Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

Chapter 495



The sound of Hedo striking a match resonated.

The once tumultuous battlefield, where swords and magic clashed violently, instantly fell into silence.

Just as it should be since this large, muscular man appeared.

An overwhelming pressure.

There was no clearer and simpler way to express the presence of a man named Hedo.

Just by standing there blocking the entrance, the entire lobby seemed like a dead end, and the atmosphere became as heavy as mud, making it difficult to breathe.

What the hell is that monster...?

Whose head is that?

The Runcandels exchanged silent glances.

Although the members of the Specter Corps knew exactly who he was, they also exchanged glances.

However, unlike the Runcandels, the looks from the Specter Corps contained emotions.

Confusion, sorrow, shock.

And fear.

The source of these emotions was none other than the casually dropped severed head belonging to a Specter Corps member, just like them.

"Hedo killed Rube!

Damn it, I came back to the Magic Tower because I feared something like this might happen.

Of course, the emotions of the Specter Corps were not conveyed to the Runcandels who had just fiercely fought against them.

Not only did their hoods cover their faces, but the Specter Corps was not a loose group that showed emotions to the enemy, no matter how terrifying the situation.

Because they are the elite of the elite.

However, those who had been selected from birth and had donned the gray robes of the Specter Corps through terrible efforts and training knew better than anyone that sometimes there are untouchable monsters in the world, and that at the top of one mountain, there is another mountain and the sky.

Just like some of the superhumans they had encountered while living as Specters, and this man in front of them!

The long cigar burned quickly like a fuse.

The thickened ashes didn't flutter but fell in heaps.

With a single puff of smoke, the entire cigar turned into ashes.


Hedo then exhaled the accumulated smoke in his lungs, and the acrid smoke, which might as well be called poisonous smoke, covered the voluminous upper part of his body.


It was Murakan who broke the silence.

He continued speaking with an expression that seemed as tough and inflexible as possible, but it didn't seem like he had lost composure and was impatient.

"What's your problem, punk? You've come uninvited. And now showing off your body? Did you come from a bodybuilding contest? If you don't want me to break your face, pretend you haven't seen anything and move on."

As he said this, he subtly nudged Jin's side and whispered:

"Kid, you better leave."

Jin also felt it instinctively.

The four members of the Specter Corps were formidable opponents, but with Runcandel's current strength, they could handle them easily.

However, that unidentified man was beyond their capabilities.

Even with Jin, Dyfus, Joshua, the Black Knight, and Murakan, who had regained 50% of his strength, it was not something they could handle.

Definitely not a Genesis Knight.

Runcandels and Murakan, who had experienced the majesty of a Genesis Knight more closely than anyone, were sure.

Although he is not a Genesis Knight, he is undoubtedly close to that level...

A giant standing in such elevated domain.

They had never heard of such an incredible being in Zipple.

Could it be Kinzelo?

Not only Jin but also Joshua, Dyfus, and the Black Knight were unaware of Hedo's true identity.

There was no description of Hedo even in the confidential document about Zipple's secret forces that the Black Knight and the main Flagbearers could access.

Hedo crushed the dead Specter's head with his foot, bursting it, and spoke.

The Specters didn't even dare to open their mouths when they saw him.

"No punches, eh? I haven't thought about that issue after becoming Zipple's second-class butler, Black Dragon. This isn't Runcandel's territory, right?"

So, he was Murakan, the Black Dragon?

The moment Hedo said that, the Specter Corps members realized they were wrong.

It's not that they didn't consider it at all, but they thought it was more likely for Murakan to be the Black Knight since he wore a mask.

"Eh? The mask wasn't broken, was it? How did you recognize me?"

"Everyone knows that the Black Dragon prefers a somewhat vulgar tone. The person wielding the great sword is the Fourth Flagbearer, the person wielding the black sword Kainer, painted to look like an ordinary piece of iron, is the Second Flagbearer, and that person is the Black Knight Jane. And the last one is the Twelfth Flagbearer, Jin Runcandel."

It was only a matter of time before his identity was revealed, although they had only fought against the Specters, so it wasn't that surprising.

They had also put on the infiltration outfit to minimize unnecessary exposure from the beginning.

However, all the Runcandels couldn't help but be surprised by the second-class butler's introduction.

That an individual of such caliber is simply the second-class butler is something that goes far beyond common sense.

Moreover, Zipple's "Butler List" had been publicly available for a long time, without the need to consult Runcandel's confidential intelligence documents.

Not only Zipple but also Runcandel, the imperial family, and other prominent clans and factions usually did not keep information about their butlers confidential.

Butlers not only handled internal clan affairs but also various external tasks such as negotiations, guest reception, banquets, and various events.

The media often reported on these incidents, and the names of butlers who handled related tasks were frequently mentioned.

"The publicly known second-class butler is Melvin Grauchy. Known as the best brain. But is that monster the second?"

If Hedo's words were not false, he held that position for some reason, 'because he wanted to.'

Everyone in the group thought so.

"Second-class butler? Eh, Mr. Physical Beauty. Are you saying you're just a second-class butler?"

"Well... I also perform other functions. Among them, I have the role of Guardian of this Tower."

"Guardian of the Tower?"

"Yes. It would be better to introduce myself formally again. I am Hedo, the Guardian of the White Night Tower."

Hedo bowed, bringing his right arm to his abdomen, saluting them.

The Guardian of the White Night Tower.

By revealing another position, Hedo was subtly examining Jin.

'Jin Runcandel...'

The Twelfth Flagbearer of Runcandel, whom his young lady, Sandra Zipple, had 'decided to love.'

He was generally indifferent to external matters, but since before Sandra started making a fuss about love and marriage, he had occasionally shown a bit of curiosity.

Who the hell is that person who so often causes such a stir in the world?

It was the first time that a Runcandel Flagbearer had attracted so much attention since Luna.

However, if it weren't for Sandra, Hedo wouldn't have been very interested in Jin at this moment.

"Could you take off the mask for a moment?"


"Although we belong to opposing Families, I have shown courtesy by revealing who I am. It doesn't seem like a difficult request to unveil your true identity."

"I appreciate you revealing your alias and position. But it's impossible for a Flagbearer of a Great Swordsman Family to comply with a request from a mere Butler of Zipple. Please reveal your real name and position. In that case, I will take off the mask."

"Too much audacity is sometimes called foolishness, Twelfth Flagbearer. As you wish."


Hedo slowly unsheathed the long sword strapped to his waist as he spoke.

It was twice the length and thickness of a normal long saber but not as robust as a great saber.

Instead, it had an elegant and agile shape.

For a moment, Murakan showed a doubtful expression as he looked at the sword.

"However, you must understand that my mercy decreases in proportion."

A sharp, tearing sound, as if a needle pierced the eardrum, covered the entire room.

Hedo took a step forward and swung the long sword.

The group couldn't believe how such a huge body like his could move so quickly.

Moreover, the sword's energy did not travel in a single direction.

Although it rotated from the center, the sword's energy formed a giant fan that covered everything in front of Hedo.

A single strike but hundreds of sword energies.

It was a state of "Wave of Swords" that was transmitted as a legend among martial artists.

The sword energy spread like waves, enveloping everything in its path.

The Runcandels raised their energy, raised shields, and used their best sword movements to resist Hedo's attack.


Everyone who faced the sword felt the same.

In the midst of the commotion, the Runcandels couldn't help but ask themselves a question.

'If he attacks like this, won't the Specter Corps be affected too?'

Hedo's sword energy not only threatened the Runcandels but also seemed to be directed towards the Specter Corps.

Although Jin and the others still couldn't deduce the reason, one thing was certain.

Within Zipple, Hedo had the power to trample at will even the Specter Corps.

Does Hedo have an authority that surpasses even Octavia Zipple?

'No, thinking like that might be a bit strange...'

At the moment, Jin sensed something strange in the Specter Corps' attitude.

'If this situation is Hedo rebuking the Specter Corps as a superior for some reason, the Specter Corps should have at least sought forgiveness.

But these guys seem to accept Hedo's attacks as if it were inevitable...



Before he realized it, Hedo's long sword approached Jin and fell on his forehead.

The feeling of just blocking the sword was as if his wrist was about to break.

Before Hedo could retrieve his sword, Murakan and Dyfus attacked him with sword and fist, while Joshua and Jane tried to flank him.

And in the moment when the Runcandels' attacks were about to fall.

Hedo's muscles expanded, and in the next instant, the group had to perceive how their swords and fists pierced and hit not human flesh but something indescribably solid, resembling hard mineral.

The swords and fists bounced off.

Although they attacked hastily, it was the first two Flagbearers, the sword of the Black Knight and the fist of Murakan, who had regained 50% of his strength.

Everyone was shocked, especially Murakan, who had his eyes wide open.

The other Runcandels couldn't divert their gaze from his stunning physique, Murakan was studying his unusually long sword as if something had hit him.

"Uh... that sword. Where did you get it?"

Murakan spoke softly, looking puzzled.

Hedo laughed, tilting his head once.

"What a peculiar question, Black Dragon. By the way, I've heard about your battle prowess from those who went to Gaifa, but it didn't reach this level."

Inside the mask, Murakan's eyes, fixed on Hedo's long sword, trembled.

"Oh, maybe. If you're worried about revealing your true strength because you're concerned about main house support, don't worry. You don't have to worry about reinforcements coming from the clan."



'Ko-Fi' for Adv4nc3 Ch4pt3r(Up to '120' more ch4pt3rs)Publication of up to 6 w33kly ch4pters, thanks.


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