Terror Infinity

Vol 15 Chapter 10-2

Vol 15 Chapter 10-2

Zheng buried his killing intent deep down his heart the next day. He cooperated with Umbrella Corporation’s researches and went back and forth between his room and the laboratory. His performance was decent so the researchers gradually got to know him. He also learned a lot about the Corporation from these researchers. This facility was advertised as the headquarter to the public but it was only one of the several largest facilities they had. Not even the researchers knew where the true headquarter was.

“Rumors said the true headquarter is located in a desert. However, that’s just rumors. This facility is the largest one people know about.” This was one of the rumors Zheng heard.

Then there were the reports regarding his cells. No matter how the researchers experimented, normal people injected with his cells would only strengthen their bodies to twice a regular person’s. Which was on par with injecting just dragon blood. This phenomenon caused a lot of headaches for the researchers. If Zheng was as weak to begin with, they could attribute it to the G virus being weak. However, he showed strength that was ten times that of a normal person and perhaps even more. This signified their research was going at the wrong direction. Normal people withstanding Zheng’s cells from going out of control was one question but the researchers couldn’t even extract the potential of the G virus. Ten days passed with similar results. Which led to the disappearance of several researchers. A few dozen new researchers took their place.

Zheng watched apathetically as a bystander on the disappearance and coming of the researchers. These people were going to die anyway. There was no difference dying to the Corporation or to him. And because he behaved well during these days, he was allowed to move among a large area. He could visit Alice freely now. This main character was submerged in a nutrition liquid. She still needed several more days to recover. The day she regained conscious would be the day team China’s attack began.

“It’s soon.” Zheng lay on the bed and murmured. The time was at night. The masking on the facility became weaker every day at this time. He also only had five minutes a day to communicate with the rest of the team via soul link.

“Zheng, can you hear me?” Lan’s voice gradually became clear and appeared in his mind.

Zheng smiled. “Lan, I have told you many times not to break in too early. It will consume your psyche force. Are you an idiot? Psyche force takes much longer to recover unlike stamina.”

Lan giggled. “I didn’t begin early. I contacted you right on time. Stop thinking that I am always so concerned about you. Xuan has obtained the map to the facilities. Let me connect your minds.”

Several seconds later, Xuan’s calm voice appeared. “I have cracked the map of the facilities. I am going to send it to your mind now. The highest executive in these two buildings is a board member named Richard. You can hold him under duress on the day Alice wakes. The rest will depend on your follow up. Destroy these two buildings.”

Zheng didn’t say a word. He was memorizing the maps that appeared in his mind. Several minutes later, the maps disappeared. Their five minutes were up. Zheng recalled the maps to familiarize himself with them.

Time never stopped. Zheng could get in touch with more and more things within the facility due to his good behavior. Aside from the most classified items like the model of the Nemesis or the newest Lickers, he saw the specimen of the zombies infected with T virus and their internal organs.

The most shocking specimen and the one that made him felt anger was a girl about eight to nine years old. She floated peacefully inside a container. Her lower body consisted of skinless red muscle like that of the Lickers. The researchers explained she was the product of genetic transfer. They injected a Licker's cells into her and part of her body mutated. The result was this half human half Licker.

Zheng’s eyes turned red as he saw everything. He didn’t say a word and just turned around and left the specimen display room. The steel handle that he grabbed was crushed.

He lived the next few days like this and counted the time until Alice would wake. He had seen too much. His heart was filled with anger. He hadn’t felt such anger since the battle against team India. If he didn’t let the anger out, he was afraid it would hurt him.

Fortunately, he was allowed to see something other than the specimen. Umbrella Corporation had hidden surveillance cameras. He found some videos from the time of the second movie. Videos such as scenes of team Devil massacring zombies and the power his clone displayed.

Inside the video, team Devil was on a bus. They hadn’t brought out their Sky Sticks at the time. Maybe they were simply toying with team China and didn’t catch up to them. When they encountered a large swarm of zombies, it was clone Zheng who fought them alone. He stood on the street in front of the swarm of zombies and Lickers. A pair of bat wings spread from his back and he was holding a two handed sword engulfed in a dark flame. His image seemed like that of a demon.

Clone Zheng had powers unimaginable to Zheng. When the two of them fought, he barely entered the unlocked mode before he killed Zheng. In the video, he swung the sword and the dark flame spread in a cone. All zombies and Lickers that came in contact were devoured by the flame and burned to ashes.

His speed was also extremely fast. He didn’t seem like he made any movements but he was already at the other end of the screen in the next second. This speed surpassed Zheng in his Explosion mode. What gave Zheng a chill was clone Zheng didn’t seem to put in all his efforts. He casually swung the sword as he flew. The only word to describe this battle was leisurely.

Zheng rewatched the video dozens of times. He found that he couldn’t discover any weakness on clone Zheng. The movements, speed, power, and even the state of his mind were perfect.

This was the first time Zheng questioned the power of Destruction. He didn’t know if he could defeat this powerful clone. He wasn’t sure even if he were to use Destruction.

Finally, the day that Alice woke up had come. The middle age man left the experiments on the G virus and headed to Alice. In his words, Alice was the most outstanding test subject aside from Zheng. The Corporation wanted to keep Alice even after they obtained Zheng.

Zheng didn’t go to see her. He put on the four mithril rings then followed the map Xuan gave him and headed to the executive office.

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