Terror Infinity

Vol 19 Chapter 6-5

The opportunity for demonstration quickly came with the arrival of the Japanese navy. These measly few ships represented an absolute force in Shanghai, enough to bombard and barricade the whole city if Xuan and WangXia were not here.

The Japanese’s retaliation came too fast. People did not get the two to three days of buffer they expected and terror clouded the whole city. The citizens did not know that these ships were originally headed toward the Pacific Ocean. It was the unexpected incident in Shanghai that drew the ships to the city by orders.

Xuan and WangXia led the influential people to the harbor as chaos was imminent to Shanghai. There was not a single other person on this busy harbor. The Japanese navy brought to it tranquility. The ships halted some distance from the harbor without firing. Many concessions were located not far from the harbor so any shots could carry drastic outcomes. The ships’ order was only to barricade Shanghai and not bombard the harbor. A destroyed harbor would require many men and supplies to repair after the recapture.

WangXia was a person that would take the citizens’ well being into consideration and refrain from going overboard. Xuan on the other hand truly did not care for the lives of the citizens, whether they belonged to Japan, the U.S. or the Communist Party. His plans always centered around team China. This Xuan wouldn’t change until he stepped into the fourth stage.

Upon arrival at the harbor, WangXia held onto his silver plate and said to Xuan, “The tactical nukes are wrapped inside Demon Energy and are invisible to the bare eyes. Are you sure you want to enhance their power with Demon Energy also? I am afraid the power might destroy the harbor.”

Xuan gazed at the ships in the distance and replied, “It doesn’t matter anymore — Maybe I should say this is step two of the plan.”

WangXia was confused and quickly followed up, “What do you mean? Why is destroying the harbor your second step?”

Xuan gave him a smile then turned to the other people. “The Japanese navy is planning to block off Shanghai’s harbors. The situation looks like surrendering is not an option. Their ships won’t come near the city and you won’t be able to escape before their army captures Shanghai. My request is only one thing, assist me in finding the Buddha statue, or let the world fall to destruction… Watch clearly. This is a bit from the Buddha statue. Its power will far exceed your imagination!” He took out a piece of rock from his bag. The rock floated as soon as it came out.

WangXia nearly cried upon seeing it. He halted himself and immediately contacted Xuan through the silver plate. “Did — did you really scrape a piece off the Buddha head? We would be done if we lose this piece. How could you…”

“It’s something else.” Xuan said. “Leftover from the materials used for the Sky Stick. This new material has anti-gravity property but crafting is difficult and has other flaws.”

Xuan answered then threw the rock to WangXia. He said aloud, “Use it to destroy the Japanese ships.”

WangXia caught the rock. It was cool to the touch. The piece appeared like a rock but was metal on the inside. He nodded then stepped onto the Sky Stick.

The influential people’s eyes twitched from the sight. Their eyes became fixed at the Sky Stick. It did not excrete any flame or air because it was powered by Qi. The Sky Stick had a faint sheen to it when it floated. The flat and smooth shape looked nothing like a mechanical object to these people. It was instead similar to a flying sword. Those who were Chinese indeed murmured ‘flying sword’ and the foreigners dropped their jaws. A mix of fanaticism and greed took over their faces when WangXia levitated.

The people here had great power in Shanghai and obtained detailed reports of team China since the first incident that they caused. The reports described their powers in depth and one of the point was the flying swords. However, these people wouldn’t believe such rumors given their status. But the actual sight of this legendary item drew out the fanaticism inside them more than any other people.

Gods and Xian were beings of immortality in Chinese mythology. No one ever imagined that they actually existed in the world. Even if the truth behind team China were one in ten thousand, even if all they could beg for was a pill, the temptation was immense for mere mortals. Money, political power, and authorities would follow them to the grave after a few decades. However, the temptation of living hundreds of years and perhaps forever could drive anyone in this world crazy. This desire erupted from their hearts when they believed Xuan and WangXia to be gods and Xian.

WangXia flew toward the ships. The ships weren’t packed next to each other so that they could quickly retaliate without losing formation when under assault. The Japanese navy officers were well trained. Or else they wouldn’t have obtained a series of victories after attacking Pearl Harbor. Coincidences did not exist in large scale battles as they did in small scale battles.

WangXia wasn’t in the mood to ponder. A sense of anger continued to build up the closer he came to the ships. He was a typical nationalist youth. He knew this world was nothing more than a movie world created by God. Yet, the sight of the Japanese army displaying their arrogance in Chinese land ignited a sea of anger within him. The biggest shame of a soldier wasn’t losing the battle, but to witness the things that he protected getting smashed. Even without the order from Xuan, he was going to enhance the tactical nukes upon battle. He did not have the rationality to consider the aftermath of the harbor at this moment.

WangXia came near the ships in the blink of an eye with the speed of the Sky Stick. All his Demon Energy concentrated together. The three tactical nukes slowly floated down. He also created several bomb creatures that accompanied the tactical nukes. These creatures were the key to enhancing the nukes’ power.

Once done, WangXia headed back to the harbor on the Sky Stick. The navies on the ships finally registered and started a commotion because it was not even a minute from WangXia’s appearance and flying away.

Three bright spots suddenly burst with radiance when WangXia returned to the harbor. Several on the harbor who never took their eyes off the ships covered their eyes with their hands and wailed. The rest had to turn their heads away. Three mushroom clouds rose from the sea as the ships were crushed to pieces. Huge tidal waves swept toward the harbor along with the shockwaves.

The first ships that met the tidal waves, both big and small, were thrown over. Many crashed into each other or carried inside the tidal waves. The forty meter high waves and countless remains of wrecked ships razed the buildings on the harbor and continued onward to the people standing there.

Out on the ocean, the mushroom cloud was still roiling but the Japanese navy could no longer be seen.

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