The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 354 An Agreement With Uncle Jin

Chapter 354 An Agreement With Uncle Jin

Jack heaved a sigh of relief when Jin removed the katana from Maynard's chest and put away his swords.

"I'm glad you like him, Uncle Jin," Jack chimed in as he threw an arm around the god. "What do you say about joining us in Trodar? Eedaj is moving there soon and Daruun will be staying at the Leisure Guild for a while."

"Jack, I'll come back to the world when I feel like it, but for now, I'll keep to myself," Jin replied, throwing his arm over Jack's shoulder. "Give me some time and I might come to see if you've got a place fitting for me."

"Do you need a waterfall?" asked Jack. "If so, I'll have one prepared for you. Whatever you want, just name it."

Dropping the smile, Jin stared into Jack's eyes. "I want to know where to find Tyres."

"Oh… that's all? What if I tell you where to find his temple?"

"You can do that?!" Like before, Jin grabbed Jack by the shoulders and started squeezing tighter and tighter as his enthusiasm grew. "Tell me, Nephew! Where can I find that traitor?"

Realizing that Jack had accidentally tripped on a landmine in their earlier conversation, Jack chuckled nervously. "Jin, what are you planning to do if I tell you?"

"I'll kill the man, what else?" Jin replied, looking back at Jack as if the hero was stupid.

"Uncle Jin, I don't think now's the time to--"

"Nephew, please tell me where to find him. After I track that pestro down, I'll come to Trodar and I'll owe you a favor," Jin offered, tempting Jack.

Jack's hopes of finding a shortcut in his plans were shattered as Jin's determination to get revenge was too strong for the god to ignore. Nothing Jack could think of would be enticing enough for the God of Discipline.

"Tell you what, if you stay in Trodar for a year, then I'll help you track down Tyres and I'll make sure no one will get in the way of your duel," Jack added. "How's that sound, Uncle."

Jin shook his head. "That's tempting, but a man must handle his own grudges. I'll take care of Tyres on my own, just tell me where to find him."

"I… One second, okay?" Jack then pulled out his contact crystal and shouted, "Tralon! Give the crystal to Daruun!"

"Jack, that won't be necessary," Daruun spoke simply, covering the vast distance with his voice alone for Jack and Jin to hear. "It's okay to tell him, Jack. But, Jin, please don't act too foolishly. Even if it means retreating and striking again another day, promise me you'll turn tail if anyone besides Tyres joins your fight."

"But Daruun--"


"... Fine. I promise to make a strategic retreat should I fail to isolate Tyres or we're interrupted," Jin agreed.

"Good, then go ahead and tell him, Jack. Also, Daliea and you should leave immediately for Korten," Daruun added before ending the conversation.

Sighing, Jack looked to his party then back to Jin. With a quick check in the map tab, Jack located what Jin was after. "Uncle Jin, at the moment Tyres's hidden temple is in… the Zuran Empire?"

"What part of the Zuran Empire?" asked Jin, not wanting to miss it by accident.

"To the southeast. It's not quite on the border of Reinolt or Polt, but it's not far from that corner of Zuran."

"What's Reinolt?"

Looking back to Jin, Jack asked, "You don't know that the Zuran Empire was broken into four, like Trodar?"

"Trodar broke into four?!" Surprised, Jin ruffled his goatee with his fingers. "Who knew?"

"Uncle Jin, how long have you been holed up in here?"

Jin started to count with his fingers before holding up nine of them. "Almost nine centuries."

"Nine centuries?!"

"What? I have a training regimen that I can't skip on, Nephew. That's why a waterfall is crucial for helping me clear my mind!" reasoned Jin, not helping his case much. "But thanks for the information, Nephew. I look forward to rejoining you in Trodar in the future."

"Wait!" Jack grabbed Jin by the arm, not letting the god escape so easily. "What does your legendary blessing do for Maynard? Can't you at least explain that much?"

"Oh, right…" Jin smiled warmly and looked to his new and only disciple. "Maynard, you're now my lead disciple so disappoint me. Like me do earlier, my blessing offers two things: the ability to phase objects or people and the ability to harness your potential energy, bringing it out of yourself to form extra appendages."

"Then, I can summon two spare arms like ya did earlier," asked Maynard.

Jin nodded. "Yes, but it'll take practice and training. With enough training, anything is possible."

Suddenly, six arms formed from Jin's back and chest. They moved in perfect sync and reacted as if they were genuinely a part of the god's body. Jin's smile showed his natural confidence, but Jack doubted whether his uncle was trying to inspire Maynard or to show off.

"It will take some time to learn this skill, but you'll still be able to phase objects and people," added Jin. "Just make sure to practice, practice, practice because controlling the blade while it's phasing is incomparable to wielding a regular katana."

"I'll make sure to train well, Master Jin." Maynard bowed again as the god waved and then disappeared.

"Tell my niece that she can eat the entire barrier if she wants. I don't need it anymore!"

Jin's voice echoed within the chamber, reminding the party about Lina. They looked up and laughed. The hydra girl was nearly done devouring the barrier already, savoring the delicate energy left behind by the god.

'Hurry up, Lina. We've got to get moving.'

'Okay, Big Bro!' Lina replied, picking up the pace of her snacking.

Eliza walked to Jack and smiled. She released the three beasts from earlier. "I know they missed meeting Jin, but at least they can see how cool the shrine is."

Jack chuckled. "Eliza, you know I wasn't kidding around when I called him uncle, right? According to Daruun, all of the Neutral Gods are like an adopted family, sons and daughters of Daruun."

"Does that mean I'm the God of Fate's granddaughter?" Catching on quickly, Eliza smiled and reminisced on being a part of such an amazing family tree.

"Then… I'm also his granddaughter," added Maura, leaning into Jack's side. "Right?"

"Right." Jack hugged her and then sighed. "Now… Daruun just told me that I've got to leave for Korten immediately."

"Alright, then let's--"

"Taking Appa will be too slow, Eliza," Jack cut her off. "Me, you, and Daliea will be clinging to Phoro for dear life as he takes us there. Sorry…"

"You're leaving us again?" Maura asked. "How long will you be this time?"

"I'm only in a hurry become Daruun gave me a three-day time limit, so you know that I'll be back soon," replied Jack, calming Maura. "Everyone else should just take Appa to Gilga. I'm sure Rydel can lead the way, right?"

"That I can do," Rydel proudly stated.

"Also, Hurry up and drink this, Maynard." Jack tossed the samurai another bottle of life spring water. "It's strong enough to heal your wound, but be careful for a few hours."

"Thanks, Jack." Maynard gladly drained the bottle and wiped his face of any leftover drops.

Jack chuckled, "Don't thank me, I just don't think Eliza would like for you to dirty Appa's freshly cleaned feathers."

Laughing, Eliza wrapped her arms around Jack and pecked his cheek. "Thanks."

All smiles, Jack then looked to Daliea, who shied away from looking Jack in the eye while he was surrounded by his wives.

"Daliea, we've got to go, now. Let's hurry out of here, okay?"

"Alright. I'll follow you," stated Daliea, feeling better now that she was included. And when she looked to Eliza, the enchantress was showing off a big smile.

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