still split in two. Raid parties disguised as bandits from both sides try to rob the other's caravans of food.

"Hate and hunger drive neighbors to battle for a morsel of food even if it means spilling blood. My situation is too dire to open my borders like you did. I can't risk the free countries trying to conquer my lands, not with my army already spread thin and the granaries empty.

"The only thing I could do was to recruit many sea Emperor Beasts and use their help to lead schools of fish in the nets of the fishing ships. I've also commandeered the nobles' cruise boats and added them to our fishing fleet."

"That's a really good idea." Salaark pondered. "My Phoenixes don't like water much and most of the navy of the Desert is on display in various museums but with a little maintenance they can be repurposed as fishing boats."


"If it works, I expect a fair share of what you catch." Tyris said, making the Overlord choke on her steak and then changing the subject before she could retort. "But as Kamila always says, enough talking about sad stuff.

"I've also been informed about great news that should be made public during in the next few days."

The Verhen family bombarded her with questions that she deflected until they gave up and moved to another subject. After the meal was over, Zinya kept Kamila company, Raaz spoke to both Elina and Surin, and Solus helped Lith do the dishes and stoves.

"I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't there with you guys when Elysia kicked and that she is refusing to do it again for me." Solus pouted.

"Don't be. There will be plenty of kicks in the future." Lith chuckled. "I know it's not the same thing, but if you want, I can share the memory with you."

"Yeah, right." Solus scoffed. "Because I'm certain that it happened while you discussed poetry and philosophy at the time of Valeron's Court, Were you guys naked?"

"Well, it's complicated." Lith replied.

"No, it's not and I really don't want to know, Thanks."

Once they were done with the kitchen and Elina went to bed for an afternoon nap, Lith, Solus, and Kamila went to visit Selia. The huntress was close to term and they hadn't seen her for a while.

Along the way, Lith couldn't help but sigh at the sight of the two new houses that had been built as close as possible to his own without invading his property or compromising his privacy.I think you should take a look at

The first one they had to pass in front of was a two-story house made of grey stones and with a sloping roof comprised of white tiles glued together by tar that also insulated them from water and cold.

It resembled a mountain cottage belonging to a minor noble with glass windows and sturdy metal shutters and doors.

"Good afternoon, Supreme Magus Verhen." Gilly Locrias ran to him the moment she saw him from the window of the living room. "I made this for you."

She was panting a little from the short sprint, trying to swipe her red hair from her face while she offered him a piece of paper.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Lith? We've been neighbors for months now, there's no need for formalities." He took it with both hands, discovering that it was a charcoal portrait of himself.

"I'll do it when you'll stop wearing that white robe everywhere." She chuckled. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think that you are very talented but I doubt that aside from my mother anyone else would recognize me." Lith had his Magus robe disappear and passed the portrait to Kamila who had been pulling at his arm for a while in curiosity.

This version of Lith is 200% more handsome than the original, but I still like it.' Solus giggled via the mind link, pointing out to Kamila the differences between art and reality.

Portrait Lith had wise and gentle eyes instead of his trademark annoyed glare, patrician features, and an invisible wind waved his long hair, framing his face and giving him the aura of a noble hero of the caliber of the First King.

"True. It lacks the dollar sign for pupils.' Kamila giggled as well. 'Also, to be more realistic he should have the expression of someone who has gotten the short end of the stick.

'Hey, I can hear you!' Lith rebuked them.

"That's the idea. They replied in unison.

"What matters is that you like it." Gilly gave him a deep bow. "Thanks for bringing my Dad back. I miss the city life a bit but I wouldn't change this for the world."

The first house belonged to the former captain of the Queen's Corps and just like Trion, he spent most of the time Lith was in Lutia with his family.

"Stop bothering him and come inside!" Erwald and his wife, Cidra, waved their hands from a window.

Locrias too looked human, and he was currently entertaining a few of his colleagues that were supposed to patrol the area. Lith gave his Demons full control over the golems Trouble and Raptor so that they could keep their shadow form even in his absence or use them as reinforcements when needed.

At the moment, Locrias was exploiting his authority to make the golems work while his friends sought shelter from the noon sun and shared a meal in his house.

"In a minute." Gilly straightened up and the motion revealed a necklace the size of a coin hung to her neck.

Its surface was black, with seven colored eyes arranged in the same pattern as the Tiamat's.

"Wow, it seems Zekell has another follower and you another worshipper." Solus said while nudging Lith.


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