Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1189 - The Child of Light

Chapter 1189: The Child of Light

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Sword Shield Rose battle team sent on Ouyang Chuanyun in the first match. His choice of mech was Aslan’s highly recommended Holy Light series runic mech.

Knight of the Holy Light.

Representing the Child of Light was Mertee, and he chose the Maya’s Mantis, which had an energy conversion of twenty percent. In fact, the Mayans did not think that there was anything that could stop them. This time they used their killer move. Given their control of energy, even if the mech was in a dormant state, and at minimum consumption, it could still be detonated by the ode of death. A certain degree of damage to the mech would suffice. If there was complete restraint, needless to say, termination would be easy.

The various teams and even countries had been studying this issue during this period of time, but in the end, they found that this problem was unsolvable. Fortunately, there was only a small proportion of Mayans who could convert more than twenty percent of the energy. In fact, it was the same as the human experts. Such people were small in quantities and posed little threat.

However, in a battle competition, either opponent could be unlucky. As long as you wanted to win, you would have to either suppress your opponent, and not allow your opponent an opportunity to perform, or perish together.

As soon as Ouyang Chuanyun entered the arena, the audience started to cheer. The Sword Shield Rose battle team seemed particularly relaxed for this match.

It was uncertain if the Aslan people were pretending to be relaxed. Regardless of your identity, you would be regarded as a soldier once you were on the battlefield. No one would be merciful because of your identity, especially since the opponent was the Mayans.

“Come on, Brother Ouyang!” Qian Xuedie “howled” as well. The young lady appeared particularly excited.

Ouyang Ruoliu needed to be calmer. This was her own brother. However, Aslan’s aristocrats were different, it was rare to have good-for-nothing rich children. On the contrary, the elites are often produced from the best education with superior resources. This was a vast difference from the pleasures of the other countries. Of course, in the Aslan people’s aristocratic circle, extravagant things were still available. Although to have the honour, it was still necessary to look at the achievements in the military, political affairs, economics, and technology. In any case, one of the subjects was required; otherwise, they would be despised. As for the overstated things, it was a norm, given the wealth of Aslan.

This was another state of abundance.

The Knight of the Holy Light and the Maya’s Mantis entered the battlefield. The Holy Light series was also the first runic mech mass produced by the humans. It had proven its performance in the previous match. However, when confronted with the Maya’s Mantis, could it dispel it?

The battle began amidst countless cheers.

From the appearance, the two mecha were very elegant and splendid. It was indeed not the type that everyone was used to seeing. In the CT system, everyone might have seen or even experienced it, but watching the real mech live was a completely different perception.

The Maya’s Mantis began to attack. An array of energy beams blasted towards the opponent. A swing of the left hand of the Knight of Holy Light, and the energy light shield appeared. This energy light shield covered most of the mech. At the same time, it did not affect its agility. This improvement solely was enough to cause the transformation of the mecha of various countries. The physical form of the energy shield would gradually withdraw from the historical stage. The full-coverage-type energy shield was bulky and energy consuming. Presented with this superior technology, its flaws were revealed clearly.

Merte’s energy attack was very swift. For the Mayans, the higher the physical transformation, the better they would be able to coordinate with the mech, At the same time, they could better control the subtleties of the energy.

This was the unique aspect of the Mayan civilization, and it was also something that the others could not imitate. The light beams were getting more rapid. In an instant, the two beams penetrated through the energy shield, and actually drew an arc and attacked from behind.

This was the weakness of the energy light shield. It was unable to provide a hundred percent defence. This problem had certainly been raised by many people. But in general, the benefits of this energy shield outweighed the disadvantages.

This was the weakness of the energy light shield. It was unable to provide a hundred percent defence. This problem had certainly been raised by many people. But in general, the benefits of this energy shield outweighed the disadvantages.

Ouyang Chuanyun and the others did not have to adapt to such actual combat at all. This was because they rarely used virtual warfare training. On the contrary, they often used the mecha for practices. Aslan’s royal family and nobles were very clear about one thing: all the glories and status were accumulated by strength. Born into sorrow and die into peace. The decline of the Solar System was a result of this. Drawing from past experiences, every adult male had to serve in the military service, and this included the Aslan royal family and the nobility. No excuse could be used to avoid military service, otherwise it would be equivalent to going against the entire system. No one could be spared.


The energy beams blasted past continuously. The Knight of Holy Light rotated rapidly, avoiding the approaching energy beams. The Maya’s Mantis was not good with melee. However, everyone knew that the Mayan Mantis had an invincible attack. If the distance was too far, it would not be as effective. If it was close enough, the attack could be released easily. Nonetheless, the Knight of the Holy Light did not seem to have a scruple.

Merte was still using energy attacks. It was not that he did not want to use the Maya’s Mantis, but unless it was a last resort, he did not want to kill his opponent. This was after all, Aslan’s home ground, and Ouyang Chuanyun was also an Aslan nobile. Once the ode of death ripples was applied, it could not be terminated. With his capability, even in a dormant state, he could still silence his opponent. Although it was actual combat, the Mayans were not ignorant of the ways of the world.

Locatelli had already reminded him of this before the match. Victory was, of course, of foremost importance. The Mayans had no cause to fear the Aslan people.

Merte could control the form of the energy. Ouyang Chuanyun’s Knight of Holy Light could not get close as a result of this type of energy attacks. On the other hand, Merte’s Maya’s Mantis was thrusting forward. The humans’ energy technology could not threaten them.

He just needed a close physical attack, but could he get close enough?

On the battlefield, the Knight of Holy Light was performing all sorts of dazzling movements to evade the attacks. The performance of this mech was certainly an eye opener for everyone, but it was useless. Any ordinary equivalent laser attacks were useless against the Mayans’ Crystals. This was similar for the Holy Light series. The Mayan technology was still dominating the humans.

To most people, the Mayans and the Atlanteans both represented a more sophisticated civilization. After all, they had been around longer than the humans.

“Ouyang’s temper is still the same.” Qian Yunzhuo shook his head helplessly.

“Let him play a little. Take it as a demonstration of the performance of our new mech,” said Eve Litt faintly.

Aslan and Arbiter had very different styles. Arbiter was strict and restricted any display of personality. But Aslan was different. Under the rules and the premise of pursuing victory, they paid attention to personality and encourage individuality. Countless individualities formed a whole entity, and this was its truly greatest strength. This was also a path for the Aslan people.

Ouyang Chuanyun, who had been evading, suddenly thrust forward and broke through the energy net. His speed was lightning fast. Ouyang Chuanyun was actually rather upset because the performance of the mech was too good, and he had no room to demonstrate his ability fully. Even though you need to be individualistic, you could not be too wilful.

There was not much difference in Merte’s clear face. Suddenly, an energy light curtain separated the two mecha. Ouyang Chuanyun’s Knight of Holy Light rushed forward without hesitation.

The energy light curtain was like a very strong wall, and delayed the Knight of Holy Light. Merte’s Maya’s Mantis began to fight back. At such close range, it could hit the light beams vigorously with intensity.

Not only did the Knight of Holy Light not retreat, the engine roared and accelerated forward. The runes on the body lit up immediately, and the stagnation effect disappeared instantly. The mech suddenly thrusted forward at the Maya’s Mantis at full speed.

The Aslans in the audience cheered. This was obviously the superior performance of the Aslan’s mech. The Mayans could equip themselves with technology in other countries and pretend to be powerful, but it was useless in front of the Aslans.

The misjudgement by the Maya’s Mantis, and all the attacks fell through. The Knight of Holy Light instantly attacked, and the Rune Sword swept forward. This was a little too easy.

Merte was expressionless, and the radiance from his body flashed, and the entire Maya’s Mantis also resonated. Growling…

The Maya’s Mantis disappeared. The Knight of Holy Light appeared behind it in the next moment, and to the left side in the next second… the right side… the top…

Growling… constantly switching between seven or eight positions.

This was the streaming lights that the Mayans had used previously!

It was completely derived from the super-streamline traits and materials of the crystals. Together with the energy resonance of the Mayans, this type of attack was formed. On the road to the Mayan technology evolution, practicality was the priority, and giving up what was not necessary. Having energy was equivalent to having power. The only thing that needed next was – speed!

Unfortunately, light possessed energy and speed, that was why they were the Child of Light!

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