The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 382 Daruun's Departure

Chapter 382 Daruun“s Departure

When the sun rose the following morning, the entire city still had a buzz. Even though no common citizens managed to personally attend the grand wedding, they were able to watch it take place, thanks to a projection created by Daruun. It was the talk of the city, somehow making its way into every conversation across Gilga.

That morning Jack woke up to a pleasant sight. The smaller elf woman was in his arms, having fallen asleep in his chest.

Carefully, Jack ran his fingers through her hair as he took in the situation.

A lot had happened since his arrival in Kartonia. His entire world had changed, literally. Now, he was regarded as a hero by many and had three beautiful wives, which he had finally grown accustomed to living and traveling with. Also, he had made some amazing friends, unlike anything he ever had before in his lonely life. With his friends, he finally felt a sense of companionship that no online party ever had given Jack in the past.

Maybe it was because everything was real now, but Jack was glad to finally have a party of his own. In the past, he had made fun of such groups yet now he was happier than ever to be a part of one.

Sure, he had some rough patches so far. Jack had also experienced death in a way that was rare in his past world, losing two party members on two different occasions due to their self-sacrifice. If it hadn't been for either of those two, Jack understood that he would've died a long time ago.

His head was clear and sharper than ever. But there were still plenty of things that Jack still needed to confront or decide.

"What's on your mind?" Daliea's soft voice caught Jack's attention.

Smiling tenderly, Jack answered, "A lot… but also not a lot… I'm just trying to take it all in, I guess."

"Well, is there any way I can help my husband?"

"No, I wouldn't want to worry my wife so soon after the wedding. I'm sure you'll be plenty worried later when I get some crazy idea or try something stupid again," chuckled Jack.

Daliea leaned her head into Jack's chest. "It sounds like you're finally back."

"What do you mean?"

"Back to the Jack I met before we left Reinolt."

"Oh… I didn't realize I was gone for so long," sighed Jack.

"I'm sure Maura will be glad to have you back too," added Daliea. "I think she missed that confident, playful Jack more than any of us."

"Really? I guess I'll have to make it up to here, then." Jack gave Daliea a quick peck on the forehead, before letting her go. He got up and started getting dressed. "Come on, we still have to speak with Daruun before he leaves."

"Okay…" Daliea playfully sighed.

They both readied themselves for the day and then hurried to Jack's office. There, everyone was waiting for them with smiles and curious looks.

"Sorry to take so long." Jack walked up to Maura and Eliza, giving each of them a quick kiss on the cheek. "Did you miss me?"

Maura blushed a little, replying, "A little…"

"Next time, let's all sleep together. That way you won't miss me either," replied Eliza, getting Maura to blush more, as well as Daliea.

"Now that we're all here, I can finally say my goodbyes," stated Daruun, grabbing the attention of the four of them and everyone else. "Jack, I don't think we need to say goodbye, but know that I'm proud to have you as a grandson as well as my sole representative on Kartonia."

Turning to the three gods near him, Daruun added, "It was also a pleasure to see my sons again, and I'm so glad to see them getting along."

"Of course, Pops," Guuro chuckled. "Why should we bicker like the other gods? If we argued too much, then I'd end up ugly. How else has Pestro become the icon of hideousness other than his foul temper?"

Sterfen laughed heartily and threw his arm around Guuro. "And should any god act out of line, I'll take care of them. If not, then how will Guuro be able to sleep so soundly?"

"Great!" Daruun chuckled as well, now turning to Eedaj. "Take care of Trodar. Soon, you'll have others to help you with that, but for now, it's on you."

"Consider it done, Father." Eedaj bowed his head, all smiles.

"Then, I'll be off. Take care, everyone!"

A brilliant flash of light filled the room like it always did when Daruun made an entrance or an exit. But Daruun was still standing there as it ended.

Jack didn't understand what was going on, so he asked, "Why are you still here?"

"You haven't noticed yet, have you?" Daruun replied with a question.

Looking around, Jack caught on to the situation. Everyone else in the room was completely still and there was no sound apart from Jack's and Daruun's voices.

"I see," chuckled Jack. "So you did want to talk about something after all."

"I thought it was fitting for us to speak freely before I left. You'll be glad to know that Appa is now the mutual companion of Eliza, leaving you with the ability to pick up one more companion."

"That's good, but that's not why you did all this, right?"

"Doing this, I wanted to help you not feel overly burdened with your big decision," stated Daruun. "Have you decided yet which path to take?"

"Before I answer that, I have a few questions," Jack replied. "You said a while back that I should visit Rikko after I'm elected to the council. Is that after the election ends or after I've guaranteed my seat?"

Proudly smiling at his grandson, Daruun nodded. "I'm glad your starting to think like you again. The best time would be after the election ends, but earlier is still doable."

"Then, if after the election is best, that would take up another few months of me physically running the campaign. And that would also interfere with the plan to help Tralon become a god while there's time…" reasoned Jack. "Also, I'd need to be carried alongside Tralon to reach that level as well, thus slowing Tralon's leveling and making the situation more difficult. I could level on my own with my beast companions though, so that could word instead…"

"It seems you're considering everything for this decision. But you're forgetting one important factor."

Perplexed, Jack blinked and scratched his head. "What's that?"

Daruun replied, "Have you asked Tralon his opinion on this?"

Taken aback, Jack asked, "Can't you just tell me his opinion?"

"I can, but it would be better received from his own mouth," reasoned Daruun. "The pace of your journey will hinge on this decision, Jack. Should you push to become a god as quickly as possible, that means you'll be forced to fight the gods sooner. And even if you manage to do so, what might happen to those you care about?

"If the Leisure Guild was invaded by a single lv. 80 expert and that expert managed to kill your wives, what would you do to that expert and the organization he's connected with?"

"I'd destroy them… That's what I'd like to say," replied Jack. "Does that mean you'd prefer I take the other path, the one to help Lunara sooner rather than later?"

"The decision is yours, Jack. But I want to make sure you understand the consequences of both options." Daruun explained, "Either way, you'll eventually be confronted by both factions, but one path is rushed and rushing is the most common factor that creates mistakes in the plans of life. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Well, I can't disagree…" mumbled Jack, still letting his brain run with both ideas. "And there's no other way to keep him alive?"

"Jack, ask Tralon his opinion on the situation and then call me if you disagree," replied Daruun. "If not, then it sounds like you've already made up your mind, right?"

"... Right."

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