Supreme Magus

Chapter 3321 Harsh Truth (Part 2)

Chapter 3321 Harsh Truth (Part 2)

"Good to know." A snap of Vastor's fingers brought the three of them into the same cloaked room where he had discussed with Zinya and Tezka earlier. "Okay, let's cut to the chase. Was the celebration about Solus' rescue or did Lith tell you about the baby as well?"

"He told us about the baby. It's a boy, by the way. How do you know?" Bytra had prepared a cover story but preferred to play it safe anyway.

"Zin. She told me everything that happened to her and Kamila during my absence. Like Lith expected, I bet." Vastor replied.

"What do you mean?" Zoreth said, feigning confusion.

"Don't worry, I don't care what he asked you not to tell me about Solus." The Master steepled his fingers. "As long he doesn't prod at my secrets, I'll return the favor.

"The reason I've brought you here is to discuss what Bytra has been hiding from me for a while."

"I'm not hiding anything!" She replied with the confidence of someone paying with a three-dollar bill.

"Let's start with something simple." Vastor ignored her retort. "You are the Fourth Ruler of the Flames yet you have failed to produce a single Blade Weapon except for those like Tezka who already had the blueprints their own.

"Menadion made my Grimbark into a quasi-Blade Weapon without even examining it. Orion has made at least three of them. Is he better than you, Bytra?"

"Yes." Her words made Vastor spit out his tea and Zoreth's jaw hit the floor. "Despite the miracles you've worked on my body, Father, I'm still cut off from the world energy. In that aspect, my mana perception is worse than that of a fake mage.

"Of course the original Bytra could make Blade Weapons or she would have never received the title of Ruler of the Flames. Yet I can't feel the flow of mana, not even my own. I tried, the gods know if I did, but I failed every time."

"I believe you." Vastor nodded.

The frustration in her voice and eyes were as genuine as those he saw every morning in the mirror.

'Even if she was that good of a liar, the idea that Bytra hasn't made Zoreth's Sky Piercer into a Blade Weapon just to protect her secret is preposterous.' He inwardly added.

"Out of curiosity, how come you don't have your own Blade Weapon?" Vastor actually asked.

"The original Bytra was never a warrior so she never researched one." Bytra blushed in embarrassment. "She was so obsessed with Ripha's tower that I assume the original Bytra would have made herself a Blade Weapon only after stealing the tower and getting her hands on the full Menadion Set, but she died soon after Ripha."

"It makes sense." Vastor pondered. "Just a few more questions, then. Did you have the time to take a good look at the Ears when Lith asked your help to find the unlock code?"


"Yes or no, Bytra." Vastor cut her short. "Remember that I've already talked with Tezka."

"Yes." Lying while looking her benefactor in the eyes was beyond her abilities.

"Based on what Tezka told me, you cracked the code in a single night, correct?"

"Yes, but it was a group effort. I couldn't have done it without Silverwing and Baba Yaga."

"That's even better. It means you had the opportunity to compare notes with someone at your level and maybe even exchange notes." Vastor dismissed her attempt to belittle herself with a wave of his hand.

"Final questions. Have you studied the Ears of Menadion enough to understand how it operates and make a modern version of the Ears on your own? With my help, of course."

Bytra took a deep breath, turning her head toward Zoreth before answering.

The Shadow Dragon gave her a slight nod of the head while gently caressing her shoulder.

"Yes. Yes to both."


Blood Desert, Salaark Palace, inside Starforge, at the same time.

After the Eldritch-hybrids had left, most of the guests had followed suit and returned to their homes.

Friya and Quylla gave Solus one more welcome back hug and Kamila one last congratulation round before opening a Warp to the Ernas Mansion.

"I'd love to stay longer but I had too many emotions in one day and I need to rest." Quylla caressed her belly. "Don't you dare be a stranger, Lith Verhen. I expect to see you soon and not because you need another favor.

"When you come visiting, you'd better bring all your specialties or I'll kick your ass." Her voice didn't match her words as she clung to his neck like a koala.

"Don't worry, little one. I'll prepare enough food to sate even you."

"What do you mean, even me?" Quylla grunted in mock outrage.

"That you may be having twins, sis, but you eat for four people instead of three." Friya held Lith tight for a moment before letting him go. "I'm not tired but I don't want to keep you from your mother, Solus.

"I'm sure you two have many things to say to each other."

"Thanks, Friya." Solus would have liked to deny Friya's words but they were true. "See you soon and say Nalrond hi for me."

"I will."

After the two Ernas sisters left, so did the Dark Phoenixes, Surtr, Rethia, and Sinmara.

"I know we are only loosely tied by blood, but you guys have my deepest gratitude." Raaz shook Urxat's hand while giving him a small bow. "Thank you for bringing my son back alive and helping him to save Solus."

"Don't mention it." The leader of the Dark Phoenixes replied. "Loose or not, any blood tie is important to us Phoenixes, especially when Mother cares. She's restricted by her role as a Guardian, but we are not.

"On top of that, we've gained a lot and no one of us died so I'd say that by helping your son we've helped ourselves, Raaz."

"Still, you have my gratitude. You and your people will always be my honored guests in Lutia. I can't do much but at least I can promise you a homemade meal the size of a Divine Beast."

"Our people, Raaz." Urxat pointed out. "And I'll take your word on that meal."

"We'd like to stay and talk a bit with you, Master Menadion, but there's already too many people here." Surtr pointed at Baba Yaga and Silverwing who had no intention of leaving. "Please, let us know when we can visit you."

"Soon, Surtr. Soon." She shook hands with him and her other former apprentices. "Thank you for everything you've done for Epp-Solus. I was by her side the whole time and appreciated your kindness."

"It's the least we could do, Master." Sinmara gave Menadion a small bow and Warped away.

After the Verhen family was left alone, they moved to Solus' tower along with the Guardians.

"Gods if I needed this." Solus plunged on the nearest armchair like a sack of bricks. "Don't get me wrong, I love our friends but after days of starvation, torture, and bloody fights not even the geyser below Grandma's palace is enough. I need to stay inside the tower."

"Me too." Lith's strength abandoned him the moment he sat down.

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