System vs Rebirth

Chapter 1250: Giant Octopus

Chapter 1250: Giant Octopus

Noel and Anna were standing next to each other, observing the chaotic room. Their ship had been swaying violently due to the storm.

The admiral had been ordering the crew to ensure the safety of the ship. Even though they were protected by the barrier, it wouldn't really matter if they ended up flipping.

The crews were also in their stations, making sure the ship was able to continue operating. The rest was making sure to clear the deck unless they needed to be there, preventing anyone from falling into the sea.

Besides, they were fairly strong themselves, so even without Noel and Anna, they wouldn't fall easily.

Still, the storm wasn't the only one they had to endure.

"Activate the barrier!" the admiral suddenly shouted, alarming everyone.

There was no other reason why they had to activate their barrier. The demons were coming.

Noel could feel the number of demons. The fact they were coming must mean they were confident in fighting them.

There would be at least a Superior Demon among them.

Noel's expression turned solemn. Considering their situation, the diva should be coming to help as well. However, to avoid the barrage of attacks from the ship, she would fight at a much deeper level.

The problem would be the Ancient Level Demon. If there was indeed a demon of this level, they would be in trouble.

As Noel expected, the diva was facing numerous demons underneath the water. She needed to fight them fifty meters below the sea surface to avoid getting hit by friendlies.

In addition, it would be bad if people knew her existence, especially since she also brought several people with her.

There were four of them: two were mermaids like her, while the other two were males.

Most of them were holding a harpoon, while one of them held nothing in her hand.

"There are about a thousand of them. I don't think this is all of them, considering I haven't seen any demon that seems to be their leader. I do see several Superior Demons, though. Besides, I don't think we'll be able to stop them all."

"Of course. Our role is just to thin out their number. The rest will depend on themselves. I believe they're strong enough to handle the rest." The diva nodded.

"That's true."

"Get to work. I'm doing this so you guys not only get the experience from crossing the sea, which might be our territory in the future, but also have a higher chance to be picked up next. I want you to have spirits."



All of them swam forth.

The diva waved her hand as the water formed a torrent, carrying all four of them to their respective positions.

Her four subordinates immediately struck several demons in their respective areas.

One of them twisted his harpoon and created a similar torrential flow, gathering several demons in a single place. After that, he thrust his harpoon, killing them.

Another one moved at lightning speed. She took advantage of her pride as the fastest swimmer and killed the demons in rapid succession.

The third one just punched the demon with her fist, destroying them and creating an underwater ripple that affected other demons. Even though she didn't kill many, the demons were weakened by the attacks to the point where they would be too weak to attack the ship even if they managed to reach the surface.

Last but not least, the guy was throwing his harpoon, which somehow went back to him like a boomerang.

However, their dominance soon ended the moment the Superior Demons joined the fight.

Two of them had to stop the approaching Superior Demons.

As a result, the diva gave an order. "Focus on the Superior Demons. The rest will continue handling the lower level demons. Kill as many as possible."


The diva then waved her hand, creating an even bigger torrent that sucked all nearby demons.

Of course, she planned to kill a lot of demons herself.

But because of that very reason, it seemed their leader had no other choice but to come personally.

A giant tentacle suddenly emerged from the depths of the ocean.

"!!!" The diva couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

The presence was moving fast and the tentacle was so long that it could reach her easily.

The tentacle slapped the torrent and neutralized it.

A giant octopus emerged from the darkness, which made the dive worry. The battle between them seemed unavoidable.

'Is the giant octopus coming here because of my power?'

If this was true, it meant the diva was the one bringing the ancient demon. She might have to distance herself from the ship because of that very reason.

It would have been better if the storm was the cause.

Nevertheless, there was no way to check it. Besides, this would be a good fight that only she could do.

Even though her power focused on its regenerative property, she could still fight as one of the elders of the Beast Kingdom.

But it seemed that Noel and Anna had noticed this giant octopus as well.

They were releasing their spiritual energy at full force as if trying to say they were here and wanted to fight the Ancient Demon.

The diva frowned. Then again, Noel would probably need the Ancient Demon not only for its material but also for its core.

In the end, the diva raised her hands, creating a torrential flow that would push the giant octopus to the surface.

The octopus was fighting back the torrent at first, almost neutralizing it. But because of the burst of the spiritual energy from the surface, it realized it would be better to take care of them instead.

The diva chose to stay to thin out their numbers so that Noel and Anna could focus on this octopus. Besides, it would be good to have her around if another ancient demon was coming, which ended up confirming her theory.

On the surface, the soldiers who were busy fighting the demons were startled by tentacles suddenly emerging from the sea.

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