Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1196 - Five Elements Warrior

Chapter 1196: Five Elements Warrior

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Locatelli’s eyes shone brightly. Captured!

Suddenly, the two energy warriors shone brightly. This was the rhythm to an explosion. Mobile energy bomb!

Lin Feng’s Ability X had variations. The variations in energy were even more astonishing. It could kill!

Lin Feng’s expression was not solemn, still the same slight smile, except it appeared more excited.

“Frozen — Absolute Silence!”

The two energy warriors that were about to explode suddenly froze.

Ai Zhengyang could not help but frown. This monster. If the discussion was about a single ability, Ai Zhengyang absolutely believed that he was the most powerful Ice attribute warrior. However, he had been shaken by the state of this Ice ability.

The instant freezing could even seal energy. In the next moment, the Knight of Holy Light broke free. There was an explosion behind him, and the alarm was raised.

The Sun God Battle Crystal that was obviously on the opposite side had disappeared, and it suddenly appeared diagonally above.

Rumble, rumble, rumble…

The Rune Sword and the laser sword interlocked continuously, and managed to dodge five energy bombs strikes at the same time. The arena was in a bad shape as a result of the raging bombardments.


A horrifying chill started to spread. However, the Sun God Battle Crystal also used the streaming lights unceasingly. The speed was the fastest in the SIG, which was definitely against heaven’s will, and it squarely broke loose just as it was being frozen. It then pierced straight into the energy wall, disappearing without a trace

In the next instant, the Sun God Battle Crystal walked out from the energy wall that was on the opposite side.

Travelling energy!

The entire arena was filled with silence. They were stunned by the frightening battle skills of the two warriors. Lin Feng had already displayed four abilities – dark, ice, fire and wind, and all highly skilled. He had already broken Wang Zheng’s monopoly in this SIG. Wang Zheng was not the only one in this world to be skilled in multiple Ability Xs.

Matt Locatelli, the prince of Maya, had also shown the warriors in the Milky Way Alliance the might of the God of Energy, and the terrifying battling modes.

Relying on the energy wall, Locatelli could virtually move in stealth mode like the shadows.

Freezing his opponent was probably the only chance for Ling Feng to turn the tables in his favour. After the energy avatars were frozen, Matt Locatelli should be very cautious. Essentially, this was the only move that had posed a threat against him.

However, both parties were locked in a stalemate. He was, after all, a living organism. Even if there was integration of energy, it was still impossible to travel through the energy quality indefinitely. Just as the humans could communicate with the universe, it should still be within the endurance of the physical body.

Both parties were demonstrating the limits. It was now a matter of who was more extreme.

The big screens were showing the close-up profiles of the two warriors. Matt Locatelli’s crystal-clear face was showing signs of solemn warfare. But Lin Feng… smiled.

His smile like a breeze in the springtime – he was so confident, so happy.

Was this a battle for life and death?

Suddenly, a ray of light slashed out instantly and appeared in front of the Sun God Battle Crystal at an extraordinary speed, even before the arrival of the Knight of Holy Light. The Rune Sword was burning with black flames. At the same time, a flaming cage suddenly appeared around the two mecha. But a layer of ice wall appeared from the ground, blocking all the retreat routes

He was giving Locatelli absolutely no chance for escape. Tight encirclement!

Let’s fight to the end!

Sword strike — Fire Prison Ice Cage Dark Dragon Kills!

Matt Locatelli could not deal with this sort of confrontation. Furthermore, he could neither make contact with the streaming lights nor the energy shield wall on the ground. The moment he blocked them, he would be killed by Lin Feng.

Finally… it was still Aslan. This Knight of Holy Light had used an ability similar to Atlantis’ Phantom King – energy-based runic movement.

No one had expected such an outcome. Lin Feng still had more tricks up his sleeves. He had used three Ability Xs simultaneously. This was indeed a case of being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Just then, the Sun God Battle Crystal began to dim. It was common knowledge that the Mayans mechs were bright and shiny. The brighter it was, the stronger it was. But the sudden differences were really odd.


Lin Feng was not taking things lightly in the battle for life and death. If he did, death would’ve been a certainty for him.

The sword struck unceremoniously.

The dark aura of the sword… emptiness.

The sword’s aura penetrated the Sun God Battle Crystal. However, the Sun God Battle Crystal, who was carrying the dark radiance, pounced on the Knight of Holy Light with a dark gloomy atmosphere. A piece of the mech was devoured by a mere touch on the side.


The Knight of Holy Light returned to its original position. The remnant image of the Sun God Battle Crystal shattered before his eyes.

The dark gloom disappeared. The Sun God Battle Crystal returned to its bright and shiny state.

Maya’s profound wisdom – Secondary Element form.

The big screens showed the replay instantly. Lin Feng’s attack brought a sense of hopelessness. The instant interchange and combination of Ability X were unbreakable. Yet, the Mayan still deciphered it. Subspace state.

Although everyone was able to see the Sun God Battle Crystal, that was just an illusion. Under such circumstances, no form of attack would be fatal, because the actual physical body was in subspace.

This was perhaps the superior skills of the super warriors of Maya.

Matt Locatelli’s crystal clear face was beginning to show signs of weariness. This ability also brought a lot of strain to his body.

There was a suffocating atmosphere in the battlefield. Not advancing to the semi-finals did not necessarily mean that lady luck was not smiling on them. In fact, from a certain aspect, it was good fortune not to be in the semi-finals, because confronting such an opponent meant staring at reincarnation every minute.

Lin Feng smiled, and this smile was given a very clear close-up. It was such a happy and radiant smile.

“So, this is the legendary subspace form. The legendary wisdom of the Mayan warriors. This strike is a salutation to the great civilisation. It is an honour!”

The runes of the Knight of Holy Light were glowing. The Rune Sword was pointed towards the sky. “Burst of fire!”

The Rune Sword burst into a red light instantly. It did not attract any flame, but rather originated purely from the five elements themselves!

“Fire breeds life, the thickness of the earth!”

The Rune Sword moved a little, and the colour of the sky and the atmosphere changed from flaming hot to heaviness.

“Earth breeds metal. The fierceness of metal!”

The golden light shot through the sky. The sharp aura of the metal was indestructible!

Once again, the Rune Sword moved a little. “Metal breeds water. The lingering of water!”

The sharpness of the metal interchanged into the lingering of moisturising, filling up the space. Wang Zheng could not take his eyes off it. A second Five Elements warrior, and his understanding seemed to be deeper than his own. For the water element, he had used ice as a substitution. It was obvious that he had better control of it.


The Rune Sword returned. “Wood of the Five Elements, the life of Wood, and the Five Elements become one. Living eternally!”

The blade of the Rune Sword turned into white light. The irrepressible overbearing power scattered out. Even before it struck, it seemed to have the bearing for total destruction.

Locatelli’s Battle Crystal was also shining brightly. The energy shield was at his feet, constantly transmitting energy. An energy wall formed in front of the Battle Crystal, launching layer by layer.

Stacking energy defence!

Ability X had to hit the physical body to be effective, and the energy shield wall could defend it.

Furthermore, he still had a killer move. He could still use the Secondary Elementary technique one more time. That was enough. As long as he could defend against it, his opponent would be dead!

Lin Feng took one strike with his sword!

A ray of light flashed before everyone. Growling…

Layers and layers of energy shield ripped apart like sheets of paper. In the next moment, Locatelli’s Sun God Battle Crystal entered the Secondary Element.

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