The Beloved Daughter of the Crime Family, Even After Reincarnation Became the Young Lady of a Gangster Family in an Otome Game!

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

And that’s how I knew for certain

“……….I’m sorry, Leonardo.”

She thought she knew just how much worry she was causing to him. But when she saw him with her own eyes, Francesca realized that she had been taking it far too lightly.

“I’m really sorry. I know I probably frightened you all, and made you desperately look for me………..Wha!?”

“………..You’re moving…”

The strength in the arms enveloped around her body increased and tightened further.

“Your heart’s still beating, and your body’s still warm……….”

One by one Leonardo said those words as he continued to nuzzle his forehead into Francesca’s neck.

It was like a small child asking to be spoiled.



Finally, after a while, he let go of her body and then looked at Francesca’s face.

He was still expressionless, and as he slowly caressed his thumb against Francesca’s lips, he continued to speak.

“……….You are still, breathing…….”


Leonardo had definitely seen a lot of people lose their lives in front of him, she was sure of that.

She tried to apologize again but her words were interrupted by the light of his skill activating.


Part of the cliff that had suffered from the landslide was suddenly blasted away with a loud bursting sound.


As Leonardo took Francesca into an embrace with his left hand as he protected her body with his own, he pointed his right hand towards the cliff.

The hole that had been created by Leonardo’s skill had now become a cave to protect against the rain.

Light flashed again as he activated another skill as pillars of rocks rose from the ground making a protective gate around the cave.

Still embracing Francesca, Leonardo led her into the newly created cave.

“Le, Leonardo!?!”


While still clinging to Leonardo, Francesca still called out his name in a panic. But Leonardo remained silent, and after entering the cave, he didn’t even pause for a moment before turning back towards the tree behind them, and aimed his hand at it.

The flash of light of a skill being activated turned into a flames as it enveloped the tree in its entirety. Probably, Leonardo was burning this tree to send out a smoke signal for others to come here.

(Just how many skills did he use in such a short amount of time!? And it was definitely a combination of a bunch of rare as well as powerful skills as well……!!)

The cliff that seemed like it could fall apart at any moment had no suddenly turned into a very safe cave against the rain. But now was not the time to ask him for details about that stuff.

Leonardo put Francesca back on the ground, and before letting go of his left arm that was embracing her, he activated another skill again.

“This skill………..”

She had seen this one before. Balls of light began to flutter around Francesca as they lightly touched all the places where she had received scratches and cuts.

(The injury exchange skill. The skill Leonardo got from his late father……)

It was only a numerous bunch of small cuts and nothing too serious. And yet, just to heal Francesca, Leonardo had decided it was worth it to take even all those wounds on himself without hesitation.

“……….I’m sorry for always being so selfish. But Leonardo, please tell me one thing…….”

Francesca timidly asked Leonardo who had remained silent still.

“Was the lady from the Ranieri household safe…….?”


Leonardo who was still hugging Francesca exhaled a deep sigh.

“She came back safe and sound………You could have almost died, and yet that’s the first thing on your mind?”

“I-I guess you would get angry over that huh. I did something so dangerous, and made you worry so much. I’m really sorry……..”


Leonardo gently caressed through Francesca’s wet hair.

“I’m not angry at you.”


“What I am angry at are the people that attacked you, and the cliff that almost crushed you.”

“Even the c-cliff!?”

“And above all, I’m angry at myself for letting you carelessly get yourself into such a dangerous situation……..Even though, a world without Francesca is worthless to me.”

He embraced her again but it wasn’t tightly like before.

But that too felt like a plea, from him towards her, it seemed to have this seriousness to it.

“……if you’re going to leave my side, at least, do it after you kill me……..”


As if he was pleading her, praying to her. And hearing that, Francesca couldn’t help but hug Leonardo back.

“I won’t die. I promise you.”

“……..I wonder.”

Leonardo chuckled lightly. And then spoke, perhaps intentionally, in a somewhat teasing manner.

“You surprisingly tend to lie a bunch at times like these.”

“Perhaps so, but still, I want you to believe me that I won’t die.”

Until the end of the game’s end had been achieved, Francesca could not be removed from the scenario.

But if she tried to explain that, Leonardo would still continue to worry for her. So in the end, she ended up making a baseless statement and nothing more.

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