The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 386 Kaldor's Humility

Chapter 386 Kaldor“s Humility

Jack lifted his head to find everyone smiling back at him. With a sigh and a smile, Jack ended the meeting and dismissed everyone.

While Jack was opening his skill list to spend his newly earned two thousand skill points, there was a knock at the open door. Jack replied with a glance, "Yes?"

"Master Tralon… I-I mean Master Jack, there's someone here to see you," Ilgor stated, correcting his old habit.

"Who is it? I'm a bit busy."

"Master Jack, it's Kaldor from Golden Haven, sir," Ilgor replied with his head half bowed.

Jack chuckled lightly, finally giving Ilgor his full attention and pausing his focus on the skill list. "Then you can send him here to my office. Also, you don't have to be so formal, Ilgor."

Swallowing some of his nerves, Ilgor stammered, "Thank you, Mas… Th-thank you, Jack."

As Ilgor left to retrieve the impatient guest, Jack took a seat behind his desk. The only people that remained in the room were his party members that had long been separated. And since Jack was about to receive someone, they sat to the side while Jack waited for Kaldor.

At the same time, Jack spent all two thousand skill points in one go. Like he had discussed with Daruun Jack bought one mythic spell, Greater Teleportation, and four peak spells, Greater Replenish, Lesser Teleportation, Spatial Disruption, and Spatial Slash. With two thousand skill points coming and going, Jack felt a rush of excitement to search for more hidden achievements and to earn more legendary rewards.

But that calm excitement was blown over by the Kaldor's shouts as the man neared Jack's office.

"P-please, sir. Don't make a ruckus for the guild master," Ilgor stated, trying to calm Kaldor's nerves.

"Quiet!" shouted Kaldor, finally reaching the open door waiting for him. "I'll close the door, so leave us be!"

Shutting the door behind him with some minor aggression, Kaldor stepped into Jack's office while taking a deep breath, unsure of what was going on or how he should address the situation. "So… you're actually the Legend of Trodar?"

"That's right," replied Jack. "What can I do for you, Kaldor?"

"Were you the one who bought everything at the auction?" questioned Kaldor. "It had to be, so don't deny it. It would make sense for Argyle to know as your father-in-law. Why else would he sell you such expensive items?"

Jack nodded. "I'll say, you're smarter than I gave you credit, but that's my fault since you've proven able to successfully run a large scale guild. Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"You already know about my deal with Quallace and Bikkem, right? What are you going to do about that?"

"To you, nothing. You may have come, but who wouldn't for what they promised. Those two will be made into examples soon, but there's no reason for me to do anything to you," answered Jack. "Also, I'm sure you've heard about Federal City by now, right?"

"... I've heard rumors…" Kaldor stated with a grim expression.

"If you want, I can call in Argyle to explain what he experienced," Jack added.

Eyeing Jack carefully and trying not to speak too loudly, Kaldor asked, "What exactly are your plans? From what I've seen, the Fat Goose has already started building a guild house here. It's as if the entire guild managed to escape Federal City. Was that your doing?"

"Not exactly… I helped them indirectly, but it was the guild that aided the Fat Goose's escape from Federal City," stated Jack. "They managed to not only escape but retain all of their wealth and treasures as well. Soon, auctions will begin here in Gilga like they did in Federal City."

"Then do you know what happened to my guild?" asked Kaldor. "Be straight with me."

Jack nodded but dropped his smile. "Kaldor, I'm afraid that Golden Haven fell alongside many other guilds in that battle."

"So it's true…" Clenching his fist, Kaldor's face tightened in rage. "Since you managed to see it coming, do you know who caused it?"

"I didn't see it coming so soon, Kaldor, we had only prepared for it just in case," admitted Jack. "As for the identity of the culprits, I'm sure you could figure that out by giving it some thought. Who other than the Chaos Syndicate could make such a move?"

"Do you know what they were after?"

"I do," replied Jack, "but that information is on a need-to-know basis."

"I must know--"

"You want to know the who and why so you can try to seek out revenge, right?" reasoned Jack, hitting the nail on the head. "Kaldor, the reason that's on a need-to-know basis is because once you get entangled in this mess, you'll be unable to get out of it. And by yourself, you'll only get killed without bringing a single man with you. I'm sorry but--"

"By the sound of it, you're against them too," Kaldor interjected. "If you're against them, then that would mean I can be considered an ally."

Jack shook his head. "Right now, a single lv. 72 brawler wouldn't be able to offer me much. I've got people that could kill you with the flick of a finger. In terms of strength, I don't see you as anything worth taking a chance on."

Hearing that, Kaldor grimaced for a moment before shaking his head.

"Let me be straight with you," Jack continued. "I'm surprised you're acting so mature. I thought you would be rampaging and shouting louder than ever about what happened."

"It's one thing to be livid for losing during an auction, it's entirely different when you lose your guild. I'm far too angry to let it loose. If I did that, I'd destroy a city block without thinking twice," Kaldor stated with a straight face.

"That makes sense." Jack nodded and looked Kaldor in the eye. "Since you're able to remain collected while we chat, then I'll make you an offer. If you become the Treasurer of the Leisure Guild, then I'll let you in on everything, like I did for Argyle. But once you're in, there's no turning--"

"I'm in. Now tell me."

"But I didn't even finish my warning?" Jack chuckled. "You don't care that you'll be working under someone else? What about your pride as a guild leader?"

"It's because of that pride that I must avenge everyone who dared stand for me and my guild. Rather than retreat with the little they could take away, most remained to guard what they had no hope of retreating with… That loyalty must be repaid before I dare imagine opening another guild," Kaldor stated.

"And considering they overwhelmed my guild so easily and forced both Argyle and Hurmot to flee, I'd imagine the attackers came from an organization that even they couldn't measure up to. Then why shouldn't I ally with a stronger power? I don't think you'd mind me opening a subordinate guild under the Leisure Guild, would you?"

Jack shrugged. "Well… It would probably be fine so long as you train another treasurer to take your place."

"Then the deal is done." Kaldor bowed to Jack before asking, "Now, what was the true reason they attacked? If you could predict such an attack, then there must be some motive you discovered that led you to such a conclusion."

"I'll keep it brief." Jack explained, "The Chaos Syndicate is more than just a shady organization. The syndicate is a puppet organization under the control of the Chaotic Gods and has always been so. They attacked Federal City because that's the base of the Adventurers Association, which is the puppet organization under the Holy Gods. Does that make sense?"

"You mean that after the gods disappeared, they've been waring in secret all along through those two organizations?" Kaldor connected the dots.

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